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Everything posted by RDG_RCR

  1. I'll be riding down on Sunday (with Ali and company) if weather allows, If it looks like rain on Monday also, I'll ride down on Saturday.
  2. Yeah, the course flowed really well! I watched some peoples videos from the weekend and it really highlighted how much over braking I was doing! :stupid:
  3. Oh ok, that's autocrossers inc. That is a different club than what I am talking about. Autocrossers inc is another one of the local driving clubs. It is run similar to SCCA, uses their classing. I will be running at Waldorf with Capital Driving Club on April 30th. All cars a classed based on weight, tires, and HP. :motor:
  4. Our class is tight, but all of us are about 3 seconds off of where we should be. We should be comparable to SM and SSP, but both classes destroyed us. I'll be at the FedEx race on the 23rd, I believe the waldorf event is the following weekend on April 30th. I plan on running that event as well. It is a fun location and a great group to run with. A bit more laid back and more runs.
  5. I did horrible, but the car does feel better. I just need to knock the rust off the driver. Also, the times handed to me and on the display board don't match the ones that were posted online. I saw Lt.Dan's runs and he looked pretty great out there. How did you do Chris?
  6. Great drive today! Small group + great pace = awesome. It was nice that the weather cleared up also. Thanks for organizing Edge!
  7. I moved those boxes, there's not that many ma'am.
  8. If it's just adjusting your ebrake cable, I'm sure Mark can knock it out.
  9. The radios allow for mass distribution of any messages, provide entertaining banter, and allow for immediate messages such as road hazards.
  10. Awesome and Welcome! It will be nice to see a roadster at FedEx! See you there (black exige).
  11. Holy crap, I just realize that its this weekend! Unfortunately, doesn't look like it will be very "Spring-y" :banghead:
  12. If you are just doing track days and not actually competing, then springs will probably fine. Just a quality adjustable strut (koni yellows) that will allow you to play with damping. If you change your mind and plan regularly competing in autoX or Time trials, then you might want to think about a more adjustable set up. Suspension tuning is black magic anyways, so unless you get a lot of track time, you will probably never find the perfect settings.
  13. I'd love to! but I already committed myself to help our fearless leader to move that day. It can't come soon enough either, I'm tired of hearing her talk about it!
  14. The results of project DOMO!
  15. Thanks Ali! As always DCMM members will get discounted. Pricing for the event is $200, DCMM members will only pay $175. This covers at least 2 photos and 1 print. Space is limited!
  16. Another great stop is the "Back of the Dragon" it's pretty much on the way back home from the dragon, only adds an hour or so to the trip. Worth it!
  17. The peak bloom prediction has been updated!! Peak bloom maybe in the next week or two! Melissa, I will keep you updated! Anyone else who might be on the fence, time is limited! Don't wait until next year!:itsme:
  18. Anyone doing any mods to their car in anticipation for the dragon? New brakes, tires, suspension?? Post up! Sara should have her short shifter installed in the next month or so, and maybe a sway bar or exhaust. I have a whole bunch of stuff, but I recently just ordered my tires! Maxxis RC1 245/15 and 275/17. Yes.. this warm weather has given me dragon brain.
  19. 1.Design crappy part 2. raise prices 3.?????? 4.Profit!! I'm guessing there aren't any aftermarket companies upgrading these?
  20. Wow, way to go MINI :banghead: EDIT: http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/how-to/273872-diy-hpfp-replacement-how-to-replace-high-pressure-fuel-pump-on-mini-cooper-r56-jcw.html Is this the same part?? $199 from ECS, I'm assuming there is more to this or something different, that's a long way off from $1200.
  21. Dooooooo iiiiiiiittttttt! :wavey:
  22. photo courtesy of google images The peak bloom predictions are out (March 31st - April 4th). There are a few locations to get a nice rig shot of your car, the blossoms, a DC land mark, and sun rise! Due to crowds this will have to be an early morning shoot, plan on meeting before sunrise to compose the shot and attach the rig. This will also only be a single angle shot, so the price will be reduced to reflect that.
  23. Sorry for your luck. This is just an opportunity to learn/work on your car. They get a lot more affordable when you wrench on them yourself... And you get to cuss a lot.
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