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Everything posted by FAST060

  1. FAST060

    NCC Autocross

    Weeks? I was thinking days. You might wanna invest in some magnetic rally numbers for that long. Came out to find LEO walking around BLUR. Gave me a hand salute, cause I'm in uniform, and went on their merry way.
  2. FAST060

    NCC Autocross

    So.... how long is everyone keeping their AutoX numbers on their MINIs? I love the attention! The Fairfax LEO really seem to love it this AM at Starbucks! :motor:
  3. FAST060

    NCC Autocross

    Great Time Fam! :rock: I wish we could have stayed for the group in the PM but as Ali said, we were all very close to being in "Rare Form". I hope you all had as much fun as we did.:motor: Don't be surprised if you see AutoX events on the calendar more often. It's not too expensive to do once in a while and the experience is rewarding in more ways than one. The Pillow-Top Stig had a blast even with the double-stuffed orthopedic shoes that BLUR was wearing! My Mean Dirty Girl had a blast! :rock:
  4. FAST060

    NCC Autocross

    You are alllllllllllllllllright in my book! :top::top:
  5. FAST060

    NCC Autocross

    I'd like to rock mean PINK numbers!:girl::girl::girl::highfive:
  6. FAST060

    NCC Autocross

    The last time I AutoX we used painters tape on our windows. Worked well enough. Some places have barcodes. I'll bring painters tape just in case or Laura could make numbers!
  7. Yes, Seafoam has become part of BLURs balanced diet. The last visit she had before her first Seafoam treatment was for a Dealer-style carbon treatment. BLUR coded yet still and once we performed our home Seafoam treatment BLUR was codeless for quite some time. The Seafoam treatment, along with all the other tinkering, allowed the techs to finally see the real issue. Carbon buildup is as real problem but a little MINI PMS goes a long way. Reminds me that I need to hit Fairfax Motors for my in-between oil change.
  8. Oh joy! I can stock up again!
  9. Cool, ill let him know. Thanks
  10. SHORT NOTICE: I have a friend that would like to sell two (2) tickets to tonight's show. Section 101, Row B. $105 each! PM or email me from DCMM if interested. Quitta
  11. Don't speak of cancelations! I need to restock my Cooper juice! LOL
  12. Can I trade a crazy cat for a semi-crazy dog?
  13. I need something to remember Archie too! - Snap on black vinyl door handles - Black side scuttles with black LED side marker lights
  14. Anyone interested in heading down to Richmond to join in the caravan up :questionmark: Quitta
  15. Such a great sense of humor! :rock: :rock: Here is another :wavey:!
  16. Spark plugs! I had the same issue and replaced them all. BLUR starts up like a champ now.
  17. What :questionmark: (Sorry, I had to use the emoticon)
  18. Yep, that was him! :rock:
  19. Spotted another DCMMer in traffic this AM. I was :vroom: so I didn't catch the details but I did she the vanity plate 'Lets Mtr' or something to that effect. Gave him a quick :honk: and a huge :wavey: before BLUR and I :motor:. Quitta
  20. Please :bath::bath::bath: Or we all might..... :dead::dead::dead:
  21. I updated my RSVP. I would like the engine compartment cleaned out too, if you'd be so kind. Do you pick up at Joint Base Anacostia or should I drop BLUR off at your residence? Q
  22. I'm game for pretty much anything. Friday and Monday.
  23. Spotted EZ and crew in tow! Literally, he has the triplets in their wagons. He spotted me as I was leaving Weagmans. Those little MINIacs in the making are too cute for words. It was so good to see him. Sources say the whole crew will be at the picnic.:rock: Quitta
  24. The same thing happened to me when I first joined. Went all the way to MINI of Towson (now MINI of Balt) and was the LONE MINIac. Don't let it discourage you. :top:
  25. Where can I get some Eagle One? Quitta
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