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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Thanks Jim (and Jennifer)! I'm glad to hear that some of the potholes may be patched. Susan and I took note of the mileage at all of the worst potholes during the practice run, so we'll be referring to that (quick reference) tomorrow, and trying to call out "POTHOLE!" any time we come across one. I'm looking forward to the run tomorrow! A quick reminder - don't forget to have your 2-way radios charged and your MINI's gas tank full! Also, if you can find it, please bring and wear your member badges. I'll be sporting mine, and it's always nice to see others wear theirs - so people can more easily know who you are (really helpful for newer members). See you all in the morning! :motor:
  2. Most people have agreed that 15% is the "safe" choice. A very noticeable power gain with minimal concern about wear and tear or breaking things. Some of the more aggressive folks have done the 17% (or even a 19%!) and done a crank pulley swap too... but inevitably they have issues. Remember, any pulley change will also increase the wear on your supercharger, which is not a cheap part to replace. Personally, I say go with the 15%, and maybe intake and exhaust along with it, if you haven't already. Then get a custom dyno tune. As for doing it yourself, that depends entirely on your comfort level. The factory pulley is extremely difficult to get off because it was heat shrunk onto the shaft. Also you'll want the special tool to do this, and buying the tool just for the one job is not cost-effective (over paying someone else who already has the tool and experience). Are you coming to MOTD? This is one of the most common upgrades done on 1st Gen MINIs at MOTD - lots of vendors there who can do it for you.
  3. I wasn't going to say it, but since you did... :hahaha: :embarassed:
  4. Thanks, I guess repetition helps... I did say "RSVP on the DCMM forums at the link below" in the post.
  5. Large or small, rain or shine, we'll have fun regardless! I'll post it on the DCMM FB page this afternoon.
  6. Jim, We will be driving a very short portion of northbound Snickersville Turnpike in the morning (Lime Kiln Rd to Mountville Rd), but we drive the entire length of it (Rt 7 to Rt 50) in the afternoon. The potholes that were bad enough to make note of were on: Evergreen Mills Rd Lime Kiln Rd Mountville Rd Foxcroft Rd Free State Rd Leeds Manor Rd Blueridge Mountain Rd Snickersville Turnpike I do hope they patch a bunch of them between the practice run and the event, but that's only a 2 week stretch so I won't be holding my breath! Some of the worst ones were on Snickersville Turnpike though, north of Mountville Rd (in the afternoon return). One of the biggest ones was just over a crest and covered 2/3 of the southbound lane. I had to do an emergency slalom to avoid it... thankfully I was able to do so because there were no cars coming the other way. Needless to say my wonderful navigator was looking down at the route sheet at the time and got a big scare, thinking we were in an accident! :embarassed: She didn't get mad about it though, just unfortunate timing as had she been looking up, she'd have seen why I swerved.
  7. Nice! I must admit I have a little bit of LED envy, I don't think they are 1st Gen compatible .
  8. The practice run went very well, no mishaps... although a Chevy Suburban and a Toyota Corolla ruined the fun on the entire length of Lime Kiln Rd. The only issue on the run was the high number of bad potholes, most especially on Snickersville Turnpike, so we'll probably have to go a bit slower than usual in that section, and call them out over the radio as we see them. Other than that, it should be a really fun day! Today was!
  9. The Spring Fling Practice Run is underway!
  10. I know Ali (TGGRRR), our club president, recently had some custom stereo work done at a shop in the area... perhaps she can provide some thoughts on this?
  11. FYI the second feature is "The Boy Next Door" with Jennifer Lopez. Some of you may have seen the preview before - she's a school teacher and a new young student of hers takes an unhealthy obsession with her, including moving in next door. Anyway, the invite said "TBD" so I thought I'd fill in the blank. (saw it on the Family Drive-In Theatre website)
  12. Oops! I have had so much going on, I just forgot to open it on Monday. :embarassed: RSVPs are open now - max of 50 people!
  13. Chili Red / White is considered the "classic" MINI / Mini look (from the Mini rally wins in Monte Carlo in the 1960s). Nicely done! :top:
  14. No such thing as a "JCW body kit" for 1st Gens... MINI only released one body kit for them, and it was just called the "Aero Kit" - it was never advertised nor sold as a JCW accessory. I thought this was a "custom" kit though? At least the ad says so... it looks a little different then the OEM kit I have.
