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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. unless rachael doesnt have all the pieces i need to reattach the borla then i just might take you up on that offer
  2. not a chance! lol its goin on the new car! im actually probably gonna buy back my old borla and put that on since i wasnt able to find a stock one.
  3. Does anybody have a R56 Cooper S STOCK exhaust that they would like to donate or sell for very very cheap!? i am in need of one ASAP other wise i just part with my beloved aftermarket exhaust:thumbsdown::bawling:. please help! :adore:
  4. just some common knowledge, summer tires do NOT work in snow! one of the sales guys just took delivery of his brand new R56 two weeks ago and didnt order it with the all seasons and slid into a curb yesterday trying to make a turn in the parking lot. his brand new MINI with less then 200 miles now needs a new bumper (awaiting further investigation if there is more damage). ATTENTION newbs! All ordered cars come standard with summer tires unless specified otherwise, if you dont know what kind of tires you have check before you venture into the snow! if you have summers the snow will win!
  5. i cant believe you still have a bottle!!! you need to play alcohol fair and just leave it on someones door step, it cant make it to another dragon!:security:
  6. thats the exact set up i have!!! luckly my dad is handy so he did all the wiring for me. As for installers in VA you might wanna talk to the master tech at the garagemahal....
  7. CRAP!! i did it again...:dontknow:
  8. this cant be stressed enough, being a veteran ive seen what happens when people push past their limits and those that cant stay on theyre side of the road. this doesnt just apply to fellow MINIs but to other traffic as well. you never know whats going to be around the next corner and it could be on your side of the road! its very important to stay alert and to keep your eyes and focus on the road, not on the pretty scenery, not on the radio, not on the passengers in the car, THE ROAD! last year i was nearly a victim of the dragon from a pickup pulling a uhal trailer that was driving way to fast all over the road and i found myself face to face with him coming around a turn. luckly there was a pull off next to me and i was able to dip in there real quick to get out of the way. be prepared for the unexpected.
  9. neon green shirt cause its bright n viberant, with a black MINI cause it's a neutral color, not to mention we have several members with black MINIs
  10. im for neon green! :top:
  11. Deals Gap is definately open to us, i know someone who stayed there two years ago, the rooms are very bare and they had their own private batheroom. But it being a motorcycle resort there are bikes riding in and out at all hours and some nights they have some extra fun in the parking lot (saw first hand before the Midnight run showed up last year).
  12. i got dad and i registered at the wee hours this morning! :sleep: I CANT WAIT!!!! DRAGON #7!!!!!:party: Ali save me a seat @ BINGO :top:
  13. i vote for a black MINI or maybe a yellow classic clubby :top:
  14. I think the more important question is are there gonna be any DCMM dragon shirts this year??
  15. it opens at 5am on sat
  16. maybe ill do that
  17. The Ugly Duckling & STKRS Duck Butt
  18. i guess i could let him go first :hmpf:
  19. i guess its a good thing STKRS is staying home, all these sparkley clean cars would make him feel bad, hes covered in salt n mud :motor:
  20. so basically the first appointment of the day, eewww im gonna have to get up early
  21. how early do i have to get up to get one of those cool fog pictures?
  22. I didnt even see the wed morning session! i want in on that!
  23. were all signed up for drives!! :motor::rock:
  24. ya im coming from work so causal dearlship attire... looks like my dads gonna be stuck at work and miss the fun tonight but pedro will be there!:rock: had some complications this morning with one of STKRS tires :banghead:
  25. Im gonna be coming straight from work so im not gonna be able to cook anything but if you think of any last min things let me know and i can pick it up on my way down.
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