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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. so are you gonna be cutting down to just 1 cat?? thats what i have now, 1 cat up in the down pipe (stock) then stright pipe all the way back to the muffler (magnaflow) :top:
  2. twinsies! what happened to your plate??
  3. Ya his plate is MDSBRAIN
  4. i think you mean Marks wife, they're fellow C3M :top: i like waving at people when im in the duck and they give me really confused looks cause they have no clue what the hell im driving :rofl: :hahaha:
  5. OK I should definitely be able to do dinner, hopefully the movie wont start too early and I can make that too
  6. :party:IM HERE!!! IM HERE!!! :party: Long drive, lots of rain, but it's SSSOOO worth it!!!
  7. 12 HOURS 43 MINUTES :party:
  8. ill be leaving the house around 430 am to meet up with the HR crew and driving down with them, so its a little long but i rather drive down with someone than by myself.:motor: i did finished my car, for the most part, this morning around 3am, just have to do some touch up stuff and i should be good to go. :top::stupid:
  9. 19 HOURS 46 MINUTES :party::rock:
  10. 1 DAY 10 HOURS 06 MINUTES!!! :party:
  11. 2 DAYS 13 HOURS 57 MINUTES :party:
  12. i wish i could get off tomorrow, im WAY behind in my stickering and because of that i havent even started packing anything! :banghead:
  13. ya i think i know where your talking about, but like steph i to can be directionaly challenged:top:
  14. i was about to be like i have no clue where the marina is :dontknow: but im first thing friday morning so ill probably just drive down with you guys
  15. no thats definately new, but you can see deals gap in the background
  16. what are you talking about, thats at the tail of the dragon store, across the street from deals gap.:stupid:
  17. nothing like a good ol river crossing! :rock:
  18. sorry but no, i wish i had glow in the dark vinyl, maybe next year :dontknow:
  19. 4 DAYS 10 HOURS 27 MINUTES!!!! :party: the stickering has begun!! :stupid:
  20. I will gladly volunteer STKRS 2 for night shoot!!:rock:
  21. ME TOO!!!! :rock: but ill actually BE there sunday! :aetsch: 5 DAYS 10 HOURS 03 MINUTES :party:
  22. 7 DAYS 20 HOURS 2 MIN!!!!! :party:
  23. ive taken an auto justa on this run a couple years ago and had no problems keeping up! :rock:
  24. 10 DAYS 10 HOURS 38 MINS :party:
  25. vinyl came yesterday, exhaust is going on today, tim pieces should be back tomorrow, lights, horns and stickers next week!! :party: 11 days 10 hours 6 min!!!!! :party:
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