  15. Cool! Although I am happy with my OEM Aero Kit on my R53, I'll be curious to see what this looks like on yours.
  16. I need to talk with my parents (visiting from Australia) to see what we're doing. I'll update the RSVP as soon as I do.
  17. That was a great time! ...to include the time over at Old Ox Brewery. :top: I am SOOOOOOO ready for spring. Screw winter.
  18. until
    <p>It's that time of the year again! Spring is in the air, old man Winter is running off to hide, and the trees are starting to blossom!</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dc-metro-minis-archive/131437-sunday-apr-6th-and-20th-spring-fling-2008-sunday-drive-and-brunch.html" rel="external nofollow">Just</a> <a href="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dc-metro-minis-archive/131437-sunday-apr-6th-and-20th-spring-fling-2008-sunday-drive-and-brunch.html" rel="external nofollow">like</a> <a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=286" rel="external nofollow">I</a> <a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1413" rel="external nofollow">did</a> <a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1952" rel="external nofollow">in</a> <a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2784" rel="external nofollow">previous</a> <a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3354" rel="external nofollow">years</a>, I'm organizing the Spring Fling run again, this time on <strong>Sunday</strong><strong>, April 19</strong>.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>NOTE: If you have done this run before, please take note that we are NOT starting at the Wegman's parking lot, but the TARGET parking lot.</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;"> This is because Wegman's apparently has a strict policy against allowing car groups to gather in their parking lots (boooooo...).</span></p> <p><strong>WHERE TO MEET:</strong> Target Sterling West parking lot (South-East corner). The address is 45130 Columbia Place, Sterling, VA 20166</p> <p><strong>WHEN:</strong> Sunday, April 19 @ 9:00am. Driver's meeting at 9:50am. We depart at 10am <strong>sharp!</strong> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Don't be late!</strong></span></p> <p><strong>RUN DISTANCE:</strong> <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">68.1 miles (morning) + 69.3 miles (afternoon) = 137.4 miles total.</span></strong> Easy "early exits" available in afternoon at 85.7 miles (Rt 66), 94.0 miles (Rt 50), 105.8 miles (Rt 7).</p> <p><strong>RUN TIME:</strong> Approx 6.5 hours - we will return to the Target parking lot at approx. 4:30pm, if you decide to complete the full run.</p> <p><strong>WHAT TO BRING:</strong> Full tank of gas, 2-way radio, money to buy lunch (cash please - makes it easier for the check), sweater/raincoat/umbrella (if necessary, depending on weather) and a fun-loving attitude! :top:</p> <p> </p> <p>A quick refresher:</p> <p> </p> <p>One of my fondest MINI-related memories is the very first drive I ever participated in with DCMM - it was the Spring Fling, created by Bruce Pancoast (<a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/member.php?u=68" rel="external nofollow">mty_mini</a>), and organized with help from Jen Oakes (<a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/member.php?u=79" rel="external nofollow">Jen</a>) (who was our event coordinator at the time). This all happened on Sunday, April 24, 2005... only 7 1/2 weeks after I picked up my brand new MINI. Alan (<a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/member.php?u=2" rel="external nofollow">Scavenger</a>), who was getting his first exposure to the MINI, came along as my co-pilot.</p> <p> </p> <p>Meeting in the Sterling Wegmans parking lot (near MINI of Sterling), it was fun to meet a whole bunch of like-minded MINIacs all at once, for the first time. Little did I know just how much fun there was still to come... after grabbing some coffee and/or breakfast snacks from Wegmans.</p> <p> </p> <p>The roads were beautiful and twisty, and was such an awesome experience to be in a long line of MINIs for the very first time. We stopped for lunch at Orlean Market <span style="color:#000000;">in Upperville, VA</span> (in western Fauquier County), then continued on for wine tasting at Naked Mountain Vineyard & Winery after that, before heading all the way back to Wegmans.</p> <p> </p> <p>It was a long day (128 miles or so!), but <strong>so</strong> nice. Needless to say, I was eager to do this run again.