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Everything posted by MINInurse

  1. Ok I have it set up that I will be riding in the back of Cecilia and will be trying to get some shots of the day! :rock: I have had success in getting some awesome shots of everyone in the past and am excited to have the chance again!
  2. Hope everyone made it back to reality safe and sound. As always, had a BLAST!!! Hope you all did too.
  3. Glad you got there ok!! Is the other MINI there a Checkmate and a woman driving? I know of one friend that was coming down early. Shanna
  4. Woo hoo!! Jay is going to borrow a friend's GoPro as well for MOTD! So we will be rocking multiple cameras!! :rock: Guess we will have to decide what to video!:motor:
  5. WHEW!!! Glad it all worked out!! :top:
  6. Had a good time! Glad to meet the new faces and have lunch with some new friends! :rock:
  7. Hey!! WE have a single in our cabin.. Is it just you?! It would be sharing a room with Alan... Let me know.:top:
  8. Gurl!!! Those look HAWT!!!:rock: I'm glad you like them!!:top:
  9. WOO HOO!!! I am glad you decided to do this design again! I loved it when I asked Craig to make it, and I still love it! Now I just need to decide what other color (than PURPLE!) I may want!!
  10. WOOT!! I will be arriving in Fontana in 9 days!!! :rock:
  12. Awesome! Congrats!! We will s
  13. already in the works
  14. Yeah, Carlos is Awesome!!!! What % did you end up going with? It looks real sharp!
  15. OOOHHH????:love: Is is someone who will be my roomate??!!! My bedmate??!!!!:dancing: :handkiss:
  16. Why yes! The basic agenda will be: New board elections (there are 4 positions available on the board) MUST be present at meeting to be voted onto the board Finding an event co
  17. Carlos at Solar Solutions has a Vinyl guy now... give him a call... We will be having him do some Vinyl work for Soulfire soon. www.solarsolutionsmd.com
  18. Look in this thread on NAM. MOTD accommodations You may be able to find a place.. or at least post your need and maybe someone will respond. That's how Jay and I went the first year
  19. That is one way to do it. Another way within the forums is to go to your UserCP page, scroll down and in the menus on the left there is a link for Paid Subscriptions. That's where you can sign up and get full access to the forums! Hope the rest of your move is good! We hope to see you soon at some events!
  20. We had a good time today! That must be a real pretty run in the spring and the fall.. My shoulder hurts from grabbing on the wheel so much in the twisties! Unfortunately my winter tires are like bricks!! :nurse:
  21. Wow, and actually meet you....like.. face to face?! YAY!!
  22. Yep!! Right off the plane too! :dancing:
  23. OOOooh. good idea.. now just to figure out if I could!
  24. I just want to know if anyone would be interested in a DCMM calendar. If we do this, I would love to have some of our great photos in it. I was considering looking into this idea, it was brought up late last year, but not enough time to get it together. If there seems interest, I will look further into it!
  25. <p>It's that time of year again! Time for the Annual Business Meeting... This is a meeting that is open to the entire club (<strong>current PAID members only</strong>). </p> <p> </p> <p>We will be electing new board members, so if you would like to step up and be a part of the action, please let a current board member know. We will have 4 positions open (not specific titles..just positions.) </p> <p> </p> <p>The basic agenda will be:</p> <p> </p> <p>New board elections (there are 4 positions available on the board)</p> <p>MUST be present at meeting to be voted onto the board</p> <p> </p> <p>Finding an event coordinator</p> <p>Where we want to go this year, brainstorm for events</p> <p> </p> <p>Vote on changing by-laws</p> <p>Changing date of annual meeting</p> <p>Removing "family memberships"</p> <p> </p> <p>Update on finances</p> <p> </p> <p>Swag?? </p> <p> </p> <p>Forums</p> <p>What members would like to have</p> <p>Garage for showcasing our babies</p> <p> </p> <p>Where we want to go as a club</p> <p>Charities? </p> <p> </p> <p>Sponsor involvement</p> <p> </p> <p>The meeting will start at 1pm</p> <p>The meeting will be at:</p> <p>Katie's House</p> <p>627 Old County Rd</p> <p>Severna Park, MD 21146</p> <p> </p> <p>We will be serving lunch.</p> <p> </p> <p>Please you <strong>MUST RSVP</strong> for this event because I need to know for lunch totals. Hope to see you there.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>RSVP will close on 3/26</strong></p>
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