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Everything posted by VioletDC

  1. Me, 2! :top: Any1 have ideas where 2 meet and the time?
  2. I like the B&W; don't see it that often. Very nice! :top:
  3. It's been awhile, but Scoopie's been 2 Curry Auto Service 4 Scoopie's oil change, and they are gr8 guys, 2. Oil change a coupla years ago was around $80--don't know what they charge now. Definitely MINI-friendly folk.
  4. Tagged a CB Clubbie yesterday--right in the parking lot at work!
  5. Thanks 4 leading the charge home last night, Craig--it was fun! The entire day was a blast, and I'm sooo happy 2 have been able 2 make the event, let alone connect w/every1. All the MINIs were gorgeous, and it blows me away at all the at
  6. Saw my 2nd motoring Mini on Rolling Road the other day! This one was a dark blue w/driving lights. I still had the HB loaner, but tooted the horn as I passed and got a toot back!
  7. Excellent! U'll have 2 tell me about the Intimidator!
  8. Saw my 1st motoring Mini the other day ... it was red w/a Union Jack roof. I was at work, outside, so I didn't get the oppty 2 wave. Very cool, tho! That's only the 2nd Mini I've ever seen; the 1st (a dark grey color) was always parked over on Capitol Hill.
  9. Rust after 1 day?!? THAT is NOT cool.
  10. I was just talking about Dinan w/David at Passport this afternoon! I've been eyeing Dinan 4 several months now, and David thinks very highly of the quality of their mods. That's another lottery dream 4 me ...
  11. Well, y'all ... I have 2 work the entire wkend, so I'm totally out. Maybe after this proposal is gone (6/30), I'll reschedule another date. Sooo bummed ... :bawling:
  12. I just watched the videos ... veeeeerrrry niiiiiice!!! :congrats::top: Spotted the roadkill & the poor MINIs stuck behind the van ...
  13. I got an email from Dave stating I was on the list. :top:
  14. OK ... I registered via PMoA's site already ... are we supposed to do both?
  15. Thanks sooo much! Update! I'm scheduled 2 get everything installed on the 4th at Mach V! Woo-hoo! :dancing2:
  16. OMG!!! My pulley's here already!!! I had 2 open the box, and the purple strut thingies are sooo pretty! I can't w8 2 get them on Scoopie! For some reason, the whole time I've been waiting on their arrival, I had imagined some big, heavy box that I'd have trouble lugging 2 Scoopie. NOT! LOL Here's this really small box w/everything in it--muuuuch betta! I'm excited! :laugh:
  17. WOW! That's a whole lotta Mini/MINIs!!! :congrats::top::rock:
  18. If u click on my name and go 2 my Stats page under Profile, they should be under my albums ... dunno y they came out so small, tho ... :-(
  19. Yes, it was! Can't w8 2 get my pulley installed, so I can feel what every1 else is talking about! Katie: I posted a few pics in an album ...
  20. VioletDC

    MoBC Run 5-16-10

    A few pics I took at yesterday's MINI of B'More County run. We had a ball!
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