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Everything posted by LostDenverite

  1. Unavailable. I'll still be on vacation/out of the country. Sorry.
  2. So here's my objection to my participation. I don't care for strangers touching my feet, I feel very personal about those body parts. My (ex) wife can touch my feet but I pretty much no one else. It's best explained by a scene out of Pulp Fiction where Travolta/Vincent explained it to Jackson/Jules re a foot massage. We all have our quirks
  3. Eh? I thought you couldn't drive Tigger/a stick due your injury (until you received your zombie parts and got rehabed)? I miss an update?
  4. No party pictures to post for those with prior commitments (please )?
  5. Tag-O-Rama! Downtown SS. Spoke to this driver (I usually only post pics where I haven't spoken to the MINI owner) and she said she's been tagged before. Maybe now she'll take the hint and jump on board DC/SS line (DC side) Laurel
  6. Better to be lucky than good sometimes :laugh:
  7. Congrats! You're welcome. Tow hitch next :top: (BTW, I'm looking for just the roof rack for my Clubman if anybody comes across one before I do)
  8. HEEYYY! You sayin' Clubmans ain't fun?!? If she's used to a PT and having some cargo room, a Clubman which is functional and fun, she be easier to bring into the light by showing her a Clubman.
  9. A Clubman to be precise! :laugh:
  10. Not to undercut Craig, but did you see this CL post: http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/spo/3044945171.html A wee bit more than you were wanting to spend, but I've negotiated down on CL before and I'm sure you could too.
  11. WELCOME! Excellent choice getting a MINI (of course I might be a bit baised with that opinion :laugh:). I'm also new, approx 6 weeks with my MINI, and I can confirm that this forum is the best place to get MINI answers from your next door neighbors. Additionally, as Bert mentioned, C3M is the other local MINI enthusiasts group and they have some upcoming events/drives. So fuel up and get ready to ride. :motor:
  12. I'm curious too as to what kind of car was behind you.
  13. I know, I'm one of them. :itsme: Ditto. You even met one of them (ME!) today :laugh:
  14. Hopefully not, nor anyone we know. I was sharing the Tightest parallel parking video with the kid in Marketing and he sent me the picture below. He took this on the bus ride home last week on Connecticut Ave. The driver zoomed through a red light, cut the turn too hard and flipped. They had to cut the top to get the driver out (at least that's the story the kid is telling).
  15. This it? I (personally) can't do that, I move mine to other vehicles a couple of times a year, mostly on rentals. Currently I have mine buried in my glove box and just throw it on the dhas when necessary (I use my infrequently).
  16. Reviving yet another thread What kind of oil should I get for my '11 Clubman S? The manual says MINI's brand, Rockwell at PMoA told me to get Castrol Synthetic (really?). I saw TVRGeeks recommendation for Amsoil. How should I check my oil, I've heard a couple of different things. (Along with changing the dipstick to a CravenSpeed one) one person said to run the car so that the oil gets warm and then let it sit for at least 5 mi so it can settle back in to I can get an accurate reading. Reading this thread I should DIY the oil & filter more frequently than every 15K? So every 7,500 (that's what my Outback was) or every 5K (that's what my Integra was)? Sears has a Universal filter wrench on sale right now for $7. Should I run, not walk to get one now? AM I buying MINI's filters? If I install a Fumoto Qwick Valve will that "void my warranty" with MINI, or do I pay them to do it (will they actually charge me to install the valve if I buy it and give it to them while they're doing the oil change)? As always, TIA P.S. - Hey Sperry, what were the results from Blackstone?
  17. Here is the manufacturer: http://www.getclearbra.com/ When I was having my front redone from the hit & run (details here in case you missed it) I looked into having new stripes and the clear bra added at the same time. John of Super Stripes does both for the body shop and PMoA ("stripes" thread here).
  18. Nice refreshing of your buggy. I recently had mine done/changed and am contemplating also getting a Clear Bra. It'd save your front from rocks and chips. Any plans to do the same?
  19. Just throwing my mental meanderings out into the public domain (and JIC it's already out there). It's snazzy that one of the barn doors opens all of the way at the push of a button (everyone always goes "ooh" and "ahh") on the remote, but what I'd really like to have is: The ability to do the same from the drivers seat via a button/switch/lever on the dash or floor The ability to open both doors The option (via coding) to open only one or both doors Just wants for the next versions (or some crazy mods :top:)
  20. A diversionary tactic by those of us who couldn't make it (this year) :laugh:
  21. Ah. I didn't even think to Google it (am trying to work too, ya know), I thought it might have been a more localized/regional way to cook chicken.
  22. What is "broasted" chicken?
  23. A tagging we will go, A tagging we will go, Hi ho the cherry-o, A tagging we will go. Courthouse Metro Street Courthouse Metro Garage Rosslyn Costco
  24. John/SuperStripes who is doing the work for N&T says he is also the primary vendor for PMoA. My insurance will cover replacement of the bonnet stripes, I have to pay the difference for the addition of the boot stripes, so my buggy will appear thus: I did want something a wee bit different, but this will work for now. Like Ali is doing with Tigger, I'll probably revamp my "MINI With No Name" in later years.
  25. Welcome! Looking forward to meeting you & Johnny. I can't make the next M&G but I will be at an event or two before the July M&G. Hopefully we will cross paths sooner than later. Got pics?!?
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