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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. Great...so me n Daniel are out, were both completely oblivious!!:banghead::dontknow:
  2. ill have full details posted Thursday afternoon after I run the route!!:motor:
  3. oops...heres the link!! http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/interior-exterior/133950-air-horn-an-exercise-in-taking-a-mod-to-the-extreme.html
  4. my horns are based off of agranger's set up, i have the same horns but instead of CO2 i use air, and instead of a t handle i have a secret button in my shift knob!! Here is the link for his horns, hes got pics, videos and lots of feedback that was really helpful!!
  5. its AMAZINGLY AWESOME pie!! you dont need ice cream or anything!! its awessome all by itself!!:top: :party:
  6. Oops didn't really look at it, but either way its a fake!
  7. my car was actually based off the 2010 BMW art car... so that corvette is a copy!! lol this v is the real deal!! :top:
  8. ^^ Parson branch round 2 WWWOOO....JK :party:
  9. What Jim said...and trust me you came to the right place to get a name Ali will have one for you by the end of the day!:top:
  10. well you can just make your own like what im using right now:top:, or you can click and save one off a website, like the ones on the dragon page or you can contact craig (coop) and he can make you a custom one (cartoon looking ones) cause he has mad skills!!:rock:
  11. i sent a message out to some of my non mini but car loving friends, gonna have to wait and see if any of them wanna go!
  12. ya i was talking to him about it this morning and he didnt seem to like the idea to much!
  13. Maybe ill let Craig take Daniel n u can be my navigator!!!:dontknow: Girl power!!:rock:
  14. i second that!!! :top:
  15. i might go with you brian, im a poor college student:frown:
  16. There's a whole feedback thread on NAM bout the car show and bill is already working on fitting descriptions onto the ballots for next year! :top:
  17. im totally kicking ass :bootyshake:right now but i can always use more help!!:top:
  18. While yall are swapping out grill pieces with various models can you check to see if the 2011 grill and trim will fit a 2010/other 2nd gen, I noticed when I put the 2011 bumpers on my car that the grill piece on them didnt match the grill on the bonnet, so if they'll fit I'd like to get a matching grill:top:
  19. ya he even gave me extra time, it's a pretty easy class!:rock:
  20. i was talking to my english teacher today (he's a harley guy) about my missed work and he noticed my dragon sweatshirt, and we started talking about the dragon (hes never gone but really wants to go), i showed him the tail of the dragon page and he was like WOW your famous!!
  21. OMG...Y CANT IT BE NEXT YEAR ALREADY!!!!:banghead: 366 DAYS!!!!:motor: I HATE NON MINI WORLD!!!:evil:
  22. I WANNA LEAVE NOW!!!!! :party:
  23. No it wasn't Rick,don't worry Alan, it was his roommate Jan (new member)
  24. BED AVAILIBLE!! single bed, $50 per night, Fontana!! I had someone drop out of my cabin this moring and I need to fill the bed, if anyone is interested or knows someone who is, please email me!! I'll leave this up on the local boards til sat. night, then all bets are off and its going up for grabs on NAM!
  25. ^^^:ciao: Im not sure if youll fit in better cause you mod :burnout: or because you already have a matching pair of shoes!!:dontknow: either way youll have fun!!:party:
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