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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Wish I could help (my R53 has both the driving lights and the aero kit) but I didn't do the install, I had the dealer do it.
  2. It's quite simple, really. DCMM refuses to be held legally responsible for what happens at an event we don't organize, particularly if there is driving involved. Since the event isn't a DCM
  3. That's fine - at least they are amber when they light up. What I particularly hate are red turn signals - which is how they came in 1st Gens from 2005 onwards, and how many cars sold here in the USA come.
  4. Yeah, the tail lights are easy to swap out - I swapped my own ones out with the Euro version (with amber turn signals, the way they should be!).
  5. Exactly. There was nothing that could really be done about it, so th
  6. I know! I'm not complaining! I am still amazed at the number and quality of the prizes you amassed, Ali... you definitely raised the bar for a competit
  7. We did! The recorded time showed us 5 minutes off, which was impossible because we had taken the previous timed turn right on the dime per the sheet and our stopwatch. The timeke
  8. Ideally, if you're going to be sitting stationary for any length of time, you should put the car in neutral and take your foot off the clutch.
  9. Well, despite a few minor glitches and hiccups, that was an AWESOME event! BRAVO to all of the hard work by the organizers and volunteers. It is definitely a complicated event to run, but it was absolutely worth it, IMO... both for the fun had
  10. I found a navigator! My friend Alicia (Ally). I actually left her a VM yesterday but wasn't su
  11. I want[/
  12. Ali, Can you please give us an example of the information that will be provided? You don't have to give us one of the actual clues, just a really good idea of what sort of thing to expect. I've done a TSD rally before, and it was never properl
  13. Yep, I ta
  14. until
    <p>It's "Meet & Greet" time! This month will be at MINI of Annapolis in Annapolis, MD</p> <p> </p> <p>No RSVP is needed. Please come join us for a casual get together with both old and new members. </p> <p> </p> <p>Non-members and soon to be members are welcome as well! </p> <p> </p> <p>Google Maps: <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=31+Old+Mill+Bottom+Road,+Annapolis+MD+21401&sll=38.828993,-77.212257&sspn=0.009695,0.016544&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=31+Old+Mill+Bottom+Rd,+Annapolis,+Anne+Arundel,+Maryland+21409&t=h&z=16" rel="external nofollow">MINI of Annapolis</a></p>
  15. It's "Meet & Greet" time! This month will be at MINI of Annapolis in Annapolis, MD No RSVP is needed. Please come join us for a casual get together with both old and new members. Non-members and soon to be members are welcome as well! Goog
  16. That's fine if you're comfortable with doing it yourself, but a lot of MINI owners out there (most of them, I'd venture) would rather pay the extra $20 or so to have someone else do it. Different strokes for different folks!
  17. The tires pictured are included, but as I indicated, they are worn out and should be replaced with the tires of your choice. The old tires are Pirelli Winter 240 SnowSport runflats. They served me very well for 5 winters!
  18. Virginians can also get one through VDOT: VDOT :: E-ZPass
  19. That is the key difference between runflats and non-runflats, and why I choose to continue to use runflats. They have much sharper turn-in, without the "mushiness" of a flexible sidewall. I personally don't give a damn about the harsher ride, the instantaneous, darting directional changes are worth it to me. Since my MINI is a street car, I am less likely to need/use the higher limit of grip of softer non-runflat rubber, than I am of the ability to instantly change lanes or dart around an obstacle. On a track car, it would of course be a different story. Everyone has different priorities.
  20. Edge

    MOTD 2011

    I forget exactly where, but it isn't close to Fontana Village. It's in a "nearby" town. Might have been Maryville, TN.
  21. That was a blast! Thank you to all who came - especially those from Maryland! Next year it will probably be back in Montgomery County again.
  22. I'm selling my 17" S-Lite (R85) wheels, which I was using as my winter set, but now that I've worn the snow tires out, I've decided to go in a different direction. The wheels are in quite good condition, although there are a few minor scrapes. I'm asking $400 for the set. Local sale only (i.e. I'd rather not have to ship them). Brand new MINI center caps will be included (so don't worry about the ones that look worn out). Higher resolution images available on request (I can email them to you). Set of all 4: Wheel 1 close-up: Wheel 2 close-up: Wheel 3 close-up: Wheel 4 close-up:
  23. OK, last Sunday I got my S-Lites (R85) out and cleaned them up. Here they are - as you can see, they are in quite good condition, although there are a few minor scrapes. I'm also going to post these in a "for sale" post. I'm asking $400 for the set. I also have brand new MINI center caps that I will throw in, so don't worry about the ones that look worn out. Set of all 4: Wheel 1 close-up: Wheel 2 close-up: Wheel 3 close-up: Wheel 4 close-up:
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