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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Dan is correct. Laura, you had it backwards. VA's law is no more than 50% on the front passenger windows, and 35% on the rear passenger and boot/trunk. The percentage is the amount of light that is let through, not the amount blocked (100% = no tint, 0% = total block). I personally have 50% all the way around, and I'm pretty happy with it. I had planned to do exactly what the VA law allows, but Carlos suggested blue tint, and I went for it. He only had blue tint in 50%.
  2. You both have good points, but this is the first photo contest that Craig has organized, so there's a learning curve here - go easy on him, guys!
  3. They contributed some money to help with the event, but it was used for other things (like the chairs and tables) and was not specifically earmarked
  4. Carlos really does do an excellent job for a very reasonable price. He gives a discount to DCMM members, and is fond of MINIs. That's probably why his price is so much more reasonable. It may be a bit of a haul to drive out there from NoVA, but IMO it's worth it. He's generally willing to schedule an install for a Saturday, which makes it a lot easier.
  5. Hey everyone! Thanks for all of the great feedback on the 2nd Annual MINIs Take the Beltway. It is very gratifying to know that many of you really enjoyed it. A lot of time and effort was put into making this event happen, most especially by Lau
  6. Stay tuned in the Members area, we have something we need to address with the members before we make any kind of announcements.
  7. Mike, welcome back! Only current (paid) DCMM members are allowed to create new threads in the Marketplace forum (all registered forum accounts can reply/buy from the Marketplace, however). This is done to both ensure a reduction in spam sale posts and also to lend some credibility to the person posting the sale. We'd love to have you join us! Membership fees are only $26/year for singles and $35/year for couples. Memberships are by calendar year, however we are now accepting all new memberships as 2011, since 2010 is almost over.
  8. It's probably worth noting that the date change in the calendar completely wiped out the RSVPs, so people will have to resubmit.
  9. The wheels have been sold.
  10. I can point you to two people who are probably interested. After Jono (TATTRAT) inquired about my S-Lites, I ended up getting two additional people who were interested too! You don't need to remove the tires first (unless of course you wanted to keep them - i.e. if you plan on reusing them).
  11. To clarify Jay's statement, the JCW brace does not cause mushrooming in any way, but it does little to prevent it. I have one on my R53. 1. Vehicle type: R53 2. Mushrooming, torn strut mounts, or both: Both 3. Wheels/tires (e.g., 17" run flats): 18" run flats (3-season), 17" run flats (winter) 4. Any preventive measures (e.g., strut tower plates, braces, or camber plates - please describe make/model): CravenSpeed Under Tower Indurators 5. Have your preventive measures been successful in preventing mushrooming or damaged towers?: Yes on mushrooming, jury out on strut mounts To be clear, I used to use the competing product to the CravenSpeed UTI (MINI Madness' Strut Tower Reinforcement Plates), but I found out the hard way that they are badly designed. The hole in the middle of the MINI Madness ones isn't large enough, and over bumps, the top of the strut mounts would hit them, causing the strut mounts to wear out VERY fast. I switched to the CravenSpeed ones only a few months ago, and I'm hoping that the strut mounts last a lot longer now. Both products have prevented any further mushrooming. The main reason I have bought these products is because they allowed me to keep my JCW Strut Brace - since it's OEM and that's what I was going for. Ultimately, M7's Strut Re-Inforcement Plates or Strut Tower Brace (which includes the plates) is a superior solution, but then your JCW Strut Brace goes to waste (unless you resell it, I suppose).
  12. The wheels are pending sale.
  13. Yep. Corrected.
  14. As far as I know, no difference. A mirror cap is a mirror cap (gen-specific though). Nope. It is an option.
  15. A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Craig and Lona on their wedding! :congrats: I deeply regret that I couldn't attend the run (and surprise wedding), but unfortunately my technical training course simply made it impossible. I'll have to settle for the
  16. Scott - I'm happy to see you're interested - but another member PMed me a little over a week ago with interest in buying them. I've been out of town (just got back), so the other member hasn't even had a chance to look at them yet. Unfortunately I have to give preference to them because they asked first (fair is fair), however if they choose not to take them for some reason, you're second in line! I'll let you know what happens - I contacted them tonight to see about setting up a day and time to come check the wheels out.
  17. OK, I think I've fixed it now. Didn't realize the first name field was set to hidden. :embarassed:
  18. Click on my name (the blue one at the top of my posts), and click View Public Profile. It doesn't show my real name?
  19. ONE E, not two. And YES it -does- have an I. I corrected and bolded it in the quote of your post. You just repeated the mistake, again! It's not hard, and if you aren't sure, you can click on my profile to check. Or shall I start calling you Ally again?
  20. Great job! :congrats: Now if you could just spell my name correctly, we'd really be getting somewhere!
  21. Fixed.
  22. That's fantastic, Will! It'll be great to see you and the family again. How well has BatMINI weathered the pothole-infested roads of Guam?
  23. Absolutely! My favorite kind too! :top:
  24. Well, this one isn't exactly what you wanted, perfect, but at least there's an explosion in it! ->:hello2:
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