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Everything posted by FAST060

  1. See our list of vendors... http://dcmetrominis.org/forum/topic/1800-official-vendors/ You def have options.
  2. +1 Seen a few M7 Intakes at previous Dragons. R56 should be an option.
  3. Shuddap and drive! :motor::motor:LOL
  4. I see what you did there and I like it!
  5. Great Morning Run! I hadn't planned on bailing at lunch but getting up at 0'dark:30 to work on a research paper in addition to motoring with some great MINIacs, did me in! Barely made it home! Crashed on the couch for three hours! Nothing better than to be rocked to sleep (not by boredom) by some great Motoring!
  6. Spotted MONSTER, Mellissa and the family at the KMart going out of business sale. :wavey: I was on a mission. A friend spotted two cans of SeaFoam and put them aside for me. Had to recover the hidden treasure. :top: BTW, I thought you had vanity tags? DERP!
  7. Plasti-dip will arrive soon. Gives me something to do while you all are away. Maybe ill rearrange my sock drawer.
  8. Oh no he didn't! You got some sidemarker tint before me! :jelly: Have fun with those overlays! They were a beast to get off the handles.
  9. Alan's post made me smile! Then "Tapatalk Farted" and brought this DCMM experience right on home. You kids are unique to say the least! I have turned off notifications and subscriptions in prep for everyone's trip to the dragon! Mod that! Bwahaha!
  10. I have an idea for a Run! Maybe he can be the navigator.
  11. You know this is the run we first met? Seems like yesterday, Brat Face!
  12. You're getting a HO Hose?
  13. :adore::adore::adore:
  14. Hey Haemish! You still have that pink feather boa?:elephant: The one you were wearing at the... oh wait... my bad. I'll PM you!:flute:
  15. Who is working the logistics and choreography behind all of this? Are we just gonna show up and act a fool?
  16. After Lil C, egged me on down Fairfax Blvd, I got home and went straight to bed. 8:45pm?!?!? Geez! That was some good eats and great conversation!
  17. Rocking out on Fairfax Blvd and a "subi" pulls up along side. Driver yells out nice car! It startled me but put a huge smile on my face on my way to club dinner. What a DERPina! I just checked my PMs and it was John, JAB 67, in his non-MINI form! Bwahahahaha! I now know that MINI-goggles do exist! We all look a little different when not in our MINIs(that's my defense)! :itsme::itsme:
  18. Is this the super car weekend?
  19. Ha ha! I am just seeing this.:hahaha:
  20. I was hoping you would be!
  21. Ha ha, "XBox". I think it was me that got it backwards.
  22. Combo of work and school. Can you pick up my Registration Package and T-shirts? Pretty Please
  23. Nothing worse than watching all the plans unfold and not being a part of it. :argh: This is the first time I will be missing MOTD after attending the last 3! I am having withdrawls already. :stoned: So, if anyone wants to meet up for :beer: or:cheers:or :highfive: or:dancing: or:dancing2: or :eating: or :tee: or :shakehands: or :party: or :listen: or :ridinghorse:during that eerily silent week of MOTD, PM me. I have some fun (silly) ideas if you have an open mind. If there is a big enough group we can start an event thread.
  24. Be strong, Sistah! We can meet up that week and have non-dragon activities!
  25. After seeing Mikes post in the Market Place for his Space Saver MINI Spare, I got to thinking about the new "Big Brakes" and my old spare. Does anyone know if the "Big Brakes" will work with the Space Saver. I see a few options floating around the normal MINI community vendors but one specifically says it will not fit and others mentions shuffling a front tire to a blown rear tire and using the spare on the front. :dontknow: When running Non-runflats, away from homeport, I like to have my spare. New MINI means I might need a new option for spare. Input?
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