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Found 13 results

  1. Event Title: MINIs on Top 2018 Event Date: 06/15/2018 12:00 AM to 06/16/2018 12:00 AM Event Address: MINIs on Top 2018 - https://www.minisontop.org/ MINIs On Top is an annual gathering of MINIs and their owners in New Hampshire, culminating in a drive to the top of Mount Washington! Fun is the number one goal, but over the years MINIs On Top has raised about $100,000 for charities… MINIs On Top is run by a 4 person committee, with the help of a very enthusiastic group of volunteer MINI Cooper owners, and the support of MINI dealerships and MINI parts suppliers countrywide. Thank you to our Volunteers & Sponsors for their support. Remember: ·To participate in MOT, you must register which is pass to the weekend’s worth of events. All additional costs are optional which are the auto road drive to the top of Mount Washington, dinner at the tent, and t-shirts. · There is a restriction in the number of MINIs that can drive to the summit, this due to parking space limits. Please buy your Auto-road pass early to ensure your ascend. RSVP on the event here: MINIs on Top 2018
  2. Event Title: MINIs on the Dragon 16 Event Date: 05/02/2018 12:00 AM to 05/06/2018 12:00 AM Event Address: 300 Woods Rd, Fontana Dam, NC, 28733 MINIs on the Dragon May 2 - 6, 2018 Fontana Dam, NC Details and registration: http://www.minisonthedragon.com/ Registration is: OPEN TILL APRIL 19, 2018 RSVPing here is not registering for the event! You must do that through the link above! RSVP on the event here: MINIs on the Dragon 16
  3. Event Title: MINIs Take The East Coast 2019 Event Date: 07/14/2019 12:00 AM to 07/21/2019 12:00 AM Event Address: MINIs Take The East Coast 2019 Hosted by: Dale Blankenship @ Hampton Roads MINI Club Details: It's a week long leisurely trip down the Eastern Seaboard. From Maine to Florida. We'll follow the coastline for the majority of the route. We'll get a chance to sample different ways of life and different foods. From New England to the deep south. Some nice roads, some neat scenery and some awesome MINI fun. Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/142849976428703/ RSVP on the event here: MINIs Take The East Coast 2019
  4. until
    MINIs Take The East Coast 2019 Hosted by: Dale Blankenship @ Hampton Roads MINI Club Details: It's a week long leisurely trip down the Eastern Seaboard. From Maine to Florida. We'll follow the coastline for the majority of the route. We'll get a chance to sample different ways of life and different foods. From New England to the deep south. Some nice roads, some neat scenery and some awesome MINI fun. Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/142849976428703/
  5. Event Title: Mickey and MINI 2018 Event Date: 09/28/2018 12:00 AM to 09/30/2018 12:00 AM Event Address: Orlando, FL https://www.mickeyandmini.org/ Mickey & MINI started in 2005 and was held at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort. There weren’t many organized events in those early days, so Drinking Around the World (affectionately referred to as DATW) at Epcot was a good place to start. It took a few years, but the organizers began expanding the activities offered as attendance grew. Today, the event hosts approximately 300 attendees annually and includes several MINI activities. Day One kicks off with Registration, Vendor Alley and Car Show entry. This is the best time during the event to meet new MINI owners, or catch up with old friends...besides shopping. Car Show entrance is open to all registered guests, so it is also a great time to check out those awesome cars and their U-ification mods. The winners are announced and trophies awarded at the “Can’t Miss It” Friday night welcome dinner. Food, drinks, and general frivolity ensues. Day Two begins with a breakfast road rally, followed by other off-property activities. A number of guests move onto DATW, keeping the tradition alive at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival, which is underway during our event. Or you may chose to participate in other MINI activities, which in previous years have included scavenger hunts, laps at Disney’s Speedway, and road rally adventures to the Fun Spot amusement park with group photo ops along the way. Saturday activities change from year to year, so be on the look-out of our exciting 2018 line-up. Get your cameras ready. Things wind down on Sunday, Day Three, as most guests are packing up to head home, 60 or so of the hangers-on attend the Farewell Lunch at World of Beer. RSVP on the event here: Mickey and MINI 2018
