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Everything posted by MINInurse

  1. WHAA HAAAAA.. My niece's birthday party is this day.. :banghead:
  2. Unless something crazy happens, I plan to be there
  3. now lets hope the migraine I've obtained today goes away....:banghead:
  4. I think I may come out with my boys! (Kodie and Jake :elephant:) I will TRY to clean my car, but it's more of seeing y'all and getting Jake used to MINIs! (for those of you who don't know.. they are dogs...) Save me some coffee at Panera!
  5. I would go to this over the M&G... I like sitting inside, drinking beer muuuuuch better :laugh:
  6. Oh yeah, huh.. Well I will try to make it on another weekend then! Now I read back in the thread...
  7. What to bring.. what to bring... what to bring???? Hmmmm...
  8. Wheee Heee! I want one.. two... or 4? LOL
  9. Ok... Decision made... I'm getting back into the club:top:
  10. :rock: TOTALLY THERE!!!!!!!!
  11. I so wish we had a like button LOL:rofl:
  12. :top: darn it.. maybe I should as well :laugh:
  13. YOU BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I'll wear clothes.. that's as nice as I have.. :rofl:
  15. HAPA and I will be there! Can't wait to see y'all!
  16. Thanks for the reminder! I should be there
  17. I may just drive through the dragon on my way home give it a test drive for y'all....
  18. I hope Soulfire and I will be able to make it.. Have to see how it is. I have a wedding the day before.. But time will tell!
  19. And that's not including a ton of people who don't register.... Oh and BTW.. I will be there :nurse:
  20. I got a lovely phone call tonight from Haemish. I would be honored to be there, and I will be driving Soulfire.
  21. I know Jaysen wants the set of Blitz, but just don't have the $$$
  22. :rock: And it's sold already!
  23. Ok, here's the pics I've taken.. I took TONS, but it was just so hard because most were blurry because we were bumping around, and there were lots of breaks between cars. But here are a few that I thought were good enough.. and with just minor editing,
  24. I tell you, I couldn't have staged, nor planned that better! It's SO awesome!!!:trytofly:
  25. Had a great time!!! It was awesome.. Got 651 pictures!! And one GREAT FALL!! (stay tuned.. I am SURE Craig will have it up on YouTube:rock::star:) I am REALLY glad it wasn't tooooo hot when we were driving earlier. My temp gauge on the way home said 1
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