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Everything posted by LostDenverite

  1. So now that you have a MINI you could appreciate the switchbacks, no guardrails, steep drop offs (and beautiful views...although I am a bit biased...just a wee bit :-)
  2. Lots of roads like that in the Rockies - but a whole lot cooler than 85 degrees, closer to 65/70 (by day)
  3. Individual preference. I don't care to start my days late. It means more traffic and I've too many things to do on Sat before the masses get moving.
  4. ?!? You mean the time should be moved to earlier(?) It starts at 9A and the M&G is scheduled to start at 9:30A. The MOCO event runs longer than the M&G, but who (besides Celia ) is going to hang out until 5P?
  5. Sounds apropo, but I'll be on my annual pilgrimage in Denver the week of July 4th. Do have a safe and enjoyable run.
  6. Won't make it unless my current event gets rained out. EH?!? Old building?? Where are you moving too?
  7. Howdy and welcome. As already stated there are several of us DCMM members that are also C3M members, and their next meetup is in Columbia on June 29 ( ) I'm in Laurel/Columbia almost every Sat so if I see you, I will wave from my HzB Clubman. You're supposed to wave to MINI owners on the road (even if they don't wave back). Looking forward to seeing you at the next event and on the road.
  8. Mine arrived today. Now to move some whiteboards so it can hang over my desk
  9. Welcome welcome. I hear the brakes on the GP are even more aggressive than what you were upgrading too, so you're really loving the braking power...and acceleration...and cornering...and...:-) I look forward to seeing you at an event soon, if you can stop zooming long enough :-))
  10. Here's the way I did it: https://www.n2acards.com/ There are forums that show you ways to manuall DIY, but I spend more at Starbucks in a week than I spent on this card.
  11. My daughter has a Color Nook I jacked to work as an Android tablet which she never uses if that will work. Let me know.
  12. Donation totals: http://www.motoringalliance.com/forums/showthread.php?p=194018#post194018
  13. First time on The Dragon I was focused on staying on my side. But as I got comfortable with my new coilovers and sway bar keeping me stuck to the road I pressed my MINI harder. At one point my stomach did flip-flops...but my MINI held! As I drove faster I felt the corners of my mouth turning up until I realized I had a maniacal grin on my face. Will look to go back and spend more time outside Fontana. There is LOTS more worth doing there other than The Dragon (IMHO). P.S. - was on Rock Creek early this morning having Dragon flashbacks...but the mobile DC speed camera quickly fixed that!
  14. Got near home around 3P, stayed out to run errands, wash my MINI (even though I know the rain we left behind is on its way here :-( and get dinner. Noooooo desire to return to work tomorrow.
  15. THREE days of work?!? We're supposed to be in Fontana in approximately 48 hours from now. I take it you're going later than sooner?
  16. Picked up my replacement boots last weekend, getting them broken in this week. Will have to buy shower shoes/flip-flops.
  17. DITTO! I was thinkin this morning I've 101 things to do to prepare, but at the same time I am booked with events day and night right up until I leave on Tue eve/Wed morn. I'm already feeling a late departure as I expect to have to get everything done at the last minute on Tue after work
  18. Yeah, we wouldn't want you ending up at the wrong "dealership" again :-))
  19. Don't think so. I know a '12 coupe owner who has had MINI pay for her Garmin because the nav was soooooooo bad.
  20. I know, I already have it, but it's a separate app. I like it the way it works now: I click an address and it opens in the "old" native Google Maps. I don't want the extra step of copy & paste or re-type it in another app. And (so far) the "upgrades" in iOS6 don't mean anything to me (although my daughter keeps telling me "all of the cool new things" I'm missing). I expect I'll get assimilated when I upgrade from my 4s, but I'll probably hold off on that a bit longer than usual too as the 5 also doesn't offer any additional functionality that warrants the expense (also to my daughter's distress as she has to wait for me to upgrade before she can get upgraded by receiving my old iPhone).
  21. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Yeah, I've heard several stories about the unreliable MINI nav. One reason I maintain using my iPhone (which I haven't upgraded to iOS6 specifically so I can keep Google Maps as the native map app). I don't use turn-by-turn or voice instructions, I just usually look at the suggested routes and go from there.
  22. Old school shot, but it's good Spring Fling MINImorabilia for me (even got the Lotus in ) Thanks Haemish for a wonderful day, weather and all. http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s494/LostDenverite/16685223-C26E-424E-9E33-D11B621273B8-7758-00000555F6F62211_zps763a0237.jpg http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s494/LostDenverite/C5C95875-273C-4808-BAC7-E3AE63FD5053-6275-0000040F955BD90C_zpsc61d3574.jpg
  23. ?? Starts May 1st.
  24. What are the pro's and con's of the Bentley vs. Haynes manuals? Would one fit Catalina's needs more than the other?
  25. Sway bar arrived today, coilovers still on track for delivery tomorrow.
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