As I came home today I spied a MINI parking near the end of my street. So I grabbed a card and parked Tigger and grabbed the dogs. As I was about to tag it a neighbor comes by to let Lucy play with Daisy and Tigger. I was literally within 10 feet of the tagging and itching to get it tagged. Then a huge lab goes by on the other side of the street and Daisy and Peanut go nuts so I realize I can't step into the street to tag on the drivers window as I prefer to do.
As the neighbor chats with me, I edge close and closer to the MINI (it's a black with white top gen 2 MCS with chrome accents and white stripes)
I finally just admit to my neighbor what I'm doing and he replies with 'You stalk MINIs?"
No matter how I tried to explain it he insisted I was stalking MINIs. Then another neighbor walks by and he says to her "She's stalking MINIs, we've got a MINI stalker in the neighborhood."
Geesh what is wrong with these people? :stupid:
I finally tagged it on the windshield, but not before Lucy's Dad examined the card and made many more exclamations. It's not like this is weird or anything.