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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Interesting the differences that people have with their 2nd Gens on this. This evening I paid a little more attention and here are a couple more facts on what is happening in this Countryman: * I always run the climate control in "Auto" mode. I like setting the temperature and letting the car figure out what fan speed, etc. is needed. I've had my R53 for almost 10 years with the Automatic climate control and so I'm used to it there (and love it). * I did a whole bunch of timed tests this evening - never mind 5 minutes, it always turns off the Recirc after 1 minute - exactly. Every single time. Doesn't matter if I am on the highway, in stop-and-go traffic, waiting a traffic light or parked with the transmission in Park and the handbrake on. 1 minute, every single time. I'm glad this is not my car, this would drive me nuts! Thankfully my MINI is ready and I'll be picking it up tomorrow morning.
  2. So... this week I have been driving a loaner while some maintenance is being done on my MINI at PMoA. They gave me a 2015 Cooper Countryman (i.e. "Justa"). While driving the Countryman this week, I noticed something that has disturbed me a bit, and I don't recall it happening on other 2nd Gens I've driven. When I'm stopped at traffic lights, or driving behind a smokey vehicle (especially diesels), I generally like to put the climate control on "Recirculation" mode, so that none of the polluted outside air gets blown in my face. I was a mild asthmatic growing up so I'm extra sensitive to exhaust fumes. In any case, I have noticed that when I put it in Recirc mode... within 5 minutes it turns off automatically. Very annoying. When I put it in Recirc mode, I want it to stay in Recirc mode until I decide to put it back into Fresh air mode! Does this happen on anyone else's 2nd Gen MINI?
  3. Love the design! I don't suppose we'll be be able to pick any other (dark) colors besides black? Orange and blue are complimentary colors... I think it would make a great combo.
  4. Yep - but then he bought an extended warranty... which won't cover the clutch next time, so that's all I wanted to clarify so there's no confusion. :angel:
  5. I think if you first delete the one in the board forum, you can then re-upload it here.
  6. Sounds great! I'm in.
  7. I think "extended maintenance" and "extended warranty" are two different things. I would expect the clutch to be more likely covered by extended maintenance than by extended warranty, as it is considered a wear & tear item. My clutch is on the way out too... I had the highest level of extended warranty until it expired last November, and I was told it still did not cover the clutch. Don't get me wrong, the extended warranty on a MINI is worth every penny IMO... I haven't gathered up my receipts yet to tally them up but my case is a shining example of when an extended warranty is worth it!
  8. Edge

    Save the Wave

    Done, Melissa.
  9. Not likely I'll be there by 6pm, but I'll definitely stay until at least 8:30 or 9.
  10. I'm pretty sure it's a legal requirement in many states - something about not having more than 4 lights active at once (regular headlights + fogs or regular headlights + high beams... but not all 6 combined). I'm not sure but it might be something that causes a failed state inspection. Just something to keep in mind if you choose to bypass the "one or the other but not both at the same time" lockout.
  11. Umm... I don't think "Yes" answers the question!
  12. Awesome, nicely done! :top: I highly recommend steering him to a 2005 or 2006 model (especially 01/05 or newer build), because the post-refresh models have shown to have fewer problems over the long term. Also, he's more likely to find a lower mileage R53 with the later model years anyway.
  13. Answer: At DCMM events!
  14. I'm registered too - woohoo! 11 years in a row.
  15. Wow Corey - bravo! Much respect for those who can wrench like you do... :congrats: I look forward to seeing the finished results when the rebuild is complete!
  16. Spotted an 02-04 DS/B R53 with MD tags and a DCMM cling on the rear window on I-95 S, just north of Wilmington, DE at ~4pm today. It was nice sharing a wave with you and playing in traffic for 20 miles or so! I ended up exiting I-95 on a Waze-recommended detour. :top:
  17. Welcome Angel! I hope you like it here, come to a few events and decide to join us as a member - we love new members!
  18. Done. I'm so sorry about your loss - especially in such a tragic way.
  19. Great idea - I'm in for the lights!
  20. Sounds good to me! Hopefully they are not too crowded though, as I know it can get that way there on Saturdays. I know we've moved from there to Buffalo Wild Wings before when it was too unmanageable.
  21. That was indeed a blast, in spite of the very early start to the day. Thankfully I was able to recover this morning. I think we were very well received by all - I only wish I had printed twice as many jokes as I did... and I accidentally left one bag of jokes unused in the car! I will admit I am relieved I didn't have to listen to boy bands (or boy band knowledge) along the parade route. Thanks again to Corey for the idea & planning and to everyone for the great job on the decorations - especially to Ali for covering for me when I couldn't make the planning party last weekend. :embarassed:
  22. I just found this old article... but I don't think they do a good job of "walling off"... I bet it's not a separate ventilation system either: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/24/AR2009122401213.html
  23. I had a great time too, with one glaring exception... My clothes reek, my hair stinks, my eyes are still watering and my lungs are reacting, causing some coughing this evening. Suggestion: no more happy hours at places that allow smoking indoors (*anywhere* indoors), or at least make it clear in the invite ahead of time if we know about it. I like Hard Times Cafe - their chili is awesome! I think that the annual meetings there worked because they were earlier in the day before the smoking crowd built up. Tonight was a totally different experience in that regard - I was surprised how bad it was... and a little shocked that they can skirt the law somehow. Again - great company, great food and good beer... but the disgusting air put a little bit of a damper on it for me.
  24. Oh I'm all about the steak... about the steak... about the steak... NO VEGGIES!
  25. True, true... but you had a better excuse than I did, Mr. offroader.
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