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Everything posted by Edge

  1. You mean the KITT Kit? Original (Pontiac Trans-Am): 2008 remake (Ford Shelby GT500KR Mustang):
  2. Laura - I just sent my request via PM, as instructed. :top:
  3. Actually their main specialty are Subaru WRX & STIs, I think. Of course, Dan @ Mach V is a DCMM vendor so I'm sure he'll speak for himself when he sees this thread.
  4. Welcome to the DCMM Forums, Allen! We hope you join the club, too.
  5. Hmmmm... :evil:
  6. I just replied to your PM.
  7. Don't use 89. Use at least 91, if not 93. It's what the car is designed for!
  8. Yep! It was in the 2011 LCI (Refresh): MotoringFile » Archive » 2011 MINI Refresh: the Burble is Back
  9. Actually... the factory-tuned ECU-tuned pop and burble was first introduced with the tech refresh in the 2005 MINIs. Mine has it too. However, after many new MINI owners complained to the dealerships that they thought there was something wrong with the car, MINI decided to remove it again when the R56 was released. Therefore I can confirm that all 2005 and 2006 Cooper Ses (not sure about JustaCoopers) have the pop and burble. I am not sure if they continued the pop and burble in the 2007 and 2008 Cabrio (R52) though. So yes, Tigger does have pop and burble... and therefore the new exhaust is magnifying it. Ali... you're dead on the money.
  10. Thoroughly clean the inside of the windshield, as in: use a glass cleaner. Also ensure the LightInSight is completely clean before applying it. A little bit of moisture (water is fine) on the LightInSight before applying it could help too.
  11. If you can swing it, I strongly encourage you not to give away, cut up nor throw away your old exhaust until you have been on a decent-length highway road trip in Tigger. I have known people before who have swapped to an aftermarket exhaust, loved it at first, but ultimately hated the added noise on a highway trip. Some people even switched back to stock! This is a especially a potential issue for convertibles. I'm not saying this will necessary happen to you, but I'd hate for you to get rid of the old one quickly and later regret it. Just make sure you'll never want to go back. You haven't even had it 24 hours yet!
  12. Craig - while I agree with you that 55s are plush, 195/55R16 is the stock 16" MINI tire size, so Catalina should know that deviating from that without making the proper adjustments will cause her speedometer (and therefore also her odometer) to lose accuracy. Catalina - the "55" that Craig talks about is one of the key measurement numbers for tires. It is the "ratio" number - the ratio between the tire's height and its width. Since it's a ratio and not a direct measurement, you have to take the first number (which is the tire width) into account. Therefore, a 195/55 tire is 195mm wide with a (195 x 55% =) 107.25mm sidewall height. Now, if you want to go to a more "aggressive" ratio, say a 45 instead of a 55 (at Craig's suggestion), the problem with buying a 195/45 tire is that the sidewall will shrink to (195 x 45% =) 87.75mm. This in turn will reduce the tire's circumference.... which means your speedo will be off by 6.3% compared to your original 195/55R16 tire size. For example, when your speedo says 60mph, you'll actually be travelling at 56.2mph. The way you can compensate for this is choosing a wider tire, so the circumference (and your speedo and odometer) stays roughly the same. The closest "45 ratio" match to a 195/55R16 tire to keep the circumference the same is a 235/45R16. That's a 40mm wider tire... very "meaty" for a MINI. The next issue is "are your existing 16" wheels wide enough to handle a 235mm tire"? In short, while I understand Craig's dislike for tires with any more than a 45 ratio (aka "45 series"), I recommend sticking with 195/55R16 size, unless you're willing to move up to 17" or 18" wheels instead. ...but if you don't care about your speedometer and odometer being wrong, then ignore me. One last thing - a very handy tool for playing around with tire size changes is this Tire size calculator (requires the Java runtime installed on your computer).
  13. MINI owners in other cars are still welcome, you know...
  14. I still have it... but I still want to sell it as a set (including speakers and speaker grills). I just haven't bothered to put it up for sale again.
  15. Done. :top: Here's how it works: Go to the actual YouTube link (not youtu.be or anything silly like that) Copy and paste the video code. This is usually at or near the end of the link, after ?v= although you want to leave out anything after the code (e.g. your original link ended up with &feature=youtu.be on the end, after the code. Leave that stuff out - the & and everything after it). Use the button and paste the video code in the middle Done! Note: Some videos on YouTube have embedding disabled. If that's the case, you'll have to post the link to it instead. Annoying but it happens.
  16. The way I read the info in that link: The JCW Aero Kit and JCW Exhaust System are separate purchases. My guess is that you only have the JCW Aero Kit right now, and the stock exhaust (i.e. not JCW). The JCW Aero Kit includes new exhaust tips (same info that I already gave you from MINIUSA) The JCW Exhaust System (separate purchase) comes with new exhaust tips too, but those tips are not compatible with the JCW Aero Kit... you just have to use the existing Aero Kit tips instead To me, this means that you should be able to continue to use your existing Aero Kit tips if you replace your stock exhaust system, regardless of whether you buy an aftermarket exhaust or upgrade to the JCW exhaust itself.
  17. I'm no expert on the 2nd Gen stuff (particularly the Countryman), but it seems to me that since this is a JCW Aero Kit, that at some point MINI is likely to offer a JCW exhaust - particularly once the JCW Countryman comes out. That being said, the description on the MINIUSA website for the Countryman JCW Aero Kit states: So, since "bigger exhaust pipe tips" are part of the package, it seems to me that they attach/detach from the rest of the exhaust, and you may be able to re-use them with another exhaust system.
  18. Hah! The thing is, it's just that one song (Pumped Up Kicks) I can't stand. I heard their other single on the radio the other day, and I didn't mind it. That one song would keep me away from the concert anyway, unless I was being paid and got to bring earplugs.
  19. As she's the only club member (and probably only person?) who has been to every MOTD since it started, it seemed a tribute was fitting.
  20. Interesting video - there's a lot going on with that Dashcommand app! Thanks for sharing. No criticism on Adele... she's an amazing talent. I took more issue with the Foster The People song (I HATE that song with a passion... makes me want to jab pencils in my ears... thank God for mute!). Catalina - I've done one better... converted it into an embedded video. :top:
  21. Jeff - since the engine in the Countryman S is exactly the same as that in the R56 Cooper S, I expect that any ECU chip for the R56 upgrades will work just the same.
  22. I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one, Jono... I find Pelican Parts to be a good, quick way to get a "roughly dealer price" quote or even "more expensive than the dealer" quote... but it's quick and easy to use so it serves a purpose. Case in point... I'm currently planning for a big ticket OEM item for my MINI. I have looked into prices for it. Note this is for a single MINI part number: Pelican Parts: $2320.25 MINI of Sterling: $2263.65 MINI of Alexandria: $2263.65 MINI of Morristown: $2037.29 Classic MINI of Ohio: $1754.33
  23. Yeah, a definite downside to the factory H/K in 1st Gens. Those replacement amps aren't cheap.
  24. Oh I can't wait... I just need to find a partner in crime. :evil:
  25. Members - check the Clubhouse forum please.
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