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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Skimming again?
  2. Edge

    Post Holiday Party

    No, I traded at the very end for the Amazon cards you brought, remember?
  3. Edge

    Post Holiday Party

    I have a late-breaking +2 to add to the RSVPs... a new MINI friend named Joe that I happened to meet at PMoA a few weeks ago. He's not a member yet but I'm confident he'll fit in well with us. He's going to come by with a friend of his. Let's be sure to make him feel welcome!
  4. Edge

    Post Holiday Party

    Mmm... that sounds really good. Why not make 2 batches - one for Mark, one for the party! Just make sure Mark knows that the party batch is off limits.
  5. Welcome to the DCMM Forums, Catia! It's always nice to see new faces.
  6. There is some old, painful and unfortunate history between DCMM and Behe Performance (formerly known as Lucky Dog Garage). I will not dive into it on the public forums, but it is regrettable. I will say this much though - Mr. John Behe is very talented at what he does.
  7. Welcome to the DCMM Forums, Bill & Kerry! :top:
  8. Edge


    Welcome to the DCMM forums, Clay (and Christina)! We look forward to meeting you at an event soon, and we hope you consider joining the club, too! :top:
  9. Oh, you mean this one? Dealer Poker Run Bear in mind that at the time, MINI of Montgomery County didn't yet exist... or else I would have made it to that one too. :angel:
  10. Assuming that's the one, her name is Jennifer and her username is also Sproutt.
  11. I just talked to Alan - it wasn't them. WHEW!
  12. What color? I hope it's not a Space Blue/Silver one. Alan (Scavenger) lives right near there (at the other end of Wakefield Chapel, by Braddock).
  13. +1 to all of the comments above. Tyler - I just want to say that although it seems harder due to the accommodation issue, trust me, it's absolutely worth the effort to get to MOTD. You and Sara won't regret it - you'll want to come every year... and most of us who have been once, now do. Don't give up!
  14. I may be mistaken, but I think Chris was asking what you are trading your MINI in for. What car? I was wondering the same thing myself.
  15. Yes, I know that owner. His name is Sam - he's a former DCMM member. :top:
  16. Don't worry about the 0.4 mph difference. That's small enough for it not to really matter. The 4 main OEM sizes on non-R60 MINIs are: 175/65R15 195/55R16 205/45R17 205/40R18 There are also these other OEM exceptions to the above 4: 205/60R16 (only on the R60) 205/55R17 (only on the R60) 215/40R17 (only on the GP2) 225/45R18 (only on the R60) A few dealers do a lot of mail order / remote sales of OEM parts at a notable discount from the average dealer. Like a 20% discount. Classic MINI of Ohio and Morristown MINI come to mind. :top:
  17. +1 on that. I'll be happy to assist with the pickup and return delivery of Li'ili'i Ka'a if the need arises... especially since I won't be getting any PDR on my own MINI. I'll be free and clear to help! :top:
  18. Welcome Tyler! Looking forward to seeing the Elise at a future event! :top:
  19. Welcome to our forums, Sara! It was great to meet you and Tyler at MINI of Sterling. We hope you consider joining the club, too!
  20. Another benefit... as I understand it, that is how your keyfob gets recharged. If you never ever put it in the dash, eventually the battery inside will be empty and the buttons won't work any more. I may be wrong, but that's how I believe it is.
  21. Hilary - most of what you need to know is at http://www.minisonthedragon.com - and we can help you fill in what isn't!
  22. There are other ways to tell. I'll take a look when I next see him. Side note - I don't suppose you have one of the original build sheets for Tigger? Every new MINI came with 2 copies (at least with the 1st Gens). I realize you bought Tigger used, but I thought that maybe the original owners had left one or both of the build sheets in the glove box.
  23. 1st Gen MINIs came with two wiper options - standard or auto. As mentioned by Nick & Michael above, you can easily tell if your MINI has the rain sensing wipers if your windshield has a bluish/purplish square in the center of the windshield at the top (right in front of the rear view mirror). I think it is one of the best options available on a MINI - I love having it on mine. Unfortunately, I don't think it's easy/reasonable to retrofit if your MINI doesn't have the feature. The one downside to this feature though is that the replacement windshields are more expensive than the "standard" ones.
  24. A reminder to previous MTTB participants... if you still have your window-mounted USA flags, please bring them with you again tomorrow. We don't have many extras to hand out this year, unfortunately.
  25. That's because it was posted in the Member's area. In the public interest though, I'll go ahead and paste in the contents of the post here: A common question... Specifics are important... rather than re-type the same info again, I'll re-use one of my old posts: Note that the quality control on the Cobra units has been an issue sometimes though, with one or both sometimes not working out of the package. Warranty returns are obviously key in this case. If you get a working pair though, they are very good.
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