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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. Actually it was me lol :itsme: I'm glad your enjoying the car, hopefully well have some dry days so you really can take it out for some fun! Happy Motoring!!
  2. nice couple runs down the dragon before the crowds get there spaghetti dinner bonfires hanging out exploring! just enjoying the piece and quiet of the great smokey mountains :eating::motor::toilet::motor::motor::cheers: :rock: :sleep::motor::motor:
  3. im not sure where your located, but passport has a brand new collision center located in Marlow Hieghts, but im sure if you bring it to one of the dealerships they'll take care of transporting it over there.
  4. the funny thing is that exactly what laura did to me!:stupid: I bunked with her the first couple nights til our cabin was ready and i asked which bed she wanted and she was like " i dont sleep next to windows because i dont want the bears to break in and eat me!" :eating:so she made me sleep next to the window so when the bears broke in they would get me first and my screams would alert her so she can run away! great friend, right :hmmmm2:And Craig has a point, im a small person i wouldnt be much of snack theyd probably take one look at me and be like not worth the hassle:rofl::dontknow:
  5. OMG I wasn't even thinking about it until you brought it up!!! Now I can't wait!!!!! Geeeze !:motor:
  6. PLASTI DIP!!:rock:
  7. is this the one that goes on the roof or on the back?
  8. I hope to see yall at MoCo today!! Don't forget to park next door at the funeral home!! See yall later!!:rock:
  9. as of now i wont be able to make it, but who knows what'll happen between now and then...
  10. yes still at the same location, we have about 10 customer spots out front, all the spots on the side are inventory and the small lot in the back are for service cars, we've talked to the funeral home and there are no funerals saturday so we have the whole parking lot.:rock:
  11. ************VERY IMPORTANT********** Do NOT park at the dealership!! Please park next door at the funeral home on the other side of the hedge! thank you!
  12. its for DCMM & C3M, reguardless where you live:rock:
  13. I guess I can handle that
  14. yup no peanuts, tree nuts, or crazy nuts
  15. thanks for the suggestion haemish but i have a nut allergy so that dish is out, thai scares me cause my second meet up with C3M was at Tara Thai in MD and they basically did a big sampler type thing so everyone could try everything and i thought a lot of it tasted funny and somethings did wierd things. but i can handle fried rice and a basic noodles as long as their not the big slimmy ones that slide down your throat before your ready to swallow them.
  16. not to be that person but thai kinda scares me...
  17. I bet that was chuck! i wave at people all the time and most of the time and they just kinda look at me wierd...but i did get a wave back yesterday from a blue R53 with a check roof!:wavey:
  18. O ya plasti dip is my BFF, my wheels, headlight rings, taillight rings, hood scoop and grill trim are all plasti dipped! I'm a poor college student and the stuff is cheap! :top:
  19. OMG it's like magic!!! How it goes from green to red, it kinda looks like the wheel is bleeding, but still really cool! If I ever wash my wheels again I wanna try that stuff!
  20. plasti dip...problem solved:wink:
  21. i think im at the wrong passport...
  22. 2 words...plasti...dip! it takes about 2 cans per wheel and about 2 days to do it, and it holds up pretty well, i only had to redo my wheels once do to some peeling on the rim from new tires getting put on.:rock:
  23. thanks for everyone's help! I vote for the MINI too but theres a pic of this kid making a face out the window and he already has over 500 votes
  24. me and quitta named it Pedro :rofl:
  25. Thanks April, I think voting ends tomorrow and from the looks of it I think the bug has given up!:rock:
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