Oh, how I feel your pain. I also had someone back into my MINI before I'd even made the first payment, but it was a hit & run:mad:
As I am still under warranty I took it back to the dealership. Even though I know they will outsource it, the dealership will still be my single point of contact if there was an issue. PMoA also sent it to N&T, unfortunately my experience does NOT mirror batman73. The owner/manager is going to make it right (it hasn't happened yet due to my busy schedule) but the mistakes that I could easily find, and I'm not a gear head, were too numerous and make me wonder/worry about the things I can't see.
As the responsible party is paying for it I'd opt for going through the dealership and hopefully they will send it to the aforementioned collision center in Marlow Heights.
My condolences and good luck.