</p> <p> </p> <p>Our lunch stop will be again be at <a href="http://www.griffintavern.com/" rel="external nofollow">Griffin Tavern</a>, since Orlean Market closed down many years ago. Unfortunately, due to the size of our group, we will be a more selective and limited menu than their regular menu, but they will still have their famous Shepherd's Pie and other classics.</p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>NOTE:</strong></span><span> The plan is to have </span><span><strong>1 check per table</strong></span><span>, so to make things easier to sort out, please bring sufficient cash to cover your portion of the check.</span></p> <p> </p> <p>For those interested or curious:</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dc-metro-minis-archive/39093-dcmm-sunday-drive-and-brunch-sunday-april-24-10-00-am.html" rel="external nofollow">Original Spring Fling thread (2005)</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dc-metro-minis-archive/131437-sunday-apr-6th-and-20th-spring-fling-2008-sunday-drive-and-brunch.html" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2008 thread</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=286" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2009 thread</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=840" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2010 thread</a></p> <p><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=45131+Columbia+Pl,+Sterling,+VA+20166&daddr=Loudoun+County+Pkwy+to:Ryan+Rd%2FVA-772+to:VA-860%2FWatson+Rd+to:US-50+to:Lime+Kiln+Rd%2FVA-733+to:Mountville+Rd+to:Foxcroft+Rd%2FVA-626+to:38.969557,-77.73635+to:Pickering+St+to:Atoka+Rd%2FVA-713+to:Atoka+Rd%2FVA-713+to:Grove+Ln%2FVA-55+to:Grove+Ln%2FVA-55+to:Free+State+Rd%2FVA-721+to:659+Zachary+Taylor+Hwy,+VA+22627&geocode=%3BFYU9UwIdQRRi-w%3BFRjuUgIdI0Bh-w%3BFeNQUwIdCzRg-w%3BFVSSUgId6rNf-w%3BFRajUwIdLW1f-w%3BFVhfUwIdiwVe-w%3BFeU4UwId3YVd-w%3B%3BFbicUgIdvc5d-w%3BFaa4UgIdurxc-w%3BFR6uUgIdxLRc-w%3BFfuJUQIdPidb-w%3BFX8JUQIdZ51b-w%3BFeRiUAId3Ftb-w%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0,1&mrsp=8&sz=18&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14&sll=38.969006,-77.736731&sspn=0.003032,0.004013&ie=UTF8&ll=38.863236,-77.711792&spn=0.621262,1.058807&z=10" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2010 Morning Route on Google Maps</a></p> <p><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=659+Zachary+Taylor+Hwy,+VA+22627&daddr=Hume+Rd+to:Leeds+Manor+Rd%2FVA-688+to:Leeds+Manor+Rd%2FVA-688+to:Blueridge+Mountain+Rd%2FVA-601+to:Snickersville+Pike%2FSnickersville+Turnpike%2FVA-734+to:Jeb+Stuart+Rd%2FVA-630+to:39.050085,-77.734559+to:Snickersville+Turnpike%2FVA-734+to:Loudoun+County+Pkwy%2FMoran+Rd%2FOld+Ox+Rd%2FVA-606+to:45131+Columbia+Pl,+Sterling,+VA+20166&geocode=%3BFVqeUAIdiDNY-w%3BFZjjUAIdFuJZ-w%3BFSm8UQIdw9ZZ-w%3BFSBfUwIdrmZa-w%3BFSHAVAIdZ25c-w%3BFRf1UwIdLspd-w%3B%3BFUw7UwIdPHxe-w%3BFdsqUgIdFiph-w%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=1&mrsp=7&sz=16&via=1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9&sll=39.052335,-77.733314&sspn=0.012114,0.01605&ie=UTF8&ll=38.863236,-77.711792&spn=0.621262,1.058807&z=10" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2010 Afternoon Route on Google Maps</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1413" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2011 thread</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1952" rel="external nofollow"> Spring Fling 2012 thread</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2784" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2013 thread</a></p> <p><a href="http://www.dcmetrominis.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3354" rel="external nofollow">Spring Fling 2014 thread</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Due to severe size limitations from the local wineries, we do not participate in wine tasting any more. </strong>However, you are welcome to order yourself a glass of wine with lunch at Griffin Tavern. </p> <p> </p> <p>Hope to see many of you out there again!</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>RSVPs are OPEN! PLEASE NOTE that our lunch stop (Griffin Tavern) has given us a hard cap of 50 ADULTS, so if we reach that number, RSVPs will be closed. (Kids will not count towards the count of 50, so please put in the comments if you have any kids coming with you)</strong></span></p>
