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Everything posted by LostDenverite

  1. I was northbound on Rock Creek and a red hardtop was going south, the (DC?) tags were XLR8. Known motorer?
  2. And 365 days from delivery you'll still be grinning!
  3. Coming time to post IV on the calendar(?)
  4. Y'all sound like you're going to end up being a Scooby snack for the bear :laugh:
  5. In chatting with a MOTD Veteran it was suggested I arrive a few days early for unofficial and impromtu events and gatherings. As attending MOTD is already a stretch due my work schedule, but, I'm willing to stretch it some more for a good reason. So, can you give me some good reasons?
  6. Oh, how I feel your pain. I also had someone back into my MINI before I'd even made the first payment, but it was a hit & run:mad: http://dcmetrominis.org/forum/topic/2018-arrgghhhhh-ive-been-hit/ As I am still under warranty I took it back to the dealership. Even though I know they will outsource it, the dealership will still be my single point of contact if there was an issue. PMoA also sent it to N&T, unfortunately my experience does NOT mirror batman73. The owner/manager is going to make it right (it hasn't happened yet due to my busy schedule) but the mistakes that I could easily find, and I'm not a gear head, were too numerous and make me wonder/worry about the things I can't see. As the responsible party is paying for it I'd opt for going through the dealership and hopefully they will send it to the aforementioned collision center in Marlow Heights. My condolences and good luck.
  7. As I'm my MINI's 2nd owner, I didn't track it from its point of origin to its final destination (as I hear can be done and often is). So, is there a "new baby" party when it actually arrives in your driveway? Or is it done at the dealership when they hand you your keys? Does the new owner throw the party or do your (new found) friends/enthusiasts do it for you?
  8. Welcome, welcome! Looking forward to seeing you at a MINI event soon. Any rough ETA on when you should have your MINI? P.S. - My opinion, you have to have and drive your MINI for a few before you can effectively name it. But what do I know, I've had mine for a couple of months now and no name is forthcoming (however my MINI did inspire me to get vanity tags for it).
  9. Ah. Already out there. Thanky!! Noooo I hadn't looked (yet). I don't see bear-pellant, bear-bells or bear resistant food containers listed so this must be an incomplete. Laura, can you help add the missing items? :laugh:
  10. Craig, that's interesting as I was considering the Craven to mount my iPhone (approx 2P position). So the Craven doesn't keep it from vibrating, eh? Can the ProClip fit on the driver's side? It seems like you'd be asking for trouble looking down and away (while driving).
  11. HEEYYY! Can we (well, you guys) starts an "MOTD Essentials" Supply List (thread)? Excellent reference to keep greenhorn's like me from getting eaten by bears (although there is somebody here that would throw us all under the window for the bears to get first:evil:), and an easy checklist for non-nubes to use (everybody could use a wee bit of help getting organized). Please, please, please. Can we, can we, can we?!?
  12. Sure, sure. Pick on the new guy :itsme: Bears I can handle. It's zombies that give me the creeps (back to somebody sleeping closer to the window other than me :laugh:)
  13. If they're actually needed in Fontana, here's what we used on Whitney (as required by law): http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/inyo/recreation/?cid=fsbdev3_003846
  14. I'm connected day & night when I'm here, but promise little-to-nothing when I'm on the road (what, you didn't miss my 101 posts while I was out west the last two weeks ?) and I promise absolutely nothing when I'm on vacation. When I relocated here 11 years ago I could make my annual pilgrimage back to CO and quietly hike above timberline as a cell signal was iffy at best. My cell always remained in the car at the trailhead. NOW you can get a signal too many places on the trails. Sooooo many people yakkin away and forgetting why the rest of us are out/up there. I hiked Mt. Whitney a couple of years ago and fortunately no one could get a cell signal once . Taking an escape to the islands in August, I'll be off the grid then too. My boss is used to me being places with no connection when on vacation. The Dragon won't be any different (except that I'm running off to be with people as usually I'm going where few people tread :laugh:) P.S. - Bears at Whitney too. Overnight at the trailhead you have to put food in Bear proof food lockers.
  15. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Based on (theoretically) reserving the last room at Fontana, I'd say my planning is right on time.:rock: Besides, as a MINI honeymooner (how long does this euphoria last? :dancing2:) and a Dragon-rookie (can I get a badge for that? :laugh:) wouldn't you rather I was over-prepared, and sooner than later (c'mon Merlin's Daddy, back me up. You also seem like the kind of guy that hates emergencies caused by piss-poor planning)? Once I can sport a MOTD-Veteran badge...I'll still plan this far in advance ...just without public/forum announcement. For the powers that be, can we get a sticky up top displaying this (a wee bit smaller though)?
  16. Ah yes. I stand corrected. Shower shoes for on the road.
  17. Let's see now: Driving shoes Hiking/Walking shoes Drinking shoes Shopping shoes Hmmmmm....I keep coming up with my same pair of boots for all :laugh:
  18. Eh? Past thinking. Already planning, already put money down: http://dcmetrominis.org/forum/topic/1934-rebooking-next-year
  19. Thanks for the heads up. :top:
  20. Yup yup. This far out when I waitlist didn't exist until after I took the last room, I expect to get what I want.
  21. Oh no! I planned to keep the room (they've taken the mandatory 1-nt deposit) and the waitlist is additional so I can downgrade if the single occ room becomes available.
  22. Alrighty then. Let the waitlist begin! (Supposedly) I just secured the last available room, a "Hickory" Queen 2B2B. As I'm only taking me, myself and I, either I make some new friends :laugh: and/or I'll call back tomorrow and see about getting waitlisted for a simple 1B1B.
  23. I don't feel like I have enough tenure to start the MOTD 2013 thread, but I do need to start planning for the event sooner than later. I already have work projects scheduled past the next MOTD dates. That said, any recommendations on lodging (e.g., Fontana Village vs. Tapoco Lodge)? What kind of rates did y'all pay this year? TIA
  24. I thought driving our cars (esp en masse) is a main goal, and the further the better(?). Up to and onto White's Ferry sounds like an organized run, and fun!
  25. Where was it last year?
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