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DCMM Allsports Karting Day

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Thanks again to everyone who came out to race and those who came out to cheer us on!


Pos. Name Points

1. Duane............. 48

2. RDG_RCR .........47

3. Themostblack ....43

4. Andrew Brown ... 41

5. SMcAlpin .......... 37

6. omgMINI .......... 37

7. ERMAHGERD...... 36

8. Alan ................. 33

9. El Coqui............. 32

10. pastaman......... 31

11. Mel.................. 31

12. SlingsDogs........ 29

13. Edge ............... 26

14. JT ....................22

15. Michael P.......... 21

16. KC................... 21

17. Jaketrout33........21

18. LolaMINI............19

19. BLUR ................16

20. Chris Barnes ......15




1. SMcAlpin..............26.250

2. Andrew Brown......26.322

3. Themostblack.......26.427

4. RDG_RCR.............26.491

5. Duane..................26.615

6. omgMINI..............26.765

7. pastaman.............26.831

8. Alan.....................26.383

9. SlingsDogs............26.923

10. El Coqui...............27.074

11. JT.......................27.106

12. ERMAHGERD........27.111

13. Edge...................27.248

14. Mel.....................27.318

15. Michael P............27.815

16. KC.....................28.038

17. BLUR.................28.422

18. Jaketrout33........28.594

19. LolaMINI............29.217

20. Chris Barnes.......29.870





All - if you haven't gone indoor karting before - give it a shot! I'm a big ol' fraidy cat, and even I do alright. They say it's also a good way to keep your driving skills sharp, or even improve a bit (which I need!)



As I just posted in the planning/feelers thread:


Please note that if you haven't pre-paid the $90, you are NOT RSVPed as Yes to this event yet. This is an especially important point that everyone needs to understand - Tyler (RDG_RCR) is really going out on a limb here, putting up the required non-refundable $720 deposit himself to guarantee the time slot. PLEASE follow-through and send him your $90 (per participant) in advance if you are sure you want to go.



"Mr. OEM" - 05 JCW (TK, GPIC, SS, GPTA, R56 RSB, StBr, R56 BBK, GPWhls, SV, RS, R56 GSI, IES, StrWhl, GK, HG, LBIT) MCS, HB/HB, Packs: 1, 2, 3 & 4. LSD, Rear FL, LB/PB upholstery (inc. LB SB & HB), HB Int, Anth. HL, PDC, Nav. OEM: DPSM+Aux, SIRIUS, BT, RV Cam, Aux gauges, ILK, Alarm, AK, PFM, DL, SpLnk, CFD, CSL, BIW, R52 diag rods, EuroTL, EuroWT, EPS, EASM. AM: IanCullAUC, Intravee+KCA420i, SchrothR4, MM-STR.

License Plate: SUV2BIG MotoringID: CARVE129


Sorry everyone, there have been some changes to the event. I hope this doesn't ruin anyone's plans. Please see the original post for details. I hope to see you there!!


  LostDenverite said:
Sorry to hear about the date change. Sunday I could do, Saturday I'm already booked for a trip to Whitetail.


Oh well, see y'all at dinner on Sun.


Sorry to hear that, see you Sunday.



Payment sent - looking forward to the event! :smile:

"Mr. OEM" - 05 JCW (TK, GPIC, SS, GPTA, R56 RSB, StBr, R56 BBK, GPWhls, SV, RS, R56 GSI, IES, StrWhl, GK, HG, LBIT) MCS, HB/HB, Packs: 1, 2, 3 & 4. LSD, Rear FL, LB/PB upholstery (inc. LB SB & HB), HB Int, Anth. HL, PDC, Nav. OEM: DPSM+Aux, SIRIUS, BT, RV Cam, Aux gauges, ILK, Alarm, AK, PFM, DL, SpLnk, CFD, CSL, BIW, R52 diag rods, EuroTL, EuroWT, EPS, EASM. AM: IanCullAUC, Intravee+KCA420i, SchrothR4, MM-STR.

License Plate: SUV2BIG MotoringID: CARVE129


Ok everyone, so we have reached the minimum 8 people we need to hold the event. Thanks for your support! 4 more people and we will reach "Sprint Racing" if we do this everyone will get $5 back!!


