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Everything posted by VioletDC

  1. I'm happy 2 hear every1 had a gr8 time and made it home safely. Next year will be my & Scoopie's 1st time, dammit! Gives me somethin' 2 save up 4! :top:
  2. Wow ... that looks absolutely beautiful--'til I saw the price! Whew! I've GOTTA start playin' the lottery ...
  3. 4 those of u traveling next week (or anytime, 4 that matter), I just got this emale from a friend of mine, and the only states where this doesn't apply are MD, DC and HI. Check it out here.
  4. Oh, yeah ... the BOG show! It's on my calendar, but if it's raining, I doubt I'll go. I don't do 2 well when it's rainin'.
  5. I noticed, 2, that the weather isn't gonna be great. As of now, it's supposed 2 be cloudy on Saturday and raining on Sunday. I don't know about y'all, but I'd be awfully upset after spending all that time detailing one day only
  6. WOW! That is awesome!!! Definitely unique, and I can't w8 2 see it in person! I won't be at MOTD, so will have 2 catch u at the next run. Waaayyy cool! :top:
  7. U go, girl! :top::top: I didn't tag any1 2day, but did see three MINIs during my commute! First, this morning inching my way thru the dreaded Robinson Terminal, I saw a black MINI; didn't get 2 wave cuz they were ahead of me and switching lanes. This evening while waiting 4 the left turn signal, a SS MINI went speeding by, and closer 2 home, I saw a HB Cabrio w/CYCL MNI on the plates! I waved and got a wave back! Made my day!
  8. Ha! I can imagine! Elmer's doesn't offer anything like this stuff, and 3M offers a spray (gotta be careful w/that, tho), which does nothing for my situation, but u could use it, since your dash hasn't arrived yet! Maybe when mine falls off from the cold this winter, I'll try this IQ glue so I won't have 2 worry w/it again.
  9. Hmmm ... sounds like some investigating is due ... about glue ... LOL! I found some! It's a little pricey, tho: http://www.adhesive.com/IQ-iq-glue
  10. OMG!!! That was hilarious!!! Poooor Pete! :rofl::rofl::rofl:[/COL
  11. Oh, really??? I didn't know KG would have issues in the cold! It's always somethin', isn't it? LOL Guess we'll just have 2 wait & see what happens, I guess.
  12. I think using the silicone glue that u mentioned would be fine. I've never used it b4 and have no idea what that entails. The problem w/the 2-sided tape is that u can't use it in the corners or edges, because the pieces won't align properly, and there'll be gaps. I still have a couple of unruly corners, so I'm using Krazy Glue 2 take care of 'em because: 1) it doesn't take 4ever 2 dry (hold in place 4 30 seconds & u're done!); and 2) it'll last 4ever! If I ever decide 2 remove it 4 whatever ungodly reason, however, I'd have 2 go the whole route and actually remove the entire dash. I don't see that happening, tho ... EVER. LOL
  13. I like mine; it was affordable and it looks good! The seller also offers the door rings at $320/set, which isn't 2 bad. I'm thinking of getting them when I can better afford them. They're also stick-ons. I'd LOVE 2 have the downtubes done in CF, as well! Finding a JCW owner willing 2 part out something like that would be rare, which would warrant a high selling price, IMHO.
  14. Very nice video! I liked your music, 2! :top:
  15. That was awesome, Jay! Love the music, 2!
  16. I third that emotion! This was the first bona fide run 4 me & Scoopie, and I must say, we both had a ball! Everything was so well coordinated and thoughtfully planned--I was VERY impressed! :highfive: Scoopie is a little miffed about he
  17. Awesome!!!! :top::rock: I have family in Joisey, so this'll be a great treat! Marking my calendar now! Thanks 4 all the suspense, Maxi! LOL!
  18. After 2day's M&G @ PMoA, I went 2 pick up a coupla things 4 Scoopie and tagged 2 more MINIs: a CR/W Clubman and a HB MINI! THEN, the highlight of my ventures ended w/a friendly smile & wave from a nice lady in a SS Cabrio! My work is done. :proud:
  19. I am soooo looking 4ward 2 this! This'll be my 2nd official DCMM 'run'! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
  20. Hello! :wavey: Looking 4ward 2 seeing u at PMoA!
  21. Here are the few pics I took w/my phone yesterday ...
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