I am not 100% sure, but I think the 1st Gens are supposed to be torqued "85-90" ft lbs. I always torqued to 88 when I swapped out my wheels.
Also, as Laura indicated, you don't need a full socket set, you only need a 17mm one. I recommend a "deep" version (they are a longer tube) to more easily clear your wheels without the wrench making contact with the wheel. Also, if you want to go double duty and use it with an powered impact wrench like the one that Craig owns - I also bought a cordless one of my own recently), then don't buy a regular socket, buy an impact socket. They are much stronger & more durable, able to handle the power of an impact wrench.
Finally, you will probably see choices of 6 pt vs. 12 pt - pt stands for "point". I recommend buying a 6 point, because they are stronger. 12 point are a tiny bit easier to use, because there are twice as many positions when sliding the socket onto the wheel bolt... but the walls of the 12 points are thinner and therefore less durable.