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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Katie - I was there to the very end, and I don't recall seeing it. Mind you, at that point in time, I wasn't looking for it either (I didn't know you left it). So sorry that you've lost it!
  2. As some of you are aware, I used to help manage NAM - I was one of the site Administrators (above the moderators) for several years, and amassed almost 6,000 posts there since I first joined the site. Then, in 2008, the privately-owned NAM was sold to a public company named Internet Brands. The site founder (Mark Ferguson) continued to stay involved for a period of time (6-12 months, I forget exactly how long)... probably required as part of the settlement. After that, Mark primarily moved on to other ventures. Since Mark's departure, Internet Brands has proven to be "much less involved" in the community aspects of NAM, and primarily motivated with maintaining profits. Jacking up advertising rates while at the same time not being particularly responsive or helpful to resolving sensitive community disputes, establishing policy guidelines and fixing technical problems is not a good way to continue to maintain a vibrant and healthy forum. NAM had such a large community though, that many people stayed on anyway, and continue to stay, despite the change in management. It's one of those sites that will probably never truly "die" until it's taken down. It also has by far the richest "knowledge base" of MINI facts and helpful information, due to the millions of posts over the years. That searchable database is and will continue to be a goldmine for useful tips and facts, long after the active participant numbers drop considerably. In 2009 a new, privately-owned, competing forum called Motoring Alliance was born out of many of the frustrations over how NAM was managed. That site has grown quite well - many people (though not all, of course) have moved over to it. It doesn't have the huge historical post database that NAM has, of course... but it does have a much more "grassroots" feel to it, owned and operated solely by diehard MINI fans, not bean counters. As for me, I never really "quit" NAM in a formal sense, I just decided I was tired of dealing with it all, especially when I didn't feel like IB "had my back". My life also got really busy... and I decided to focus most of the energy I had for MINI-related matters just to DCMM. It is also for much of the same "lack of support" and "advertising is their only priority" reasons that the board of DCMM decided in 2009 that it was time for the club to depart NAM too, in favor of these very forums here (Full disclosure: yes, I was also on the DCMM board at the time, and I was one of the people who encouraged and supported the move - it was still a board decision though). So there you have it - a brief, summarized history of "what happened to NAM". :top:
  3. That was fun! Thanks in particular to the folks who did so much of the hardest work - grocery shopping, setting up and grilling in particular. Yeah, you know who you are. Thank you for an awesome job. :congrats: Thank you also to the people who patiently kept moving their MINIs for some neat photo shoots - we hope to put some of the better shots up on the website soon (in the banner at the top). :top: One other thing - when packing up at the end of the day, I found that someone had left a camera case on the table in the shelter. The case was empty (except for a Harris Teeter receipt from that morning for macaroni salad and potato salad, amongst other things), but I saved it and took it home. It's a small black case, the brand name is "Lowepro". If it's yours, let me know and I'll bring it to the next (mutual) event.
  4. Unfortunately, nobody else wanted to take it on. A shame, too - you set up a really good run, Glenn! :top: Hopefully we'll still do it in the Fall as Laura has suggested. Much appreciated! It's very important info if the run was still happening.
  5. It was to be the same run - I helped Laura navigate for a practice run of it a few weeks ago. However, due to time constraints that Laura has already posted about, we are not doing a proper run tomorrow. I'm not sure if the caravan using the ferry is a "run" or not, but it isn't the same thing as originally planned.
  6. :hahaha: :sleep:
  7. Sounds delicious, except for the unsweetened part. I don't suppose you could make some of each? :angel:
  8. I happen to have an extra set of 18s (R95s - the original JCW wheels)... but I'm not sure that I want to part with them yet. I've been hoping that at some point, one of the tire manufacturers will make appropriate 18" snow tires!
  9. Edge

    Tech Day

    Keith - that was awesome. Thanks again. You sure have a very nice setup there!
  10. :top: :rock:
  11. Edge

    Tech Day

    Just a heads up for those heading to Keith's tomorrow... Keith's address is roughly SSW from Manassas, VA (Google Maps link). That means many people will be likely planning to drive from I-66 through Manassas on Route 28S, or through Bull Run on Route 234S. From yesterday (Thursday) through this coming Sunday, Manassas is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and the Battle of First Manassas (Bull Run). It will almost certainly be very crowded. I would recommend allowing additional travel time and/or planning alternate routes that do not drive through or near Manassas or Bull Run, if you can help it. It's for this reason I think I'm going to brave I-95S down to Dumfries and North from there Route 234 instead. That way I won't be entering Manassas nor Bull Run at all. The other option for me is to take the scenic route through the middle (through Burke, towards Clifton, using Route 645 to start off). I'm not sure yet - but the point is, plan accordingly! Here are some websites on the event: Planned Events and Activities - Manassas Civil War Commemorative Event American Civil War Anniversary – Reenactment Battle of Manassas Bull Run - Prince William, Virginia Virginia Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the American Civil War
  12. Well, for starters, I never drive barefoot! I can't stand how it feels.
  13. 6+ years in my 1st Gen, mine has never come off. :dontknow:
  14. :angel:
  15. Non-RF tires are the most significant way to smooth the ride of the car, so I think you'll find they make all the difference. That does come at a price though - the steering won't be quite as direct/responsive/gokart-like. That doesn't mean it will suddenly feel like you're driving a boat, but it will definitely feel different. Many people consider the trade-off to be well worth it, so you'll be in good company.
  16. It sounds like the amp is acting up - if it persists, take it in to the dealer... your warranty should cover a replacement amp. Incidentally, I believe that in all MINIs with a dedicated amp (H/K, DPSM), the amp is powered on whenever the car is on, even if you turn off the head unit. That is why you still heard the popping sounds with the head unit turned off.
  17. Nice! :top:
  18. LOL... for the record... none of my decals are brand names. I refuse to advertise for a company other than MINI itself (I haven't removed the OEM badges... ).
  19. I really like the sound of the "Big Truck" one... it's a shame that it isn't as loud as the other two.
  20. Welcome Kristen! We all hope to meet you at the next event!
  21. Kristina - I can confirm for you that Bridgestone Potenza G 019 Grid tires are "High Performance All-Seasons", not snow tires. However, since it's May, you'd have plenty of time to swap the tires out for snow tires.
  22. I love Rhodesian Ridgebacks (had one growing up) and I'm a big fan of the song Black Betty - particularly the Ram Jam and Spiderbait versions!
  23. Nope - there have been 4 other black MINI colors: Absolute Black, Cosmos Black, Jet Black and Midnight Black. :rock:
  24. Folks - this event is dangerously close to being cancelled or postponed due to lack of interest. At the moment, we only have 4 teams confirmed as participating in the event - not enough to make it worthwhile. Our esteemed president, Laura Dunlop (GreenCactus) has put a lot of hard work into this event, and it would be a real shame to not have it. This is one of the most exciting and INTENSE events we have all year! If you can make it but need a navigator (or are willing to be one), please say so in the RSVP. We can make it work! :top: Also, if you can think of ANYONE else who would also like to do this (no, they don't have to have a MINI), please let them know! Let's make this work!
  25. A gain of over 12hp, yet only a gain of 1 lb/ft torque? That's a strange set of numbers - glad you are happy though!
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