  RDG_RCR said:
Ok everyone, so we have reached the minimum 8 people we need to hold the event. Thanks for your support! 4 more people and we will reach "Sprint Racing" if we do this everyone will get $5 back!!


I just dropped my check in the mail for 2, will probably send another check for a third but I don't have his money yet. So you're 1/2 way to the extra 4 :top:

2011 Clubman S - LzB/Black "Clubby"

Go Wahoos!


Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time! (Round #3, May 2014) http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe

  wahoo_shoe said:
I just dropped my check in the mail for 2, will probably send another check for a third but I don't have his money yet. So you're 1/2 way to the extra 4 :top:


Awesome, looks like I will have to contact Allsports soon to upgrade our package.:rock:


  RDG_RCR said:
Awesome, looks like I will have to contact Allsports soon to upgrade our package.:rock:


I did the 5 sets of 10 last time I was there and liked it a lot. It gave you enough laps to get into it, but 5 runs gave you enough time to breathe in between and get a strategy :top:

2011 Clubman S - LzB/Black "Clubby"

Go Wahoos!


Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time! (Round #3, May 2014) http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe


Just a reminder to everyone, only 9 more days to sign up and get us slated for the Sprint Kart racing. If we do not make this dead line we will have to limit the amount of drivers to only 11! We currently have 8 paid in full members, not including Wahoo_shoe's check that is in the mail (+2). So really we only have one more spot to fill. :motor:



Ok, so it looks like I'm in, but how do I get you the money???




  RDG_RCR said:
Just a reminder to everyone, only 9 more days to sign up and get us slated for the Sprint Kart racing. If we do not make this dead line we will have to limit the amount of drivers to only 11! We currently have 8 paid in full members, not including Wahoo_shoe's check that is in the mail (+2). So really we only have one more spot to fill. :motor:
  TheMichael said:
Ok, so it looks like I'm in, but how do I get you the money???


You can either paypal me at Tyler.Pepin@gmail.com or mail me a check, but I will not be able to add you to the official list until it clears. Also, if you are local or in town, we can meet up.



I'm really looking forward to this event. :biggrin:


...although I'm expecting to be one of the slowest people out there. When it comes to karts, body weight makes a HUGE difference because of the greater impact on overall power/weight ratio, and I'm one of the bigger people who usually participates. Ah well, I don't care, it's a blast! :motor:

"Mr. OEM" - 05 JCW (TK, GPIC, SS, GPTA, R56 RSB, StBr, R56 BBK, GPWhls, SV, RS, R56 GSI, IES, StrWhl, GK, HG, LBIT) MCS, HB/HB, Packs: 1, 2, 3 & 4. LSD, Rear FL, LB/PB upholstery (inc. LB SB & HB), HB Int, Anth. HL, PDC, Nav. OEM: DPSM+Aux, SIRIUS, BT, RV Cam, Aux gauges, ILK, Alarm, AK, PFM, DL, SpLnk, CFD, CSL, BIW, R52 diag rods, EuroTL, EuroWT, EPS, EASM. AM: IanCullAUC, Intravee+KCA420i, SchrothR4, MM-STR.

License Plate: SUV2BIG MotoringID: CARVE129

  Edge said:
I'm really looking forward to this event. :biggrin:


...although I'm expecting to be one of the slowest people out there. When it comes to karts, body weight makes a HUGE difference because of the greater impact on overall power/weight ratio, and I'm one of the bigger people who usually participates. Ah well, I don't care, it's a blast! :motor:


The last time Sara and I were there, she was beating me, I have never so sad and proud at the same time!:top:


  wahoo_shoe said:
You think they would object if there was cake? It's my boyfriend's birthday on the 10th and this is part of his bday present so obviously cake needs to be semi-involved


That would be awesome, who doesn't like cake!?


  RDG_RCR said:
That would be awesome, who doesn't like cake!?


Possibly those supplying our karts. I'll give them a call :top:


Shot them an email, but when I did a quick lookover of the FAQs, they need a valid driver's license. Don't forget those licenses!!

2011 Clubman S - LzB/Black "Clubby"

Go Wahoos!


Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time! (Round #3, May 2014) http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe

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