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Everything posted by TGGRRR (Ali)

  1. I love the Tigger song in the beginning and the Dub Pistols mashup of Highway to hell rocks
  2. Craig made this video of Tigger and I at the Dragon The first run is my first run up Hell Bender, you'll notice Tigger still has his stripes The second run was to the dam, the camera was on Tigger shooting Koop. I love the music he did with it, and I like how you can still hear the engines with the music. It's a really cool video, Thanks Craig! Ali
  3. Hey they have it for Droid's too, it looks like a fun app
  4. It took a bit for me to get an email back, I got it today. I also called and left a vm, which seemed to move it along because I got the email within an hour of leaving the vm Ali
  5. I enjoyed watching you do the cartwheels. I think you guys were the only ones to get that one.
  6. I had a blast helping Laura, she had it very well organized. It was a lot of fun Ali
  7. I was thinking if your camera has a non standard SD card then bring your cameras USB cable so we can hook it up to our laptops. Ali
  8. I'm in, I sent them an email to RSVP Where is Stephens City anyway? I'll go look on Google maps
  9. Amazing how the camera flattens it all out, you can't even tell the cars were in a horseshoe shape
  10. <p>Full event details here</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://tiny.cc/eje39" rel="external nofollow">http://tiny.cc/eje39</a></p> <p> </p> <p>I have created a registration page and sign up form for the event. We're hoping to get a lot of cars and we need to plan for that. Even if you have replied here that you're coming please hit the link above to read the details and then go to the bottom of it to go through to the registration form. This will help us keep track of meals, cars and what we need to prepare for the event. Don't worry if you don't know all of the answers right now, you can always email me directly later and I can edit your registration form.</p> <p> </p> <p>We really want this to be fun for everyone while doing a good thing.</p> <p> </p> <p>Basic details</p> <p>Sunday Aug 29! Time, Speed and Distance Rally</p> <p> </p> <p>Every year my husband and I run a half marathon and raise funds for the Melanoma Research Foundation. This year I decided to harness the power of the MINI's and put the fun back into FUNdraising!</p> <p>A time, speed and distance rally will challenge you to follow a specific route (with the help of your navigator), navigate that route within the time specified and complete the distance while hitting checkpoints. The person with the lowest score wins, you gain points by arriving at the checkpoints or destinations too early or too late. There are surprise checkpoints too and social breaks along the way to relax and share stories.</p> <p> </p> <p> Looking forward to seeing people there. </p> <p> </p>
  11. Full event details here http://tiny.cc/eje39 I have created a registration page and sign up form for the event. We're hoping to get a lot of cars and we need to plan for that. Even if you have replied here that you're coming please hit th
  12. Yes Brian that's exactly what I did, for about 3 days. OY! :embarassed:
  13. You really can't screw these up as I actually thought I did and they still came out fine. I pressed it onto the mirror and thought it looked really ugly. I drove around for a few days annoyed at how ugly it looked. Then I said, that's it, I'm taking it off. I pulled at the strip and there were the letters, perfectly adhered to the mirror. Ok, so it wasn't one of my brighter moments:banghead:
  14. Look at that shine!!!
  15. That was a lot of fun yesterday. I have to admit I was skimming and didn't realize we were doing a full run between dealerships, what a blast. Next time I will read more thouroughly This was my first big run with the pulley too, oooh I love
  16. I have a set and I don't remember where I got them, but I do remember I just googled the phrase and that helped me find them. Ali
  17. Tigger's all shiny too, I gave him a bath and a quick Hydro wipe down. I think I've washed him more in the past month then I have the whole time I've owned him.
  18. YIKES! Poor Scoopie, Poor Audrey :banghead:
  19. Scoopie is going to scream!! Could Mach V do the install? Ali
  20. I love tagging, lately I metro from ballston so park under the NSF building. There's another Hot Orange MINI that parks there and she's taking to parking next to Tigger. We've even exchanged a few notes on the DCMM cards I've left. I hope she joins up. Here's a shot I took in the parking garage http://picasaweb.google.com/AliDrew/Tigger#5471288067119573410 Ali
  21. Just let me know when. Craig and I are having a seafoam gathering in the next few weeks Ali
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