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Everything posted by FAST060

  1. Oh no! I have not experienced this but I did have some bleed-over from cling to cling when I had mistakenly stacked them during detailing.
  2. I can't wait to see the reveal! Exciting!
  3. That is only IF you have AAA. They quoted me more than $500 for BLURs last windshield. I went with Safelite OEM for just under $500.
  4. Awww! Urban twisties! Booo! Ill be at work!
  5. It was a nice day for AutoX across the DMV. Looks like Justin S. has caught the bug! Exciting day indeed!
  6. Brown chicken brown cow!
  7. Such a proud papa! Congrats!
  8. What? No partridge in a pear tree?!?!?
  9. 1st Gen Black Cooper w/ vanity tag ONTHE MV Saw your MINI at Chick-fil-a this AM. Would have left a note but it was raining something serious. :wavey:
  10. +1
  11. :hahaha: We can :motor::motor: and :vroom::vroom: either way!
  12. We can see how many MINIacs we can fit into a Countryman!
  13. I love the US Mill Works plate and congrats on your delivery.
  14. Not gonna put them on the GP? Those brakes deserve SS brake lines.
  15. Yeah! Thanks!
  16. So I want to buy a jack. Pretty simple? I don't trust the jack that came with SMOKIE. I've seen that thing just pop right out and I'm not gonna be that girl. So, keeping in mind space and ease of use.... Anyone have any suggestions? Will I be using it THAT much to warrant buying a jack, yes I will. Q
  17. SMOKIE is gonna "Drop it like its hot!" She is ready to remove the wheel gap!
  18. Whoo hooo! SMOKIE is ready for her day!
  19. SMOKIE Spotted and was spotted by Lucy and Steph in Fairfax! The shrieks rocked the parking lot of Fair Lakes.:rock:
  20. I don't think ill be going next year. Just have too much on my plate. You kids have fun without me. Bwahaha, well that won't work! :rofl:
  21. Congrats, Lil C!
  22. :hahaha:
  23. I offered to organize a run but no one PMd or replied to the thread. I had a couple NotMOTD events in mind.
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