  19. It's that time of the year again! Spring is in the air, old man Winter is running off to hide, and the trees are starting to blossom! Just like I did in previous years, I'm organizing the Spring Fling run again, this time on Sunday, April 19. NOTE: If you have done this run before, please take note that we are NOT starting at the Wegman's parking lot, but the TARGET parking lot. This is because Wegman's apparently has a strict policy against allowing car groups to gather in their parking lots (boooooo...). WHERE TO MEET: Target Sterling West parking lot (South-East corner). The address is 45130 Columbia Place, Sterling, VA 20166 WHEN: Sunday, April 19 @ 9:00am. Driver's meeting at 9:50am. We depart at 10am sharp! Don't be late! RUN DISTANCE: 68.1 miles (morning) + 69.3 miles (afternoon) = 137.4 miles total. Easy "early exits" available in afternoon at 85.7 miles (Rt 66), 94.0 miles (Rt 50), 105.8 miles (Rt 7). RUN TIME: Approx 6.5 hours - we will return to the Target parking lot at approx. 4:30pm, if you decide to complete the full run. WHAT TO BRING: Full tank of gas, 2-way radio, money to buy lunch (cash please - makes it easier for the check), sweater/raincoat/umbrella (if necessary, depending on weather) and a fun-loving attitude! :top: A quick refresher: One of my fondest MINI-related memories is the very first drive I ever participated in with DCMM - it was the Spring Fling, created by Bruce Pancoast (mty_mini), and organized with help from Jen Oakes (Jen) (who was our event coordinator at the time). This all happened on Sunday, April 24, 2005... only 7 1/2 weeks after I picked up my brand new MINI. Alan (Scavenger), who was getting his first exposure to the MINI, came along as my co-pilot. Meeting in the Sterling Wegmans parking lot (near MINI of Sterling), it was fun to meet a whole bunch of like-minded MINIacs all at once, for the first time. Little did I know just how much fun there was still to come... after grabbing some coffee and/or breakfast snacks from Wegmans. The roads were beautiful and twisty, and was such an awesome experience to be in a long line of MINIs for the very first time. We stopped for lunch at Orlean Market in Upperville, VA (in western Fauquier County), then continued on for wine tasting at Naked Mountain Vineyard & Winery after that, before heading all the way back to Wegmans. It was a long day (128 miles or so!), but so nice. Needless to say, I was eager to do this run again. Our lunch stop will be again be at Griffin Tavern, since Orlean Market closed down many years ago. Unfortunately, due to the size of our group, we will be a more selective and limited menu than their regular menu, but they will still have their famous Shepherd's Pie and other classics. NOTE: The plan is to have 1 check per table, so to make things easier to sort out, please bring sufficient cash to cover your portion of the check. For those interested or curious: Original Spring Fling thread (2005) Spring Fling 2008 thread Spring Fling 2009 thread Spring Fling 2010 thread Spring Fling 2010 Morning Route on Google Maps Spring Fling 2010 Afternoon Route on Google Maps Spring Fling 2011 thread Spring Fling 2012 thread Spring Fling 2013 thread Spring Fling 2014 thread Due to severe size limitations from the local wineries, we do not participate in wine tasting any more. However, you are welcome to order yourself a glass of wine with lunch at Griffin Tavern. Hope to see many of you out there again! RSVPs are OPEN! PLEASE NOTE that our lunch stop (Griffin Tavern) has given us a hard cap of 50 ADULTS, so if we reach that number, RSVPs will be closed. (Kids will not count towards the count of 50, so please put in the comments if you have any kids coming with you)
  20. OK, OK! I ordered one.
  21. I had a great time too! I am especially thankful that most people were still there when I arrived so late after dropping my MINI off at PMoA. I promise to be much earlier next time!
  22. I will be a little late... I got the thumbs up to drop my MINI off for service this evening (I've been trying to get it in there with a loaner car since yesterday morning, but they were out of loaners), but it has to be before 8pm. Seems to make more sense to do it first then have to rush out of HH prematurely. See you guys as soon as I get the loaner and head down there!
  23. Yeah, I somehow thought it was south of DC - you know, near Woodbridge or something, when I first heard about it. It's in Laurel MD, between DC and Baltimore (but much closer to DC). It's primarily impacting Southbound (people approaching DC from Columbia or Baltmore). I think we're good to go for HH! :top:
  24. I dunno, those wheels look pretty sexy... Seriously though, I think the X-Lites are the only OEM 16" wheel that will fit over the 1st Gen JCW / 2nd Gen S brakes. Would probably make a perfect winter wheel set for someone who doesn't have larger brakes.
  25. Edge

    Mistress Run

    We had a great time yesterday - thank you Corey and Brandy for a great job in leading it! Easily worth the 2 week delay.
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