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Everything posted by RDG_RCR

  1. Thanks for the info guys!
  2. Turns out these will fit a MINI (LT Dan runs a similar set up). I have a set of 15x8 +25 wheels with 225/45/15 tires that I can ran on my Exige last year. Tires are Maxxis RC-1 R comps. The wheels only weight 13lbs each. $600 OBO https://www.flickr.com/photos/137310277@N03/with/24090910575/
  3. Sara and Erin will be departing Tuesday night or wednesday morning btw.
  4. Sorry, you have to get a MI shirt. It will be covered in salt, rust, and missing a sleeve.
  5. buahahahah!! How did I miss this??? I'm conflicted, I love a v neck shirt, but I also like a 3/4 sleeve (baseball style) shirt....but I don't think they should mix. (for the men folk that is)
  6. I plan on leaving Sunday also, just depends on the weather. These tires can't handle standing water.
  7. At this point Fontana is a pipe dream and we aren't on any waiting lists that I know of, and I think Tapoca is full. We shall see! EDIT: Now on the Tapoco waiting list
  8. Sorry, Tyler has man sized feet! but back in the drifting days I was looking for the biggest ladies sized pink/black pumas (Pink was big in the early 2000s in the drifting scene) but the biggest ladies size didn't fit my 11.5s.
  9. I bought my gift for the gift exchange back in November, sorry I couldn't make it... now I need to decide if I want to save it for next year or keep it for myself :evil:
  10. Sara is possibly interested, hit her up on Facebook!
  11. Woot!! Thanks again! Now I just need to find a place or Sara, Erin, Duane and myself for weds night - Saturday morning.
  12. So my drive to the dragon is going to be determined by weather. Sara and Erin are planning on arriving Wednesday. I'd like to get there as early as Sunday (weather permitting). So if anyone has couch or floor space let me know!
  13. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!**!*! New pricing for 2016, DCMM will still of course get 20% off. New pricing for this year starts at $200. If anything is booked/paid (can defer the shoot to a later/warmer time) between now and January 31st you will get the original price. I will also be shooting at MOTD under Alicyn Drew Photography, but spots will be limited. (I needs my dragon time!)
  14. Welcome! Just keep them both!
  15. +1 !! Also, unless the drives have specific stops (like lunch plans or some other attraction) then there really isn't any limit so don't go rushing to sign up for something like that. BINGO however fills up fast, you must do that. I don't know your driving history/ability but smaller group drives are the best, theres nothing worse than driving the dragon in "DC traffic" conditions.
  16. Tapoco lodge is another good option. In the past people had problems with them, but that was the previous owners. It was sold in the winter of 14. The current owners, while still keeping it extremely nice have opened it everyone (previously it was very exclusive). I've heard nothing but good things since then. Your best bet to stay at Fontana is to make friends and see who has a spare room in their cabin and get on the waiting list as soon as you can. Camping is another option at Fontana, it is extremely cheap, but it actually sold out (for the first time in the few years that I have been going with this group) last year. Spots are only $25 a day!
  17. I'd say, "All of the above!"
  19. Shot Kickn_wing's car the other night!
  20. Ali, I'll Dropbox you the footage I got
  21. If Sara is down, I want to go as Michael Bumble' since she is Ice blue
  22. AutoX with CDC this weekend. :motor:
  23. She won't show up until 9pm!
  24. I'll see if Sara is interested.
  25. Ordered our tees
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