  6. until
    https://www.mickeyandmini.org/ Mickey & MINI started in 2005 and was held at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort. There weren’t many organized events in those early days, so Drinking Around the World (affectionately referred to as DATW) at Epcot was a good place to start. It took a few years, but the organizers began expanding the activities offered as attendance grew. Today, the event hosts approximately 300 attendees annually and includes several MINI activities. Day One kicks off with Registration, Vendor Alley and Car Show entry. This is the best time during the event to meet new MINI owners, or catch up with old friends...besides shopping. Car Show entrance is open to all registered guests, so it is also a great time to check out those awesome cars and their U-ification mods. The winners are announced and trophies awarded at the “Can’t Miss It” Friday night welcome dinner. Food, drinks, and general frivolity ensues. Day Two begins with a breakfast road rally, followed by other off-property activities. A number of guests move onto DATW, keeping the tradition alive at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival, which is underway during our event. Or you may chose to participate in other MINI activities, which in previous years have included scavenger hunts, laps at Disney’s Speedway, and road rally adventures to the Fun Spot amusement park with group photo ops along the way. Saturday activities change from year to year, so be on the look-out of our exciting 2018 line-up. Get your cameras ready. Things wind down on Sunday, Day Three, as most guests are packing up to head home, 60 or so of the hangers-on attend the Farewell Lunch at World of Beer.
  7. Event Title: Opening Day at the Glen 2018 Event Date: 04/13/2018 10:00 AM to 04/15/2018 10:00 AM Event Address: 2790 County Road 16, Watkins Glen, NY Experience the twists and turns of this world-renowned road course from the driver's seat of your MINI. Take your car on the track for three paced laps behind an official WGI vehicle for $25 per vehicle, per three laps. Proceeds benefit Watkins Glen International's RACE Foundation. • Gates open at 9:30 a.m.; Gates close at 3 p.m. • Tickets available at the Gate ONLY for $25* per three-paced laps on the Grand Prix course (3.4 miles). • Must possess a valid driver's license and be 18 years of age or older. Carlisle MINI has run to The Glen for Opening day every year since 2012! http://www.theglen.com/Tickets-Events/Events/2018/OW.aspx 378 MINI's participated in 2017. Clubs from all over the Northeast and parts of Canada met to celebrate another year of racing at this Iconic Track. RSVP on the event here: Opening Day at the Glen 2018
  8. until
    Experience the twists and turns of this world-renowned road course from the driver's seat of your MINI. Take your car on the track for three paced laps behind an official WGI vehicle for $25 per vehicle, per three laps. Proceeds benefit Watkins Glen International's RACE Foundation. • Gates open at 9:30 a.m.; Gates close at 3 p.m. • Tickets available at the Gate ONLY for $25* per three-paced laps on the Grand Prix course (3.4 miles). • Must possess a valid driver's license and be 18 years of age or older. Carlisle MINI has run to The Glen for Opening day every year since 2012! http://www.theglen.com/Tickets-Events/Events/2018/OW.aspx 378 MINI's participated in 2017. Clubs from all over the Northeast and parts of Canada met to celebrate another year of racing at this Iconic Track.
  9. "Cherries and Twisties" is back. "All" are welcome [color=#800
  10. It's that time of the year again! Spring is in the air, old man Winter is running off to hide, and the trees are starting to blossom! Just like I did [url="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/dc-metro-minis-archive/131437-sunday-apr-6th-and-20t
  11. Beautiful day of golf and MINI hang-out, our first outing will be as follow: Location: East Potomac Park Golf Course, Driving Range Date: Sunday, April 26th @
  12. Looks like it's going be a very nice day for some outdoor activities. Let's have some fun, wash your MINIs and motoring out for a casual lunch meet. Date & time: Sunday, April 12th @ 9.30am. Place: [url="http://www.shotguninstructor.c
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