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Everything posted by VioletDC

  1. Welcome! Love the color! Noticed one similar 2 it one day a coupla months ago while having Scoopie serviced.
  2. Yes, Steve got the cabin. Enjoy it!
  3. Me, 2, girl. Luckily, some1 scooped up the cabin, so it works out. Dammitall2hell, it looks like I'll have 2 try again next yr. I'm sooooo bummed, and won't get over it 'til y'all get back.
  4. Hey Fellow MINIacs, I reserved a 1BR Azalea cabin last year (brand new; only 2 in the entire village), just KNOWING I was gonna make my 1st MOTD event--Not! :banghead: :banghead: I'm so blown, I don't know wth 2 do. Anyhoo, if any1's interested in taking it over, just send me a pm w/your cell number and I'll give u a call w/more detail. It's reserved from Friday to Sunday (4/29 - 5/1); if u want it sooner, I'm sure they could work something out. Thanks 4 looking, Audrey & Scoopie
  5. I'm selling my original 16" wheels w/a practically new (<200 miles) set of 195/55R-16 Bridgestone Potenza G 019 Grid tires. My original idea was 2 keep them 4 winter once I bought my 17" set, but it's 2 much trouble getting them in & out of my apt., so they're yours 4 the taking. There's a little curb rash, but nothing serious. Asking $425 obo 4 all. If interested, please PM me. Thanks 4 looking! Audrey & Scoopie
  6. I'm arriving on the 27th, so that'd be a cool time 2 relax after such a long drive! Count me & Scoopie in, 2!
  7. That's awesome!!! :rock: I know u're enjoying them! Motor on, girl! :top:
  8. I'm gonna try 2 make it; didn't include it during the registration process ... completely 4got about it ... so, I emailed them in hopes they'll allow me 2 make a separate PayPal pymt 2 them.
  9. That would be awesome, Ali! Scoopie hasn't had an oppty 2 play w/her purple cousins yet! She'll be grinning all over herself!
  10. I got 1 of the 2 brand new 1BR cabins (confirmed this morning)!
  11. YAY! Hopefully I won't have 2 work this time!
  12. Scoopie & I will be there this year! Woo-hoo! Soooo looking 4ward 2 this event!
  13. Scoopie & I had a gr8 time, 2! Soooo jealous of Haemish's prize, but absolutely LOVE mine! SeaFoam can says it has 2 be 65 degrees 2 install, so I guess I'll be able 2 install it just b4 the Dragon! Woo-hoo!
  14. LOL ... he missed it, 2? Well, now I don't feel so bad ... ... Happy New Year!
  15. Oooo! I'm jealous ... haven't seen a Countryman on the road, just TV ads.
  16. Spotted and followed (4 a brief while) a LB MCS today on the beltway, heading home. It had VA tags MINI MLZ (thought that was cute) w/a man & woman inside. I passed them and waved, but it was just as we were coming in2 that curvy spot (just b4 the lanes split), so I didn't see if they waved back.
  17. Very nice pics, y'all! I've gotta get Scoopie out there!
  18. Fantastic event--kudos 2 the organizers!!! :top::top::top: As always, it's gr8 2 see every1--the coolest motorers I know.
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