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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Edge

    Lunch Run

    That was a lot of fun, Craig! Thanks for setting that up - it was great to get out on a run again, it had been too long.
  2. I presume that spectators need not RSVP with Passport?
  3. ...not unless you consider ~5 mph "driving". EDIT: Whoops, wrong event... I somehow thought we were talking about the Christmas parade. Nope, no driving! Park and then decorate!
  4. Shawn Peace was my SA for a while when I used to take my MINI to MINI of Sterling for service. Good guy.
  5. Edge

    Colin's Visit

    :congrats: :top:
  6. If the others fall through, I am interested (in the entire set). I especially like the fact that they are custom-fit for 1st Gen MINIs. ...then again, they seem to fit quite well in Smokie, too!
  7. As much fun as I am having up here, I am bummed that I had to miss this... the very first club picnic I have missed since joining DCMM about 11 1/2 years ago. I'm glad it went well though!
  8. Nice rhyme, BTW. :top:
  9. Alex - it's great to hear all of the positive feedback on your run - sounds like you did a bang-up job! :top: I hope to make it to your next run. Hopefully I won't be out of town next time.
  10. Well, you'll all be in good company... I read back on the thread and I counted 7 "non-crab" people so far.
  11. All these non-crab eaters (not criticizing that fact, I'm not a crab eater either)... I hope you realize just how much of a crab place Cantler's is. I mean, it's 98% crab shack, 2% other food. I've only ever been there once, with friends who wanted to go, and I definitely felt like a duck out of water because I was the only one in the place (not just in our party, the whole place) who ordered a steak instead. Don't get me wrong, I'd happily tag along there with friends again if I could (and I didn't take up someone else's spot), because although I don't like seafood, that doesn't mean I'm going to be a bad sport with friends who do. ...just be prepared for the overwhelming crab atmosphere!
  12. Ah, OK... wow - that's a long way out of the way... but maybe it is because they want to minimize people getting stuck in heavy rush hour traffic.
  13. Ali - aren't you guys coming up I-95 on your way to Baltimore anyway? Why not just pick up Max on the way? Problem solved! (...or is it just not that simple?)
  14. Consider me in for 2 R53 shirts, one blue, one pink... especially if the pink one is a v-neck.
  15. I'm interested but I'm holding off for a hopeful future R53 front end... I think you'll find that most people (there will be exceptions) would prefer to have the front end of the specific model they own. Us MINI folk can be a bit quirky like that. :angel:
  16. Crap, that really sucks... I hope you got the license plate of the Volvo so it can be pursued by both law and insurance. I don't have a gearbox to offer, I just wanted to make sure you knew that the manual gearbox changed from the pre-refresh R53s (2002-2004) to the refreshed R53s (2005-2006 and also 2007-2008 R52 S convertibles). I don't know if they are interchangeable (they might be!), but the gearing ratio changed with the refresh - it was made shorter, for better acceleration... but that also means higher RPMs (mostly noticeable at highway speeds). Just a heads up. You can look up all of the part numbers at www.realoem.com.
  17. Aww - thank you guys! Ali can start it out for me, and by Baltimore she can hand off to Chris, who can hand off to Melissa by Pittsburgh. I have updated my MTTS registration for the whole thing. Thank you, all 3 of you... I truly appreciate it - so kind of you. I'm going to make sure I can attend MTTS 2018. I've always wanted to do the whole thing one day... maybe that will be the year. :hmmmm:
  18. Do you have any other MINI shapes? Or only the Countryman/Paceman face? It would be really nice to have an R53...
  19. Awesome - tell her Haemish says hi (my name is rare enough, and I'm sure she'll remember me since I keep coming back). Good luck on your exam(s)! :top:
  20. Nice! I've gone there for training 4 separate times since 2001... always the same venue. They do have classes here in the DC area but I believe it's best to get away from your usual environment so you can better concentrate. I'll be back there soon for the MCSE Server 2012 2-week boot camp. Good luck on the CCNA! Is Valerie still running things on-site?
  21. THANK YOU Ali! I'll go ahead and register for those legs today... and I'll update my registration further if anyone else is able to pick up more legs. I totally understand and excuse any "Track-to-Track" people from helping me out though, because I don't expect anyone to deal with the added hassle for a full 2 weeks. :angel:
  22. Bushkill? What a coincidence! I've been there a number of times, and will be there again soon... I wonder if it's for the same reason... it's a pretty small place, now I'm curious - it wouldn't happen to be for The Training Camp, would it?
  23. I'll try to make it.
  24. As I posted in the RSVP, unfortunately I am unable to make it to any of MTTS this year, because I'll be in an intense technical training brain "boot camp" during the entire 2 weeks that the event takes place. However, I am still interested in the MTTS "swag" that comes up for these events. I'm willing to pay for a multi-city membership in order to cover whatever swag is in each city... but that would require that someone is willing to pick up my badge and any associated swag for me. Is there anyone who is going to a bunch of cities that doesn't mind doing that for me at each stop? If so, let me know which stops you will be doing, and I will register for those stops.
  25. Yep - 3rd Gen (F56 (2D) & F55 (4D)) vs. 2nd Gen (R60 (Countryman)). The 3rd Gen Countryman will be released early next year, along with all of the same technology updates.
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