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Everything posted by VioletDC

  1. VioletDC

    New Sig! =)

  2. VioletDC

    VDC New Scoopie

    From the album: New Sig! =)

  3. VioletDC

    VDC New Sig

    From the album: New Sig! =)

  4. OOOoooooo, I loooove Tigger's new sigpic! :top::top::top:
  5. Hey Fellow MINIacs, We're switching the date to 6/26. We can save quite a bit on the regular $57 admission rate and enjoy an all-u-can-eat buffet for an all-inclusive (i.e., includes park admission) rate of [COLO
  6. Well, we could just go in2 the main thoroughfare and park along the street while w8ing 4 every1 2 arrive. I hope they won't ticket us just 4 w8ing ... Here's a [url="http://www.nationalharbo
  7. I miss The Awakening at Hains Point ... ... how about at the National Harbor? It'll be empty at that time of morning, and it's a str8 shot 2 get on2 the Beltway ... just a suggestion ...
  8. I'm gonna do the same this wkend, if all works out ...
  9. Do u remember this stuff back in the day called Color Back? It was good 4 faded (especially red) paint? I dunno if it's still around, but it might help. Just my 2 cents ...
  10. Well, I'm glad u'll come, GW; I was a little discouraged at the present numbers, so that's where the idea of 'cancelling' came from. If we can get 10 cars 2 go, that'd be enuf. Let's see wha
  11. Ha! Reading is fundamental, my dear Watson.
  12. The pics are awesome! :top:
  13. Cuz that's where Maxicooper said they'd be for the short run b4 heading 2 the new B'more site at noon.
  14. Tagged an OB/W MINI 2day at Panera Bread in Fairfax! :top: Then, on the way back 2 the office, got a wave from a CR/W MINI! :wavey: In the words of Ice Cube, '2day was a good day'.
  15. Will the DCMM crew meet somewhere around 8-8:30 am so we can all drive 2 Towson 2gether?
  16. This post is USELESS (wish we had the M/A group of smileys so I could use it here) w/o pics!!!
  17. LOL! Just the little things ... there's a whole list of things I'd like 2 do 2 Scoopie ... CF interior bits ... repainting and then clear bra 4 protection ... not much under the bonnet other than cleaning, really ... etc., etc. ... How does that song go? One day at a tiiiiiime ...
  18. I'm w/u on that 1! :top::top::top:
  19. LOL! It's starting 2 sound like a competition! Poor Scoopie will have 2 w8 a little longer 4 her pulley, cuz I've gotta get her eyes str8 1st. * sigh *
  20. Well, only a couple of folks from HRMINI said they'd be interested, so we don't qualify 4 the 'group' status yet. I was waiting 2 see if more would sign up, at least thru the end of the month. I'll see what it looks like mid-month and ma
  21. Ha! That was waayyyy cool! :top: I'm doin' it next year! LOL!
  22. OMG! Tigger's flames are AWESOME, Ali!!! Beaaaauuuuutiful! :congrats:Love all your pics ... esp. the 1s w/the 1st Gen bonnets up, lighting the night sky! Faaaabulous! :top::top::top:
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