Worn by a Little Blue MINI.:top:
Red powder coat has flakes but structure is still good.
BLUR was going to rock these but we are holding out for a little while.
Pictured here: http://www.fastmini.net/mavsp2.html
Asking for $100 OBO.
PM me for more info. Will bring to event if seriously interested.
Oh, never mind. He said the Dragon traffic is lookin to pretty light this weekend so he'd rather visit US 129 than see us off! Maybe we can get some DC Squirrles to swing by!
I hate to do this but...:embarassed:
BRG II MCS going Eastbound on 267/66. Flying like a bat out of :evil:'s place! Non vanity VA plates but I saw the Passport plate holder.
I saw you coming and was hoping you would chill out as traffic got heavier. I would have waved but I am sure you wouldn't have seen it anyways.
I hope you got to wherever you were going, safely! :itsme:
My email inbox was flooded with about 8 "How did your MINI service visit go?" emails. This all happened between 3pm and 9:45pm.
Any ideas or other folks seeing the same thing? I haven't started going through them cause I really need to get some sleep but I thought it was weird how they all just showed up.
For those of you that are hitting the road soon....
Jennifer and Jim have "located" a pretty severe pot-hole on 81S, Mile Marker 115.
Jennifer and Jim are okay, Bender is waiting to be towed.
Be careful and see you all soon.