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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. If there is any miscalculation and someone ends up homeless the other bed in my room is open if you need it. Im cross town in Katies cabin.
  2. Ill be heading down Sunday morning down 81. Im usually an hour infront of you guys but if I end up getting a late start maybe I'll jump in the line.
  3. Im in just let me know which night
  4. I got another crab eater! My dad is coming!
  5. since only 2 of us are actually getting crabs I think the run should be renamed to The Great DCMM Treck Across Maryland :motor:
  6. Im game for crabs, if I can get Derrek out of bed he'll probably want snow crab but I can try and sway him to get Blue.
  8. Im game for whatever, preferably close by
  9. I'll probably be there, I'll try and drag my dad too. On a total other note, are yall hosting potluck Monday night?
  10. count me out, yall are leaving to late, I'll be about an hour in front of you, if you can catch me I'll join your caravan :burnout:
  11. to the guy in the horizon blue & black R56 going South bound on 270 this morning, thank you for playing in traffic with me, it made my commute suck a little less. sincerley the red beetle #thepoocar :motor:
  12. Now I remember why I don't caravan with yall, I leave an hour earlier. But like 2 years ago, maybe we'll run into each other down the road :2in1:
  13. I plan on doing the same thing, around what time do you plan to leave the gas station?
  14. just get tigger some swimmies!:captain:
  15. I just ordered mine!
  16. IM HERE! Where is everyone?!:marshmellow:
  17. Im getting a new flex pipe for the exhaust and +1 million hp (each sticker adds 5hp) :party:
  18. was your original pump under warranty? if so any MINI can pull that record, if it was customer paid than youd have to check with the MINI that did it. This is technically a service question so there's only so much I can pull up.
  19. yes the HPFP price got super jacked up at the first of the year. Alex check to see what date you got it changed, all parts come with a 2 year unlimited miles, if it falls in that window your covered.
  20. im leaving sunday too!!! :party:
  21. Whats the deadline for shirts?
  22. Drives opened today!! :party: FYI the Pigeon Forge Run is the best :top:
  23. can we go now!? :vroom:
  24. YAY!!!:cheers: Yall are going this year!!:party: I was kinda bored last year :bored:
  25. Here's a refresher for you Ali and anyone who doesn't know. The busted Yellow thing in the front is a classic clubman, the nice red one behind is a woody traveler. Classic Clubmans are identified by their FRONT ends not their length. BTW this was at MTTB a couple years back.
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