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Everything posted by TGGRRR (Ali)

  1. I am living a vicarious joy through the waves you have received :wavey::wavey::wavey: I did see Craig yesterday and didn't see him wave, well of course he had and so had Lona. But to be safe I called him and said "Did you wave?" He went into full detail describing the quality of both of their waves. He knew if he missed me and didn't wave, I'd have been up here in a heart beat issuing a non waving violation.
  2. Thanks! I have not done anything as the verdict was it can't be fixed. But today I was noticing some swirls in the paint, not horrible but they're there. I was debating if I should go to a professional or try and polish it myself. I debated long enough to decide that I should take it to a professional first, so I'll look into these guys. I also think that I may practice my polishing technique on my husband's 99 Acura, he actually gave me permission to. It's old, dull silver, I don't think I can make it worse. Ali
  3. It's on Google docs, I forgot that some places block them. Don't know why Grrrrrr :banghead: thanks for trying Jim If anyone else does have a problem I can email you the details and you can reply with your information and I'll do the registration
  4. I just changed the event details and added a url so that people can come and register officially for the rally http://tiny.cc/eje39 Let me know if there are any questions Ali
  5. Welcome to the group Nancy. You and your MINI are going to have a lot of fun with us Ali
  6. Wooo Hooo We have another sponsor, it's the do it yourself mechanic shop http://www.ditymechanics.com They're donating a gift certificate worth 2 hours of lift time including tools. This is a cool prize! I'm working on more prizes for th
  7. Could you see her texting and driving?
  8. Last weekend I got a wave from a dark silver MINI with license plates that said "MyGoKart" I think that was it, I could be off. Actually it may have been a lighter silver. I do remember the wave though, we were on GW Parkway I was heading to the meet and greet. Yesterday a wave from a Chili Red in Reston. Good waver too :wavey: Ali
  9. The black and white is cool, it looks more retro! I bet she had so much fun. It looks like she had a good spot to watch from
  10. I just heard from Prima Car care that they will be one of our sponsors and sending some prizes. :congrats::congrats::congrats: Yippeeeee
  11. I think my husband identified the location as Yamazato near where we live. If I remember there was another MINI parked 2 spots away and I tagged it Ali
  12. That's so funny and a cute picture. I think the last time we had Thai was in Arlington on Columbia Pike, I just can't remember what their parking lot looked like.. thanks for showing me Ali
  13. That Mr EZ gets around, I saw him once too
  14. I love the team spirit!!! This is going to be a really fun rally. We've put a lot of effort into making it fun, interesting, challenging and are working on some good prizes too. Ali
  15. I tagged a MINI owner without her MINI today! We were in a park and she saw 4 MINI's together and asked if there was a club. So I gave her a card and she was very excited. Hope she comes and joins up.
  16. Rich- I'll be interested to hear the results of the test Ali
  17. I walked out of the Ballston Metro and my Cooper senses started tingling, so I looked around and found an Oxygen Blue Cooper, tagged it! Now I'm giving tags to Mark as he told me there are 3 MINI's in his work parking lot and one is a JCW. He knew best not to fight me on this
  18. I left that one for Craig. Yeah what he said
  19. Even coming back from the Dragon I was running 29 mpg. Jay can you ask Stacey to to just click the little button on the steering wheel and see what it says her avg MPG and avg speed is? She has the pulley and a gen 1, she is a good one to compare to. I do drive with a fairly even acceleration, sometimes I get a little happy and like to feel the MINI fun but I'm not one of those that's jerky on the gas pedal. When I drove Koop Craig even commented to me on how even I was on the accelerator. Where would be a good place to do the Seafoam party? A big old parking lot would be best. Ali
  20. awwww Quitta - I just couldn't have you driving your exhausted self through the dark roads on your own like that. I was more then happy to help out. Plus it was fun to drive Blur, she's so peppy!
  21. While I was off getting Snacks Mark told me a little kid had come by and said that Tigger was his favorite, it made my night! I had a lot of fun, lots of memories from the mid 80's when going to a drive in was a regular cheap weekend event.
  22. That's not a dream it's a nightmare. I think I had the dream about Cricket because that morning there was a BRG that just wouldn't wave to me. I got next to her several times and she kept yapping on her phone and didn't even glance. As you can imagine I was frustrated and thinking how Laura would never have missed the wave.
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