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Everything posted by RDG_RCR

  1. I'll have to watch it when I get home (blocked at work) You ran early in the morning, I was heat 5 (SSM), we didn't even run until after 4pm :banghead:. I have the morning shift this time around. I'll be on minimum treaded R comps so I'm hoping this rain holds off.
  2. Were you out there this past Sunday?
  3. That movie was RIDICULOUS! But great fun! I wish it had been a little warmer. My new life time goal is to flex my arm out of a cast!
  4. We'll most likely meet you there, should have a at least 3 or 4 Lotus in tow.
  5. If you have any remaining parts that may be good for an art project, let me know!
  6. Looks great!!
  7. Not sure if I will be in Minnie or Latrice, but I am down to skip the VW dealer.
  8. BOOOO!!!
  9. I'm going to get stuck in the overflow traffic.
  10. Same thing happened to Sherm's MINI!
  11. Sounds cool!
  12. well, the rim size doesn't matter, but if it is less than 140 tread wear it will bump you up. Im guessing you would have time subtracted!
  13. I'll talk to Sara about it, but not sure if she wants to make the drive for a short trip. If we end up going it will only be for the actual week, I may have a work obligation on Sunday May 2nd. If she doesn't end up going at all, I am down for couch surfing the entire time as long as I can keep a cost down to a minimum. I really want the car ready for gripfest, so this may all be moot.
  14. SCCA: http://www.wdcr-scca.org/events/autocross Great location and fast courses, but alot of classes and strict. I personally have not run with this group. BMW NCC: http://www.nccbmwcca.org/content.php?117-autocross I havent run with this group, but many of our members do. I've heard nothing but good things. Capital Driving Club: http://capitaldrivingclub.com/ This is who I run with, really laid back, multiple locations (not always a good thing) LOTS of events (two a month). No classes, but you get time added to your raw time based on tires,weight,HP. There are more around but these are the main 3 that I am familiar with
  15. Welcome! If you are interested in AutoX there are alot of options in the area and the season starts soon.
  16. It's not the same... and I dont know who that is. I'll probably just prep the car for gripfest.
  17. Welcome!
  18. win the lottery and magically come across affordable onsite lodging!
  19. grrrrr jealous!!!
  20. Saw a Black clubman S with "MINNIEME" MD tags on the BW parkway yesterday morning, it was really clean!
  21. RDG_RCR

    Mistress Run

    LOL, I think you missed something, Broken daily driver means no fun until it is fixed
  22. RDG_RCR

    Mistress Run

    Corky (the smartcar) broke down today, so if this is still going on tomorrow, I may not be able to make it.
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