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Everything posted by Edge

  1. No, Christina has a (2006) R53 JCW (1st Gen), just like I do.
  2. No problem, Rich! As for the transition, it's well and truly completed. DCMM has been on these forums exclusively since March 1st! The month of February was the "transition" month, when the new forums were up but we had not yet shut down the NAM-based forum. Initially, we had the Events forum in the private area... but much internal member debate had us change course there, so it has been in the public area for quite some time now. The board is always willing to listen to the needs and concerns of the members. Healthy debate is always a good thing. Not everyone will agree on everything, but as long as every member's opinion is respected and considered, the board will try our best to figure out what is the best overall direction of the club. Of course, the board members can (and do change) over time, so I try to remind members that if you don't like the direction the club is going, and you don't feel your concerns are being fully accepted/considered, step up and run for the board! It's a democracy, not a dictatorship! The old setup on NAM was great for a long time, but there are a number of factors that weighed into the 2008-2009 board's decision to move away from NAM. As someone who has been very active on NAM (including assisting in the management of it) and by proxy a "NAM supporter", I still agreed that it was time for DCMM to move out on our own, and for the most part, it has been a very successful transition. :top:
  3. Rich, There are a number of reasons why we have gone semi-private (yep, semi-private... after all, you're reading this in a public area, right?). I won't go into those reasons here, but they have been discussed at length in the members area. As for all of the threads on NAM, we were unable to move them here, because this is a completely separate, standalone forum that is not part of NAM. That's why all of the old DCMM threads on NAM are "archived" so we can still go look them up, and also why you had to "re-register" as you see it. As for DCMM "committing suicide" by doing this, I think you are mistaken on that one. We still have a vibrant membership here - with forum activity every day. I'm sorry you feel so strongly about it, but DCMM is first and foremost about its members! Everyone is welcome to join though - we're not some kind of exclusive "clique" that picks and chooses who is welcome in the club.
  4. Hmm - I've always considered the "joey mod" to be too much of a risk to get right, but you've given me some hope. Have you ever thought about doing it as a (paid) service for your fellow MINI owners?
  5. You mean PMoA. MoA = MINI of Annapolis PMoA = Passport MINI of Alexandria
  6. That's probably it. Here in VA we have Smart Tag. They are compatible ever since they linked the systems, but it seems they administer them differently. I wish I could claim originality... but I can't.
  7. If you don't have a sunroof, that's an excellent mod! If you do have a sunroof, you can hide your EZ Pass in the rear sunroof. Works great! Out of sight, out of mind. I also covered mine in black electrical tape, to make it even more hidden. I wanted to paint it, but the sensor is still the property of VDOT, and when you return it (after the battery dies), they expect it back in original condition or they'll charge you a bunch for it! Found that out when I was visiting their offices and someone else tried to return theirs when it was covered in permanent marker (to black it out). They made the guy either pay for it, or take it home to clean it up. :laugh:
  8. Nice to hear you had excellent service. :top: Seems that Carlos is the better deal though. He does charge notably more for MINI owners who aren't members of DCMM - but that's not a problem for us! I don't know if he'd tint the sunroof as well for the same price, but I suspect he would. I didn't need mine tinted because it's was already covered with vinyl.
  9. Yeah, that's for the left side convex one (listed on this RealOEM page). Personally I prefer the aspherical ones (here), but hey, whatever floats your boat! BTW you can probably get it cheaper at Morristown MINI. They have a standard 20% discount under MSRP, and Pelican Parts pretty much sells exactly at MSRP. If the dealer you bought from was higher, they probably were pricing over MSRP. Happens at a lot of them (one in particular comes to mind... :stupid:)
  10. cmcveay - how much did they charge to tint your MINI? Carlos at Solar Solutions only charges $100 to tint MINIs, for DCMM members only (at least, that's how much it was when he did mine within the last year). He also stands behind his work and will fix any problems that come up. I highly recommend him! carman63 - I guarantee that Mike @ AC was talking about Solar Solutions. Carlos doesn't do vinyl, I think, but he (Carlos) has a vinyl guy that Mike has worked with before. Mike & Carlos have done combined "tint & vinyl" install days a number of times in the past, where Mike actually flies out here and stays at a member's hose for a few days... and all of the installs are done at Solar Solutions.
  11. Edge

    Monthly meet MoA

    Unfortunately, I have to help a friend move house tomorrow (well, move apartment). In addition to that, I'm dogsitting from tonight through Sunday, so I have to juggle that as well. I'd be there otherwise! I hope there's still a good turnout. :
  12. Actually, we didn't "do" (or
  13. You clearly have never ridden in (let alone driven) a Lotus Elise (or Exige). You wouldn't be so blasé about it if you had! I have ridden i
  14. I had a great time at the picnic - it was wonderful to see so many of you there. My friend Becca (the potential new member who showed up at around 3:15pm after driving back down from PA) had a great time too - I think she'll be joining soon. :top: Man
  15. Just curious - are you running the stock belt? If so, perhaps consider putting in a JCW belt instead... as I believe it is a bit shorter to accommodate the JCW pulley, which is not quite as small as the 15%, but at least the JCW belt would be a closer match than the stock belt!
  16. That was fun! I had a great time. Thanks Dan for organizing it! :top:
  17. Since autocrossing is done in a parking lot, and not on a racetrack (not to mention that with such (relatively) low speeds and short runs, it really doesn't stress the cars out any more than aggressive driving on the road does), in future I think it would be fair to tell your dealership: "No, I have not taken my MINI on any racetrack." ...because you haven't. That statement alone should be the solution, IMO. Don't say any more or any less.
  18. Another thing to consider - if you end up deciding to get the OEM glass anyway, is to also get the Diamon-Fusion treatment. I had my windshield done 2 years ago at the same time it was replaced, and my windshield has lasted through multiple rock impacts since. True, it isn't cheap (adds an additional $500-$600), but it comes with a 4 year warranty (including the cost of replacing the windshield) and has an added side-bonus - it acts like a permanent Rain-X... water just beads off! :top: I realize that part of this discussion is to save money, but if you end up having to replace your windshield again several times over the next 4 years (after all, MINIs are especially prone to windshield damage due to the angle of our windshields), then how much money have you really saved?
  19. All the more reason to encourage him to join the club first. :top:
  20. Here's how Mr. OEM looks at the moment. I'm "pretty much" done with modding the exterior appearance, I think (other than a proper detail and a professional photo shoot!): Diagonal view Front view (plate retracted) Rear view Side view
  21. That question also depends on whether you hate runflats or not. Personally, I love mine. Most people don't though. :dontknow:
  22. Just curious - where are the sensors at MoS? Are they only in the drive-in service bay? Or are they near the entrance to the dealership? Figured they might be put out there to give even earlier warning.
  23. I'm interested - provided I can manage to get up early.
  24. £22.94 each (£45.88), plus shipping, is the current price. Not sure whether that is a different price than I paid last fall when I ordered them, or what the total was... but I can check for you tonight when I get home. Here's where Mike @ NewMINIStuff.com added them to the site for me (and anyone else that wants them): NewMINIStuff.com - Aspherical Mirror Glass Heated
  25. I just made a minor adjustment that might help with the problem, but I'm not sure. Let me know, folks. (The settings for who can RSVP and who can't are not very clear, because it is a vBulletin plug-in, not part of vBulletin itself).
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