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Everything posted by TGGRRR (Ali)

  1. Aesthetic Creations has them now too, but back when I was looking for them I couldn't find anyone in the U.S. that was selling them. Every site I found that looked hopeful was out of stock or going out of business.
  2. I got mine from MINI Pirate too, they're orange with lids. Did you get purple? I've been waiting for a warm enough day for months now. Maybe now that it's staying light longer I can do it one night after work.
  3. Me too! I'll happily pay more to skip lines Ali
  4. I hope I can make it next time. Hopefully the weather will be even nicer then AND I should have a fully functional phone too Ali
  5. Sorry I missed. I got a new Droid phone a few weeks ago and I've had some problems with it. Today it pretty much refused to charge and died on me. I had to take it to Verizon and get them to give me a new phone since this one is all of 3 weeks old. Afte
  6. I saw a woman in a silver MINI on the other side of the meridian, I waved and waved and smiled, she saw me and smiled and waved back. I am complete... till the next non waver
  7. I tagged 5 MINI's this weekend and managed to speak to the owners of 2 of them and hand them the cards directly. MINI people are so friendly when they realize that there's a club for them. Ali
  8. OK so this time I did something smart and looked at the map. From what I can see It's not near Fairfax and the Fair Oaks mall or Rt 50 and Waples Mill. Not sure I can make it that far out after work. I'll change to a maybe depending on what time I get o
  9. I didn't realize that area was Chantilly, to me it's Fairfax. When I saw the address I thought it would be so far to drive, but once you all explained where it's not hard to get to at all. Looking forward to seeing my MINI buddies Ali
  10. Scoopy has a twinkle in her eye, she looks so pretty
  11. I found the website for Fidelity and even their Platinum excludes convertible top coverage. I have a few months to research so I'll have to keep looking. Ali
  12. Good to know when I buy my next one new. I got Tigger used. I have already replaced the top, the clutch and lots of little stuff has been fixed. I hear that around 50,000 miles it's not unusual for the convertible roof cables to break and it's an expensive fix. Ali
  13. My factory warranty ends in April. I love my MINI but I know it does also require a fair amount of visits to the dealer. Have any of you purchased an extended warranty plan? I was looking at some online and didn't see that any would cover my convertible top. That thing will break again and I don't want to spend thousands if I can avoid it. Any ideas? Ali
  14. They're talking about another storm this weekend. Will the party still be on if snow is bad? Ali
  15. Ok so I drove Tigger in the snow Friday night and discovered that it wasn't fun. After I dug the car out today I can see that I have some sort of 17" BF Goodrich Performance tires that stink in the snow. These are the tires that were on the car when I bought it from Carmax last Jan. They appear to have plenty of tread, but it's not the right tire for now. I managed last year since we hardly had any snow, but I think this year may be worse. I think I'd like to do what Edge does and just get some winter tires and swap them out. I don't know what's good and what's not, I don't know if I can just go to any tire place or do should I go someplace specific? I need help. Tigger is my only car and I am kind of scared driving and getting caught in the snow now after last Fri night. What do winter tires cost and is it expensive to change them out? Where's a good place to get them? I have lots of questions. Ali
  16. I was in Passport this morning and chatted with Bill, he said if the snow is bad we may be canceling. How will I know? Ali
  17. OK then I guess I don't want that. No talking on the phone while motoring is the option for me.
  18. It's not like I can hear the ph ring anyway with the radio on. :motor::rock:
  19. I tried the jawbone and even that wasn't good enough with the top down. Oh well, it's worth it to have the freedom!! Ali
  20. It's always easy to justify buying presents for the MINI Do you think the OEM blue tooth would work well enough with the convertible? Ali
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