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Everything posted by Edge

  1. They are awesome. Expensive, but absolutely worth it for track days, autocross, runs, the Dragon... Once you get the mounts installed, the belts themselves can be installed or removed in just a few minutes. They are street legal, but not really comfortable for regular street and highway driving. I only use mine for more "spirited" events.
  2. Nonsense... there are no dumb questions, only dumb (incorrect) answers.
  3. LOL - shorter responses always get in first!
  4. Ryan, I hate to break it to you... although your buddy at work was indeed very correct, your car doesn't have a supercharger, it has a turbocharger. All 1st Gen Ses came with superchargers, and all 2nd Gen Ses come with turbochargers. So the pulley upgrade is only valid with 1st Gen MINIs. That being said, you can still get some nice gains with 2nd Gens by upgrading the intake, the exhaust, and getting a good tune, like from Jan (Revolution Motor Works), as is happening tomorrow and Saturday at Mach V. I believe there are other notable upgrades, but I am not a 2nd Gen guru... so I'll leave that to those that are.
  5. I am definitely in - but I haven't RSVPed yet because I'm still trying to sort out who my teammate will be.
  6. ROFL - I love it! I only wish we could indeed hear Ali's voice (a PG-13 version?). Thanks to Celia and Craig for their use of the GoPro and the video editing, respectively, and to Ali for being such a good sport. Incidentally, my MINI's name is actually "Mr. OEM", in spite of the SUV2BIG license plate.
  7. I have to finish the work tonight first! I actually confirmed by looking at his user profile. Also, I should have known anyway since I just recently offered Saad (Isadinho) a ride in my MINI so he could see what the RMW tune feels like in a 1st Gen. Yup - I am blaming the lack of sleep. :embarassed:
  8. I'm just super tired. Worked a 17 hour day yesterday - got home at around 4:30am. :stoned:
  9. Doh! Serves me right for not paying full attention. :stupido3:
  10. I just sent a reminder to a friend who I know at one point was interested in a tune for his MINI, and possibly his wife's Clubman as well. Just trying to help you guys make your quota!
  11. Hmm - this sounds a lot like the failing fuel pump problem that our esteemed President (GreenCactus / Laura) just had with her MINI, Cricket. She took it in for service this week, they replaced the fuel pump (I believe the warranty has been extended for this specific issue), and the problem has gone away. Of course, the only way to know for sure is to have a real MINI mechanic look at it!
  12. Likewise, I would like to help you Jim... but I can't help on Friday. If you manage to get the last Saturday slot (that just opened up today), I may be able to take Nigel for you!
  13. Since you have a 1st Gen, you'll probably want a demo from another 1st Gen. I'll be happy to do that for you. Note though that I also have the JCW Tuning Kit and the GP Intercooler, so that might exaggerate it for you a little (if you don't have any mods). However, if you have the 15% pulley, CAI and possibly an improved exhaust, your results will end up being about the same overall power as mine (just a little less "smooth").
  14. Jim - I'm pretty sure it has to be a 2011 model. That's the "refreshed" model year, where MINI changed some things compared to 2007-2010. Much in the same way that the 1st Gens were refreshed in the 2005 model year.
  15. Awesome, congratulations! Scroll down too - Ali and TGGRRR are on the page as well!
  16. Welcome! You definitely should come meet up with us at our next event - however a large number of us are going to be out of town next week at MINIs on the Dragon - the largest (or at least one of) grassroots MINI gatherings in the country. It's a blast! :motor: P.S. As Ali indicated - nice red shoes to match your MINI! :top:
  17. Edge


    If you know the part number(s) you want, you could try ordering directly from Europe...
  18. It's the single most significant power bump you can make. It's absolutely worth it. The only catch... if you plan on making more power mods (in terms of actual parts), it's probably best to wait until after you have those mods installed, then get the tune. Otherwise you'll want a re-tune after installing the mods. To quote myself from when I had my MINI tuned (at last year's RMW/Mach V tuning day): That's on my 1st Gen MCS w/JCW kit (and GP intercooler). Craig (cmcveay) stated that his gain with his 2nd Gen MCS was a 13% gain in horsepower and 7% gain in torque. Don't hesitate. You won't regret it! :motor: Here's video of one of my dyno runs on the tuning day:
  19. I won't be there on time, but at the moment I'll still be there - and bringing an Aussie friend who is visiting.
  20. Ali - I'm pretty sure that Alan meant the small silver piece at the center of the needle. Not the needle itself... the part that the needle attaches to!
  21. Well, if designing network systems is an artform... my brain is totally wired for logic... things that make sense.... A+B=C, etc. not art! There you go! Start researching airbrush equipment!
  22. Haha... now I've got you thinking! Who knew I wouldn't only be a "bad influence" on MINI stuff but on artsie stuff too? (I am totally non-artistic, although I thoroughly appreciate art as an observer)
  23. OK that's cool, Ali. I wasn't knocking what you did, it really does look great! I was only curious. I was also thinking ahead that you could become DCMM's "paint your MINI trim" expert.
  24. Perhaps that can be a new adventure? Learning how to paint stuff with metallic paint? The guy who MoS farms this out to (and who did mine) has explained that he has to use a heat gun shortly after applying, because if the paint isn't dried quickly, it runs because it is so heavy from the metal flakes. As for concern about copying me, I wouldn't have minded one bit! :top:
  25. It looks good! :congrats: I'm glad I could inspire you. Curious question though... why didn't you go for actual Hot Orange paint?
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