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Everything posted by Edge

  1. LOL yes it was great seeing you too. As for the car... it looks really dirty, you mean! Heh.
  2. Turns out I'm not going to be able to make it after all. Ali - maybe I can circle back with you later to sort out what I need to do? (since we are both "joke" MINIs in the cracker).
  3. Yep - all 1st and 2nd Gen wheels (except the Countryman & Paceman 5-bolts) are totally interchangeable between Gens... provided of course they fit over your brakes. The only other thing to think about is that the 1st Gen didn't come with TPMS sensors in the wheels, so if you want to keep that functionality on a 2nd Gen you'll need to buy them separately and add them (or transfer them from another set of wheels).
  4. Haha - I think Hilary is already going to be busy keeping me in line!
  5. I had the carne asada too. It was quite good, but IMO the best, tastiest carne asada in the entire DC area, bar none, is still at Uncle Julio's Rio Grande. I can't eat there and NOT order it. I even ask for extra marinade/juice/sauce, and I drown that thing!
  6. I had a great time too - I especially like that this one was a little later than the last one (4:30 start? :s: ) and so it went a little later too. Felt much less rushed for folks like me who couldn't be there right at the start. Easier parking too.
  7. I will be! I'm going to try to leave work a little earlier than usual for this, too. :angel:
  8. Home sweet home! A big thank you to Alex and Ali for hosting what was a very fun afternoon & evening! Good roads, good company and some fascinating history about Harper's Ferry thrown in too!
  9. Hey everyone - great event! The lady at WTOP I was talking to with updates along the route asked us to send them pictures from the event at the following email address: trafficcenter@wtop.com I think they plan on making a news item about it on their website! So get those pics submitted ASAP - so they have something to use.
  10. Edge

    MTTB6 - Lunch

    Cool, thanks Ali - I modified my RSVP accordingly.
  11. Edge

    MTTB6 - Lunch

    I just noticed that the Guest RSVP feature is not enabled for this event (i.e. 0 guests allowed per RSVP), which I guess means counting the "+1" comments instead... Looking forward to the event!
  12. ...my hopes are increasing that some people will be there late enough I can join you all and still have time for a drink or two socially! Probably order dinner too...
  13. Well, technically Tigger had moving parts this year too, Ali... with the pom-poms!
  14. Congrats to all contestants - the bar was definitely raised this year! Self-observation hint: Moving parts = bonus points
  15. I might be able to help in the afternoon. I need to drive up to Baltimore in the morning but I could probably come back to Bowie by 1pm.
  16. So a funny thing happened last night. I was up near Baltimore visiting a friend, and somehow the Harlem Shake thing came up in conversation... immediately I had to tell him about the DCMM Harlem Shake video and we pulled it up on his computer to look at it. Well - his computer has a very strange issue... for some reason, whenever he looks at a YouTube video (and it ONLY happens on YouTube), the video card detection routine that YouTube employs gets something wrong, and it produces a negative image... so all the colors are backwards. People's skin is blue, etc. I laughed so hard when I saw this - I immediately asked him to take a screenshot.... Ali, you know how one of Tigger's cheers today at the Halloween event was "Tiggers are orange, and never blue... Passport MINI, we love you!"? Well... look at the result here - it seems like Tigger and Mr. OEM were having an identity crisis! :laugh:
  17. Likewise Nancy - don't forget to RSVP using the RSVP system at the top of this thread (using your web browser, not the Tapatalk app if you have it).
  18. Edge

    MTTB6 - Lunch

    Very true! :top:
  19. Edge

    MTTB6 - Lunch

    Nancy, don't forget to RSVP in the RSVP system (at the top of this post).
  20. I tagged a Laser Blue R56 with the license plste "FST R56" tonight at the Fairfax Home Depot. I'm not sure if the owner is already a member or not... I haven't been to many DCMM events since the spring. :angel:
  21. I'm definitely interested (in the whole thing - including the ghost tour - sounds fascinating!). :top:
  22. Lona - I'll be happy to help wherever you need me, although I'm not much of a photographer or videographer so I probably won't be a good fit for those. One position you didn't list was the WTOP check-in contact. I did this last year (calling them at the right time each time for them to issue an up-to-date report). I'll be happy to do that again too, if you like. :top:
  23. So their objection was simply the fact that it's a MINI? (not that you wanted OEM glass?)
  24. Hey - it was me that gave you the advice, not my MINI! I'm curious though - did you talk to AAA at all? If so, did you ask about the Crystal Fusion treatment? Unfortunately, when the body shop replaced my windshield after the accident, they didn't arrange to get it treated again, which I know means this windshield won't last as long. I already miss the treatment whenever it rains, too.
  25. I suggest trying AAA but insisting on OEM glass. You may have to pay a little extra for that but IMO it's worth it. Also, I believe AAA offers the chemical treatment "Crystal Fusion" as an added option with all new windshield installs. This treatment should cost less than $100 extra from AAA, and it both hardens your windshield against future chips & cracks (by filling in the microscopic pits that naturally occur in glass, to strengthen it), and it also serves as a more permanent "Rain-X" treatment - rain just slides right off, you barely even need to use your wipers! It's a wonderful treatment. Many dealerships offer this treatment as an added option at a ridiculous price (~$500-600) but if AAA will do it for less than $100, it's worth it IMO. I believe they will ONLY do it with new windshields though, not existing. Definitely worth asking.
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