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Everything posted by LostDenverite

  1. :laugh: No hijack interpreted here, it's still all about stripes! :laugh: Update on my buggy: The probability is high - but not yet 100% - that I will get my baby back this Sat I am getting different stripes, but just the stock sport stripe which includes the center boot. It's the only option under PMoA and anything else would incur a delay that Geico isn't going to pay for, and/or having the newly reinstalled stripes taken off shortly after. I'll probably do it at a much later date (e.g., 365 days from now) and window shop until something strikes a chord John has reconfirmed with N&T that he can put the Clear Bra on after only 3-days...but I'm apprehensive as everybody has said 3-weeks. I don't know if the technology has changed or something, but I'm going to investigate further. Nonetheless, if I'm bringing my buggy back to SS, there's no reason for me to travel back to NOVA just for that. I'm sure I can find a recommended/qualified vendor closer to home.
  2. Yup, yup. Those were on my list, but my car will be ready before those parts could get in, that's why I was going through (what I thought was) MINI ordering. Right now they're on track to put it back the way it was, and then I can pay to have somebody take the "old" stripes off and put on whatever I may want. Rework is a personal pet peeve, and paying for rework really knots my stomach. Dunno. May go with the flow and deal with it another time in the future. Window-shop longer for exactly what floats my boat instead of settling based on a deadline. N&T is speculating I could have my buggy back by Sat if they stay on course with the stock stuff. And the Chevy Impala I'm currently sporting from Enterprise just isn't doing it for me.
  3. Alrighty then. I tried to have the offset center stripes I found here www.minimotoringgraphics.com ordered and put on my car instead of the existing ones and N&T just called to say PMoA can only order one of two types of stripes for my car, twin down the sides or twin down the middle. PMoA says they don't do business with that company. Am I mistaken that "that company" is a MINI company...or not exactly?
  4. I don't know if I'm ever going to see the actual invoice as this is going through my auto insurance, but I will ask as I'm talking with them now re the stripes and bra. Speaking of my stripes, do we (members) get a discount with minimotoringgraphics.com like this club: http://chicagominiclub.com/2012/02/28/mini-motoring-graphics-club-discount/
  5. Nope. I just got a callback from N&T and they also said 3-weeks. Well, if that's what it is then that's what it is. I thought I could seize the opportunity of a fresh paint job, but apparently not. Too bad this wasn't later in the year, I'm on the west coast for two weeks in June so I could easily burn the required three weeks then.
  6. OK...guess I need to call him back and get clarification. Maybe I heard him wrong. I'm fortunate, I can walk to everything I usually need to do M - F, it's the weekends where I'm all over the place.
  7. IDK. John said 3 days. In three weeks time I'd need the paint touched-up and we'd be back on the same merry-go-round.
  8. EDIT: NVM. Just got off the phone with John @ Super Stripes and he (says) he is the guy that does the stripes and Clear Bra for N&T and PMoA. So I'm just going to coordinate with him & N&T. ----------------------------------------------------------------- As some of you know after a hit & run my car is in the shop for repairs, and as expected they have to replace the hood, bumper, chrome ring, etc. While the paint is fresh I figured now is the time to make changes I was already looking into: adding a Clear Bra and changing the stripes. The shop will put on any OEM stripes, I would just have to pay the price difference for anything that cost more than the ones I have on there now. There are some viable options in the catalog I found: http://www.minimotoringgraphics.com/MINI_Catalog_Web_2010.pdf All I need to do is provide N&T the part number to order. But at our meet & greet Saturday I (briefly) saw somebody that had an off-center with a gradient that I liked a lot. I'm thinking I'd like to get something more custom than OEM and before the new body parts pick up a stone off the road. Is anyone familiar enough with N&T that I should let them do all of the work or should I get another vendor (recommendations) to do these upgrades? TIA
  9. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  10. Yup yup. Tis an '11.
  11. Sexy she is!! I didn't notice my buggy being any more...musical...than usual. Ran it with the sport button on thru Rock Creek Sat on my way to the M&G. Steering seemed stiffer, like my power steering fluid was low, but nothing more. Does it make a difference if you have a stick (like I do) or automatic?
  12. Yup, yup :embarassed: Fixed.
  13. Almost 30 years of cars and I've only had one automatic the entire time. And every day I got in that car (Volvo 240 DL) I hated it specifically because it was an automatic.
  14. Sounds like an opportunity to clean house and only convert the songs you actually listen to.
  15. Now I have USB-envy :embarassed: I'm trying to figure out if I can retro-fit my buggy with the USB port and iToy connection, but I find myself confused (gee, what a surprise). I found info, but this doesn't appear to be for my R55: http://motoringfile.com/files/R56_ipod_wave.PDF The full Monty Bluetooth Retro Kit http://www.motoringfile.com/2009/10/12/mini-usa-introduces-bluetooth-retrofit-kit/ does appear to be for my MINI, but where I am confused is on the parts list http://s3.motoringfile.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/V-13-0909-M6502-6ND_USB-Bluetooth_Retrofit_Kit_R55_R56_R578087307c.pdf It would seem that the Control Module Mount is necessary, but a) it's a seperate item to order and b) it's the most expensive part (how the heck is the first part a "kit" if doesn't contain everything you need?)!! So which end is up here? I simply want the USB port (and ideally the iPod interface) just so I can play my music and control it through the CD player. Having BT sounds nice, but isn't necessary, esp. at a +$700 price tag for the parts alone.
  16. I enjoyed myself very much and am already looking forward to the next club event. T'was geat putting live faces to virtual/online bodies. Some shout-outs/appreciation for enlightening me further (please stand and take a bow): Craig - holding down the open button to roll down windows and pop roof Bert - stubby antenna; license plate screw replacement (by way of Ali's predicament) Sherm (Bert and another gent, sorry I can't recall your name) - upgraded dipstick & oil-checking for my S; nose mask for my already rock-chipped front (tell Jo I said "hey", enjoyed talking to her too); lowering rear headrest/removing stopper That's all for now (but I'm sure you already know "I'll be back" :laugh:)
  17. :rofl: My heart is in project management. If you're early you're on time, if you're on time you're late :laugh:
  18. Yup, yup. That's where I've camped out :laugh:
  19. So exactly where out here do we congregate? Just pick an empty spot?
  20. Can the " 'wing' airflow thingies" be bought...or not exactly? Can those locks be swapped out, specifically with Yakima SKS Lock Cores? I've several to a single key and don't need/want any more sets of keys. Thanks.
  21. A girl waving to a guy, you should get something. Me waving to either...I'm going to get the "I don't know you!" look.
  22. I didn't type all of the words that were in my head I'm converting everything to MP3 to put on my iDevices, specifically my Shuffle to use in my MINI.
  23. Ah yes, the age old issue: location, location, location.
  24. I'm looking to move everything to an MP3 format and player for obvious reasons. Even though I don't have 20,000 songs like cmcveay, I still have too many buckets of CDs, and, I'm paranoid about something happening to them. Waayyy too expensive to risk damage by carrying them back and forth in my car. As it is my car CD holder is a steel case (acquired for carrying when hiking, back before MP3 players existed).
  25. So is this par-tee going to ever happen? Inquiring minds want to know.
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