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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Hey folks... I just wanted to give you an advance "heads up" about one additional thing we are doing this year. Every Spring Fling for the past 5 years, the good folks at the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department have been very kind to us in allowing us to use their "facilities" for our afternoon rest stop. In that area (Philomont, VA), there really aren't any other options. Although there is a general store right next door where you can buy snacks, they don't let customers use their bathroom. However, the Philomont VFD has always given us a warm welcome, without getting anything from us in return. This year, as a small gesture of gratitude for their past and ongoing support, the DCMM board voted to donate $100 to the VFD, and we will be presenting them with a check on Sunday during the rest stop. Optionally, if any of you folks attending would like to add to the total (contribute additional funds to the donation), please let our esteemed Treasurer Ali (TGGRRR) know, and give her the extra funds by lunchtime on Sunday. She will add those to the total for the check. I want to stress that this is completely optional, and nobody is going to be strongarmed into donating. I may mention it at the driver's meeting, but that will be it. Thanks!
  2. What color is the Countryman? Light White? Light Coffee? Or some other color? A few of us have had Countryman loaners lately, just wondering which one.
  3. It's the same list, just posted in 2 ways... alphabetical, and by registration count.
  4. Steph - Ali said manual mode, which is not the same as manual. Every MINI automatic has the ability to run in manual mode, which means you can still select which gear you want to be in. :top:
  5. Nonsense... Justas can handle just as well as Ses. Even better in fact (with the same suspension), because they are lighter. Don't let a Justa get you down!
  6. Hey folks! A quick update: In order to help with the sudden kitchen demand when we show up on Sunday, Griffin Tavern has set us up with a (mostly) set menu, with traditional fare, including a special sandwich they are creating just for us! If the sandwich is popular and well received, it may become a permanent part of the menu! The MINI Cooper Cold Roast Beef, English Cheddar, Onion Chutney, Arugula And Horseradish Sauce on (tbd) Shepherd’s Pie Fish and Chips Bangers and Mash Burger, choice of cheese There will also be salads available, and there is a kids menu for the few kids who will be joining us. Speaking of... it appears we have 3 kids? (coming with: nharrison21, NYRican_MC40 and George). The good news is that I have their permission to convert the "50 people" limit to "50 adults"... which means that we can squeeze 3 more adults in! Woohoo! I am opening up the RSVPs again until we hit 53. Good number, I think (i.e. R53). Looking forward to Sunday!
  7. Good video find, thanks Tyler! Note that some of the roads they showed in it are not the actual Dragon but rather the Hellbender (Rt 28)... not that it really matters because that's an awesome road too. I really appreciated that none of the MINIs in the video crossed the double yellow! :top:
  8. Here's a nice little video of Killboy doing his thing on the Dragon last Saturday: (it was supposed to be 12 minutes long but it got cut short somehow, to 7:34)
  9. We've hit 50 again, so the RSVPs are once again closed.
  10. Update: one slot left!
  11. Very sorry to hear about your MINI misfortune, Michael. Thanks for letting us know so that others can participate. I have removed you from the RSVP list. The Spring Fling RSVPs have now been re-opened. There are 4 slots left! They will be closed again when we hit 50.
  12. LOL - nice one, Tyler. :top:
  13. Time to pull up the web browser.
  14. The event itself wasn't set up with a time (in the calendar). The time of "noon" is simply in the event description text... in the first sentence.
  15. The first sentence says noon, so 12pm I guess.
  16. Spotted last night in the parking lot at Sweetwater Tavern in Merrifield, VA - an R56 LB/B with Maryland license plates: LUV DNB. Tagged it!
  17. You posted in the thread over 3 weeks ago, but RSVPs didn't actually open until this past Sunday.
  18. ...and that's all she wrote. We've hit the limit of 50, and RSVPs are now closed. If any of the Yeses drop out (please post here or let me know directly if that happens), I'll re-open the RSVPs again until we get back to 50. I'm sorry we had to cap it folks! As for the "Maybes", I'm sorry but if you end up wanting to come, you'll have to hope that some of the Yeses drop out.
  19. Only two slots left now!
  20. Thanks Tyler! :top: Steph - April 21 is a Monday next year, so that won't happen. Good chance that I'll pick either Saturday April 19 or Sunday April 20 next year... but we're getting way ahead of ourselves!
  21. So last night I looked around and I found my Waldo costume. So far, nobody has asked if they can use it... it's very simple (shirt, beanie, fake glasses), and fun! I'll bring it anyway, in case anyone decides they want to use it last minute.
  22. Note that there are only 6 "Yes" slots left! RSVPs will be closed when it hits 50. Also, note that people still on the fence (i.e. "Maybe") will not be able to join the run once the Yeses hit 50. Sorry folks, I can only count firm committals. :embarassed: :angel:
  23. HAH! Don't start false rumors now! :hmpf: :reddy:
  24. Oh God... not again! Well... OK, maybe a little, mixed with Mountain Dew.
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