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Everything posted by Edge

  1. A little variety is a good thing too. Uno's, for example. Also, I believe there's a brand new restaurant further up Gallows that is supposed to be nice. I'll look into it.
  2. So far, with recent visits, I've had more success with the weird Sears location directly across from Dogfish Head Alehouse on Rt. 7 (I swear this is not part of the "beer plan"!) than I have with the Landmark mall one. I imagine that other locations might be even better in terms of what they keep in stock.
  3. If mutual scheduling permits, I'll be happy to help. I don't drink coffee though. Note that Sears stores can be notoriously hit or miss in terms of whether they'll have what you need in stock. If they are missing something, your options are to drive to another Sears store or simply order what you need and wait for it.
  4. Oh yeah, one more thing to add... you'll find two common drive sizes of torque wrench and sockets - 3/8" and 1/2". I recommend 1/2", because again, it's stronger. Note that you have to buy your wrench and sockets with the same drive size, or the socket won't fit onto the wrench.
  5. I am not 100% sure, but I think the 1st Gens are supposed to be torqued "85-90" ft lbs. I always torqued to 88 when I swapped out my wheels. Also, as Laura indicated, you don't need a full socket set, you only need a 17mm one. I recommend a "deep" version (they are a longer tube) to more easily clear your wheels without the wrench making contact with the wheel. Also, if you want to go double duty and use it with an powered impact wrench like the one that Craig owns - I also bought a cordless one of my own recently), then don't buy a regular socket, buy an impact socket. They are much stronger & more durable, able to handle the power of an impact wrench. Finally, you will probably see choices of 6 pt vs. 12 pt - pt stands for "point". I recommend buying a 6 point, because they are stronger. 12 point are a tiny bit easier to use, because there are twice as many positions when sliding the socket onto the wheel bolt... but the walls of the 12 points are thinner and therefore less durable.
  6. I'm very happy with my Sears one. They have a good selection.
  7. I think the plates are from South Carolina. Check for yourself - the pics start on page 38 of the "__Minis BEFORE 1pm" section of Saturday, May 4 of Killboy's photo store. Technically pics 1564 through 1570 in that set. (Killboy makes it difficult to link directly to the pics)
  8. Considering how badly he crossed over just on that one, I seriously doubt it. A shame...
  9. Uhh... I already posted that earlier in your "DO NOT OPEN THIS THREAD" thread. :top: Too bad that the idiot in the white Countryman behind you couldn't keep it inside the lines... (don't worry, I checked the Killboy shots, it isn't one of ours - they're from another state)
  10. He was. He passed by at 3:30 on the video. It's the white Countryman that came right after him that completely cut the corner.
  11. Here's the latest "12 minute" (actually 13:13 in this case) Killboy video from last Saturday morning (May 4)... it has a few MINIs in it (including one white Countryman that clearly cross the double yellow :motz::stupid:), and a pass by Tyler in his Lotus Elise... and Killboy even mentions it and his license plate! There's other cars too, of course, especially Subaru Foresters and Mustangs.
  12. :cuddle: :top:
  13. So earlier this week I received this email from the owner of Griffin Tavern. I meant to post it sooner, but I was caught up with other things. Please let me know if you'd like me to pass along any comments (including constructive criticism):
  14. Ahh... that would make more sense, if you followed a group of MINIs who were already deliberately planning to go to Parson's Branch Road. Incidentally, I'll be happy to take a group of DCMMers on Parson's Branch Road this year, as long as someone provides a Countryman to do it with! Even though I have a skid plate on Mr. OEM, I'm not sure I want to subject him to that abuse again.
  15. Catalina... I can tell you from personal experience (since I have it too)... there's no way that our factory Nav would take us to Parson's Branch Road, nor even to the start of Parson's Branch Road. It's that obscure, and you don't just "pass by" the entrance when trying to get from one point to another. Also, I don't dislike the factory Nav as much as you do. I actually like it better, in some cases, than mobile Nav devices and apps. Especially when driving the Dragon. It's uncanny how useful it is in displaying the upcoming turns on the Dragon when zoomed in!
  16. Steph... the reason that I (and others) were skeptical that you had been on Parson's Branch Road is that it's darn near impossible to "get lost" and find yourself on it... unless you choose to drive it the wrong way (i.e. starting from the Dragon). The entire road is one way, and the start point is very obscure, and way way out of the general area that most MOTD visitors are or would go, even if they got lost. In fact, if someone doesn't already know exactly where Parson's Branch starts, I'd say that it's almost impossible to just "stumble upon" it. So I guess this begs the question - if you have indeed driven on Parson's Branch Road, did you enter it from the wrong way (i.e. from the Dragon), ignoring the "Do Not Enter" signs? If so, how far did you drive on it the wrong way before turning around and going back to the Dragon? If you drove the whole thing in the correct direction, do you remember the story on how you found it? I'm sure it's an interesting story. Let's hear details!
  17. I don't suppose that embedded YouTube videos work for you, because I just converted it (speaking of - Tyler... read this: FAQ - Embedding YouTube Videos ). Another good video from Killboy!
  18. You got lost all the way to Cades Cove?
  19. :flute:
  20. When did you go and who did you go with? You do realize which road we're talking about, right?
  21. :top: :motor: :rock:
  22. Another 12 minute video from Killboy, shot yesterday. He does a good job of explaining the challenge of this particular turn (called "Killboy Shadetree Corner") on the Dragon, which has multiple apexes... and many people struggle to stay between the lines because they set themselves up incorrectly. Staying off the double yellow is both a safety matter and a skillful challenge... because if you can't do it, you are driving beyond your limits. Take some pride in being able handle the road, instead of letting the road handle you! Besides, you come to the Dragon to enjoy the curves & corners... why straighten them?
  23. Thank you to all who attended for making it a really fun day! A special thanks to Janelle for being my navigator, to Mark, Ali, Laura & Michael for being relays, and to Rab & Tyler for sweeping! You all made it much easier for me, thank you! :top:
  24. Brief reminder... everybody bring your member badges! We are going to have 50 people there - all the more reason to make it easier for us to wear our badges so we know who is who!
  25. Latest forecast is a high of 59 and "mostly sunny". This is why I really don't trust the forecast any further out than 1 day ahead. Oh well - I'll take it over 75 and pouring rain!
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