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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Have you looked at the JCW sport suspension? It does exactly what you are asking, and I think it's a really awesome DD setup with a slight lowering of the car and a solid, notable handling improvement. It's probably the most underrated of the JCW options. Just something to consider - it didn't seem like you had.
  2. You mean because it's not orange?
  3. I can almost guarantee that the Mini-Fini product is the strongest (i.e. best built) product. The current models of the Sport-Link (the base of the entire system) are rated for a higher towing class than the MINI itself! (in other words... your MINI will break before it does, when trying to tow something)
  4. Yeah, you have to be a club member to post attachments, sorry! Welcome to the DCMM Forums! I hope you love John Bull, and I look forward to meeting you and your new baby at an event soon. We hope you consider joining as a member!
  5. That was a blast! What a great movie, riveting from beginning to end! Thanks again to Tyler for the whole idea. I'm sorry I didn't make it to the group dinner but it just wasn't going to work for me logistically. I didn't even leave work until almost 8pm! Don't worry Katie, because it's based upon a true story, there aren't really any spoilers to give. I am sure that you and Paul will thoroughly enjoy it.
  6. I purchased my ticket too. Annoyed at the additional "convenience fee", but oh well.
  7. Count me out for dinner then. Too early for me (over 3 hours before the movie!), and too far from the movie theater. I'll probably stop by Hops for a late dinner (~8:30 or 9pm), after the main dinner rush, and I'll see you guys at the movie theater at 10:30!
  8. Ali - I just enabled the guests. Tyler (and everyone else who creates an event) - whenever you set up a new event, it defaults to not allowing people to RSVP with ride-along guests (i.e. 0 guests). You have to change it to allow guest RSVPs. I generally recommend allowing up to 3 guests per RSVP, as that's how many passengers can fit in a MINI. I wish I could change it so that it always defaults to 3 when creating an event, but it isn't so easy to do that.
  9. I'm pretty sure you mean the 34R. I'll have to check my paperwork tonight to be sure... but yes, I have an Optima Red Top in my R53. There's only one catch - it's a shorter battery than the factory one, so you'll need to put something underneath it to raise it up higher to reach the battery wires. Something solid, like wood.
  10. Welcome to the DCMM forums, Lawry! It's nice to see that you're already getting to know some of the folks. We hope you enjoy our club enough to consider joining as a member. :top: I hope to meet you at an event soon!
  11. Hello Jorge, and welcome to the DCMM forums! Congratulations on your new (to you) MINI. I'm sure you'll find that DCMM is a great local resource for questions and information on these fantastic little cars. If you like what you see here and enjoy participating in club events, you should consider joining the club as a member, too! :top:
  12. Yep, it's still on the 21st. All finalized events are always posted in the event calendar (click Calendar in the top menu row).
  13. Not a fan... they look like wheel covers for steel wheels IMO.
  14. Everyone - if you have a 1st Gen and you don't have one of these, BUY IT. It's a really nice addition, and gives you a bit more storage space, which is always nice. They stopped shipping these to the USA a long time ago, which is why they are hard to get now. Sean - does it include the rubber mat? I know you copied the reference to it in the description from Minimania, but it's always good to be sure.
  15. I had a great time at the picnic yesterday - it was good to see you all! I'm sorry if I didn't get a chance to talk some of you as much as I would have liked... bringing Guinness is fun but it certainly keeps me more occupied.
  16. Nope, but I fixed it now. :top: (You had the right idea with the video ID code, but you also had font formatting codes in there for some reason (for bold and color), and that broke it) Also, I enabled guest RSVPs... so if you're bringing someone, don't forget to account for them too!
  17. I got one today. Not surprised, but I will be annoyed if they keep calling.
  18. Thanks. The full name of the group is: MINI Parts Buy, Sell, Trade To be clear, here's the status of the group: It looks like anyone who is in it can invite anyone else. I'm not sure if you can join without being invited, because Steph sent an invite to me before I had a chance to do so. If anyone else who uses FB is interested in joining the page, give it a try. Here's the description of the group:
  19. Is it a private / invite-only group that's hidden from public view, or is it a public group (even if it requires an admin to approve joining it)? If it's a public group, can you just post the URL?
  20. What FB group would this be?
  21. Yes, but not for an embedded image link. You have to link directly to the image itself in order for embedded image links to work in the forums.
  22. OK, after seeing Steph's post, I decided to do a thorough test. Normally I use Firefox to browse DCMM, and I was seeing the image. So I tried the following: Chrome - failure IE - failure Opera - failure Safari - failure The above results made me suspicious, because there's no good reason why it should work in Firefox but none of the above 4. That's when I thought "maybe it worked earlier, but it's still in Firefox's cache?". Sure enough... I cleared Firefox's cache, and now it doesn't show up there either. So the true answer is that it used to work earlier today, now it doesn't. Jono - I think that's happening to you too. If you clear your browser's cache and then refresh the page, you'll probably see it fail. Something about the Flickr link you used worked earlier today, but doesn't now.
  23. It must be something wrong with your ISP then, because I can still see it (from my work connection).
  24. I can see it too. Proof: It's an extreme close up (I guess the term is macro?) photo of a fly. You can even see the individual tiny spots that make up its eyes. I don't know why Michael & Ali can't see it, but it works for me! (and it has since you first posted it, before Michael & Ali's posts). You didn't do anything wrong when you posted it. :top:
  25. We have a plugin on our forums here that automatically resizes embedded image links to fit the screen of the person browsing... and the user has the option to click a message bar at the top to see the "full size" version if they really want to. So don't be bashful about using the "Insert Image" feature if you like!
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