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Everything posted by Edge

  1. Now THAT is very cool. Nice job! :top: What did you use for the lego bumps?
  2. Yeah it's a little easier for me now, since I own 6 of them.
  3. LOL - hilarious video. I had to edit your post to add a warning in there though, about the language in the video. I just didn't want someone to be playing it at work or in front of their kids and not know what to expect.
  4. Speaking as a Dragon veteran: As a general rule, people still use 7/21 anyway, even at MOTD. In fact, it is encouraged to ONLY use 7/21 when you are driving, because you want to be able to interact with the other MINIs as well, regardless of what club they are from. After all - if there's a traffic obstruction or a speed trap, don't you want to know about it? 22/22 is primarily for us to use around Fontana Village, especially when 7/21 gets too busy. I often carry 2 radios around Fontana - one set to each.
  5. MINI did make their own CF dash, you know. It was a JCW offering. It didn't go over the top of the existing dash pieces, it was a complete replacement for it. It'd definitely cost more than the eBay option though. Harder to find as well, as it's no longer made... but there might be some old stock at one of the dealers around the country - or you might find someone selling theirs off their own MINI. Here's an idea of what it looked like. CF downtubes were also available! Found another pic with the downtubes installed too:
  6. Hey everyone - thanks for coming to the Spring Fling. It went off as well as I could have ever hoped, especially for a group our size. A particularly special thanks to: [*]Laura (GreenCactus) - Group B leader/relayer [*]Alan (Scavenger) - Grou
  7. Hey everyone - I'm excited about the run too... a quick reminder for those who read this before they head out in the morning... don't forget to bring (and wear) your member badge! See you at Wegmans!
  8. Yep - very kind of you all, but I'm leaving on the Sunday prior.
  9. Neat - the route is also visible via the Google Maps links I put at the bottom of the event post: [url="http://maps.google
  10. Scott, If you haven't already, be sure to read these before you make a final decision: MotoringFile Review: R56 JCW Suspension - Part 1: Street MotoringFile Review: R56 JCW Suspension - Part 2: Track MotoringFile Review: R56 JCW Suspension - Part 3: Long-Term
  11. OK - here's the final route sheet for Sunday. I have printed out plenty of copies, so no need to bring one with you.
  12. Reminds me that I need to call and confirm my reservation too.
  13. Sorry to hear that. Please don't forget to update your RSVP!
  14. Celia, I can't wait to see what you've come up with for MOTD this year! :top:
  15. Ah OK - no problem. Not sure what you mean by my "buddy". If you mean the tech who installed it for me, no, he can't help. I bought the parts myself and brought them to him for the installation. Your best bet is probably to keep an eye on the Intravention website and the Toys In Your Car website to see if more come back in stock.
  16. That is indeed true, but most people arrive on Wednesday and there generally aren't many activities planned during the day on Wednesday, until the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday night. I don't think they'll miss too much if they leave at 6am.
  17. I thought you were going to PM me? Not many people have them, I doubt anyone else in DCMM does, anyway. You might have some chance of finding one by posting on NAM and MA, but I doubt many people who sprang for one of these will want to part with it. The USA distributor that I bought mine from is Bimmernav, however it appears they have stopped carrying them since Alpine has stopped making their KCA-420i iPod adapter (a requirement for the Intravee's iPod support). The manufacturer's website (Intravention) lists ToysInYourCar.com, which appears to be a British website selling them - but they seem to be out of stock right now. Hopefully they'll get more in stock soon, even though Bimmernav no longer carries them.
  18. Love love LOVE my JCW Suspension. I honestly believe it's the most underrated JCW upgrade, and really not bad value at all. It's the perfect setup for a "streetable" car. Not as aggressive as a full on track suspension, still quite compliant for city driving, yet a very significant upgrade from the stock suspension.
  19. YAY! That's awesome! I wondered how they were going to handle the block at the border. I guess it won't be a manned patrol car then. Does that mean we can still walk the Dragon after 8pm?
  20. Well technically, no, that wasn't on the Dragon itself. That is on the same road (Route 129), but it's a few miles further down, away from the Dragon. However yes... that very rock slide is the cause of the road (and Dragon) closure. There are no other "side roads" or alternative ways to get past that rock slide, it's just that one road all the way to the NC border.
  21. Roughly 9 hours, give or take, depending on what speed you are willing to drive. Also, with the most direct route not available, you might need to allow a little more time than that.
  22. That's awesome news. For all you newbies... even at the speed limit, the Dragon is a blast. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that most people can't even do it at the limit, not without crossing the double yellow lines on corners (which is a BIG no-no).
  23. Oh what a shame - they're gorgeous!
  24. Very nice - what happened to those really sweet ones you bought from Tüls?
  25. That was indeed part of my joking reference.
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