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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. YA that was me!!! lol :itsme:
  2. I think I saw you!! It was either yesterday or today you were across the intersection from me (I don't remember which intersection but it was in MoCo) I was in the black n Lime green one
  3. it was noted on the C3M page to RSVP here for the dinner but like with the beltway run theres just some people that struggle with that concept...
  4. ya as long as everything is still running ok, *knock on wood*, i took the duck last year but only made it half way around the beltway, i dipped out at my exit cause i was alone, new to the car and my gas gauge didnt work so i was really nervous about running out of gas in the middle of 495. I have a rule that i dont take it across state lines with out a buddy incase of mechanical issues but this year my dad is gonna do the full loop so i should be good to go :top: i think Chuck is gonna try and make it and if James is in town and he gets his steering problem fixed he might come too
  5. YAY!!! another classic! :top: idk if im gonna make it down to Alexandria tomorrow, my plans are very up in the air right now maybe ill catch you at another event
  6. ya ive noticed people REALLY dont wave back when im in the duck, i mostly just get really wierd looks, idk if its cause im on the other side of the car or cause they dont know what im driving. if you drive a MINI educate yourself on the history of your car!
  7. 190 DAYS 18 HOURS 30 MIN!!! :motor: im opening the floor for sticker ideas :stupido2: remember its gotta top last year :s:
  8. now that i dont work weekends anymore im considering leaving Saturday instead of Sunday which would put me at 192 Days 16 Hours 15 Min.!!! :party:
  9. :party::rock: :top: :beer: :eviltongue: :stupid: :motor: :marshmellow: :turtle: :toilet: :sheep: :cheers: :star: :aetsch: :ciao: :bored: :cheers: :creep: :highfive: :aetsch: :dancing: :elephant: :eating: :burnout: :lollypop: :motor: :rofl: :laugh: :hahaha: :marshmellow: :party::dontknow:
  10. to bad your not going to FCR this year Ali, the shirts are orange! :laugh:
  11. MINIFini usually does installs at the dragon, him and i believe MINI Do More both send installation directions with their hitches. Ive also seen a couple aftermarket hitches get done at the dealership as well.
  12. Came in to work this morning and found this lady looking for MINI cause she had low tire pressure, Reef Blue GOODWOOD :proud:, VA plates B33P (cute :top:) this is the first Goodwood ive seen in the wild and she was actually using the floormats with shoes on!! :stupid:
  13. I just asked carlos and he says to try window cleaner even windex or rubbing alcohol is ok just dont rub the crap out of it and just use it this once
  14. ive never had that happen before:dontknow: but at least you have clings, i took all mine off when i sold STKRS and when STKRS 2 got here i couldnt remember where i put them!! still cant find the to this day! :bawling: carlos is swinging by the dealership tomorrow, ill ask him about it. :top:
  15. what was he asking for it?
  16. i wont be hanging around that late C3M has the quartly meet at PubDog
  17. there will be food, a petting zoo, possible pony rides and lots of MINIs!!! if anyone has a classic and would like to put it on display in the showroom, drop off is thursday night and pick up saturday afternoon, loaner cars will be availible just give me a heads up so i can get a head count a couple days prior.
  18. everybody should come, this will be the last M&G in the old build, the big move is June 24th!!
  19. im offended that you didnt pick STKRS 2 to be put on display!!!:security: He's SO Ricey!!!!:burnout: Perfect for this movie!! :top:
  20. that one is the one where they photoshoped a MINI on to the upper front porch of the cabin, they always photoshop a MINI in a weird place
  21. :stupid::hahaha::party::cheers::ciao::aetsch: :alberteinstein: :creep::eviltongue::elephant::dontknow::sheep:
  22. taping all that off to paint can be a pain, most people (myself included) choose to do vinyl for the beltline and its fairly easy to put on
  23. crap wrong passport :banghead:
  24. did you really think my exhaust was stock??? :stupid: :rofl:
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