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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. ive still never seafoamed STKRS, maybe ill give it a try sometime this summer
  2. thanks for all the help guys! im at work all day today, doing nothing, so if the bug starts to catch up again i should be able to handle it lol:rock:
  3. i think it goes til tues. idk but thanks for all the support guys!! :rock:
  4. So US129 Photos does a weekly post contest, last year after the dragon STKRS made it into the finals and was voted best pic of the week (thanks to Ali & Craig). This year STKRS has done it again and is neck and neck with a this black and pink Beetle, we cant let them win! If everybody can take a little time out of their day and vote once in the morning, once at lunch, once before bed everyday until next week I might be able to keep my lead!! All you have to do is click 5 stars under STKRS pic! Thanks!!:rock: www.us129photos.com
  5. i just got to work and ill be here until 630:frown: and i have to work tomorrow!:banghead: STKRS should be finished tonight :rock: and tomorrow will be a mad dash to pack everything up and get to bed at a reasonable hour.
  6. Daniel and I were thinking about going out to the Heinzelmannchen Brewery and Bridal Falls on Monday, maybe we'll stop by and have a sandwich with yall before we head over to the brewery:rock:
  7. 5 Days 15 Hours 24 Minutes 23..22..21..20..19..18..17..18..16...:motor:
  8. im with katie, my dad was on the list to get a smart as soon as they came out but once we test drove one he changed his mind. It only come in auto, the suspension sucks, and it has 0 acceleration. But as much as we tried to keep one out of our driveway when my step sister totaled her cobalt she got a "convertibe" smart car and had my dad pop off the smart badges and put mercedes badges on it! :banghead: it truely shames our driveway!
  9. its all i think about at school, at work, at home all the time!!! i think about all the MINIs, all the stickers, all the packing, all the homework,all the stickers, all the twisties, all the drinking, all the people, all the stickers! it cant come soon enough!!! leaving in 10 DAYS!!!!:motor: :party:
  10. Im definetly down for some dragon spritzer!!! luckly im staying a couple cabins up the hill so i shouldnt need a ride, i mean daniel and i got pretty drunk at this thing last year and were able to stumble up the hill in the pouring rain/tornado so i think we'll be ok :top: Also just a reminder to everyone, C3M/DCMM BBQ friday night after the brewswap up at the C3M cabin (couple cabins up the hill from the DCMM cabin) bring a side dish or drink!! PS i leave in 12 days!!! :party:
  11. im leaving 2 weeks from tomorrow!!!!! :party: @Jeff, ur a bum if you dont register!!! & if you really cant find a place to stay we have some room on the kitchen floor, or your free to camp in the driveway:top:
  12. i rsvp +1 since Daniel is a maybe, so there might be free chair after all
  13. he's not sad just random:sheep:
  14. :party::cheers::party::marshmellow: :elephant: :marshmellow::motor::rock::motor::sheep:
  15. i finally got my exhaust fixed, no more leaking!! but i sounds so quiet now, id probably be lost in that show down :bawling:
  16. Never mind I found one, but thanks for anyone who was gonna loan!:top:
  17. does anyone whos going to dinner tomorrow have a 4 1/4 hole saw bit i can barrow??
  18. i try to get all my mods done before the dragon so i can show them off:motor: and not give up my car for a day just to get them put on! :banghead: I should have Daniel's DOS intake put on in the next couple days, getting my windows tinted in two weeks :rock:and if i still have any money left after i pay my taxes im thinking about getting quad lights!! :idea:
  20. Because we live so close to the capital gas prices tend to be high, but keep in mind as you head south so do the gas prices... so really you only need to fill up enough to get outta town (aka the orange zone) and stop to fill up in the green zone! :top:
  21. Just an FYI, C3M is having a tech talk at OXSpeed this Sunday if anyone wants to come up, we're probably going to do a lil lunch before hand too!!
  22. this sounds like a lotta fun,:party: but scavenger hunts stress me out! :afraid::argh: And MINI people are oober competitive,:fight: so im probably just gonna sit this one out
  23. you could just put your phone on the curb, we dont really need visual
  24. so are you going to ever post a sound clip or what!:questionmark:
  25. I really wish i could go to this but i have to work all weekend!:banghead:
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