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Everything posted by FAST060

  1. Is there any chance there might be a run at this Meet and Greet? I have heard of past MM&Gs where there was a nice run to the little British Cafe. Just throwing that out there.:motor:
  2. Ha ha ha! Normally the jabs come from Non-MINI drivers. I'll let you have that one. For clarification, yes, they are also fellow MINI drivers.
  3. Do we have a specific fund set up yet? I have other MINI friends around the office that will be on travel but would like to contribute. It is CFC time as well. :questionmark:Quitta:questionmark:
  4. At my agency alone, I have seen 5! I don't know who they are but taking a stroll through the parking lot to admire the MINIs is great!
  5. Was it you? BRG w/green soft top... RIBBIT vanity plates.... Your MINI is too cute!:congrats:
  6. So, I think I have experienced something similar. When in traffic I find myself having to speed up in order to force the transmission to switch gears... even though I "feel" like the gear is switching way too frequently. Does that make sense? There is a sort of lull or stutter in the transmission. I need someone to teach me the ways of the Paddle Shifters. If I could control the shift of the transmission that would be great.:motor:
  7. Welcome! I was going to wait for 2010 MINIs to be released but after test driving, there was no way I could wait a few months. Again, welcome!
  8. So, I finally got a response to my wave! I felt like a total dork after the fact but WHO CARES! I'm completely geeking out on being a MINI Owner. It's like the best thing that has happened to me in a LONG time. Sad but true! Good Night DCMM!
  9. Hello DCMM! Newbie here! So my question for the MINI VETs on here is about Customs and Courtesies amongst MINI Owners. I am from Houston, TX so the southern reaction to wave and/or speak to total strangers is a reflex. I must sadly report that my fellow MINI Brothers and Sisters out here in Fairfax aren't so friendly. So, tell me! Is there a secret wave or something that lets other MINI Owners know you mean no harm? LOL As funny as it seems, I thought MINI Owners would be like Bike Riders. As they pass each other you can see them exchange peace signs or head gestures. Any advice?
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