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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Ah OK, I see that now. I didn't realize these have to be applied directly over your original mirrors. Having to create a seal with silicone, etc makes sense, but does complicate the install. The OEM ones are direct replacements, with the heating element already in place. I'm not knocking the aftermarket ones though, they look very well designed!
  2. Those are cheaper... but one thing to consider is if you have the heated mirrors. I wouldn't want to lose that functionality!
  3. One alternative is the OEM aspherical side mirrors, which are available in Europe. I have them on my MINI, ordered from the UK. I like them because the majority of the mirror is a regular "flat" mirror, but the outside 1/4 or so is a wide-angle view. I'll be happy to show them to you at the next DCMM event. Will you be coming to the MINI of Sterling Meet & Greet on the 20th? Mind you, mine are for the 1st Gens... not sure about your 2nd Gen. Hang on, I'll look to see what's available for 2nd Gens... <looking up now> EDIT: OK, the options for 2nd Gens aren't exactly the same, but you're in luck, there is hope. Seems like you want part number 51162755625 (for the driver's side) and maybe 51162755626 (for the passenger side, if you want them to match). You can probably email Mike at NewMINIStuff.com (email is mike@newministuff.co.uk) and ask him for a quote. If you want to proceed, he'll even add them to the site for you if you like, to make it easier to order.
  4. Hmm - I'll have to look into why it isn't working for non-members with registered accounts. I'll try to do that tonight.
  5. That's surprising - anyone should be able to RSVP as long as they have a registered account on the
  6. Yep, Blueridge Mountain Road is on the Spring Fling run too. :top:
  7. Sunday is always a challenge for car service... if you don't have access to an undercover garage, you might have to tape up some plastic as a temporary measure. Sucks, I know!
  8. Edge

    Spring Fever Run

    Sorry I had to miss this one... but my body demanded the extra rest. Besides, I had just driven all the way up there on Saturday for the Meet & Greet, and I'm in a (much less fun) loaner car. Bill's runs are always great - I hope to make the next one!
  9. Just so you know, it isn't your number of posts that is preventing you from creating a new thread (in this case, a new event... done via the calendar). Only current, a
  10. Lime Kiln Road & Snickersville Turnpike in Middleburg, VA is lots of fun. :top: (they're both on the DCMM Spring Fling run)
  11. Try spending more there than their average BMW customer. :angel: I mean, I know they give me some "extra" treatment, and yeah, sometimes I feel a little bit guilty about that (when others can't even get a MINI loaner sometimes), but the reality is that I pay for it... over and over again... so I guess at the end of the day, the people who get to laugh last are the ones who don't have an empty wallet due to an insane MINI obsession.
  12. Too bad I never learned to ride! I'm in a loaner R56 Cooper, with auto transmission. Quite the contrast from both of my cars! :bored: It's funny though... I know "beggars can't be choosers" with loaner cars... but my priority order goes like this: Manual over auto (regardless of car model - BMW, MINI or otherwise!) Power With the ~60 loaner cars that MoS has, only one of them has a manual transmission. Ugh. With the above list, I'd rather be driving a manual Cooper instead of an automatic 135. Also, I'd rather have an MCS auto loaner than a BMW auto loaner... (the MCS has enough power to negate my concern) but I've got to take what they've got, just like everyone else. The best loaner I've ever had is a Z4 Coupe, manual transmission... and it will probably never happen again. Darn that thing was fun. :top: Anyway, this thread is getting pretty far off-topic. Sorry! :embarassed:
  13. Some additional clear bra (for the front of the spoiler), the "Show N Go" motorized license plate holder ("just like Mike" (Matarella)), some magnetic drain plugs, painting of a few more parts... Oh... and probably a skid plate & TSW X-Brace (ordering them today - wanted to talk to the tech about it first (did that last night)). I just... can't... leave... well enough alone. :embarassed:
  14. LOL... in the past couple of years, that has probably been true. I just can't leave well enough alone! Actually, this particular visit is both fixing up some issues (mainly - the black textured paint on my aero kit... it looks like salt and pepper already!), and adding some new stuff. :angel: The real irony? Sunday evening I dropped off my other car (thanks for the help Laura!), which is a 95 Ford Mustang GT, at the shop as well. It's in for much needed maintenance (not to mention ensuring it will pass VA inspection & emissions). That means I own two cars and both of them are now in the shop at the same time. Doh!
  15. The I-40 bypass in Knoxville isn't that bad... you just have to know that you need to take 40 East to get back to exit 386B onto 129. Also, it will be a little bit dicey with very little room to merge, and the 386B exit itself is through
  16. Don't worry, it'll come back to you when you're at MINI United and we're not.
  17. Muchas gracias, Mamá!
  18. Hey - thanks to everyone that came out today. It may have been a small group (9 people, 7 MINIs), but that wasn't such a bad thing, because it meant we didn't get separated as much, and moved more efficiently! To those who wanted to come but w
  19. Flame Spokes (R97s) are 17" x 7" and weigh 22 pounds each. The "standard" tire size for them is 205/45R17, but some people put 215s on them. Here's the #1 most common reason I visit MINI2: MINI2 - MINI Forum - FAQ & DIY: Wheels and Tyres
  20. OK, I called Griffin Tavern, and told them there would be about 10 people coming at around 12:30pm. If the numbers change dramatically before we head out in the morning, I'll call again to update them. See you (some of you, anyway!) between 9:30am and
  21. As a nice little "extra", cameroon has gone ahead and mapped out the route for us in Google Maps. Thanks cameroon! :rock: [url="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=45131+Columbia+Pl,+Sterling,+VA+20166&daddr=Loudoun+County+Pkwy+to:Ryan+Rd
  22. OK, I have the final route sheet for Saturday. Don't worry about printing it in advance, I'll be bringing plenty of copies along with me.
  23. Sorry guys. I intended to go (I even woke up in time!) but my body was unwilling.
  24. I'm sitting here at home, deliberating on whether to go or not. I want to go... but my stomach is upset and giving me problems, so I don't know how smart it is to leave the house. If I don't end up being there, I'm sorry! Best of intentions,
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