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JAB 67

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Everything posted by JAB 67

  1. Suzie: Can you send me your email address so that I can send you the pictures, and a long description of the parts I have and in which your boyfriend might be interested? Thanks.
  2. Nice: I'll send you pictures of the wheels in the next day or so. Thanks!
  3. SusieQ: Are you sure my 17" wheels will fit your car? Bolt pattern is 4x100. Isn't your car a 2024 JCW Clubman? If so, I doubt they will fit. Or perhaps you have a Mini not listed in your profile?
  4. will do next week.
  5. Hi: 21 years of original ownership of a 2004 R53 has resulted in the collection of many gently used spare parts. I have for sale 3 seats of OE wheels, 15", 16", and 17". Hubcaps included where applicable. All in very good condition. $250 per set.
  6. I am still the original owner of a 2004 R53. You can donate everything you have to me! Thanks.
  7. During the necessary replacement of my rear main oil seal I electively replaced my OE clutch with Valeo. The OE was working fine, has never been abused, but the throw-out bearing was occasionally making noise. I'll sell the OE flywheel, pressure plate, and driven disc (which still has lots of life left) to anyone local for $100.
  8. disregard
  9. HI: I just picked up the OE installation kit for Gen 1 roof racks. It did not come with either the test arbor or the special drill bit. Anyone in DCMM have either or both of these to borrow or, better yet, to buy? TIA.
  10. Haven't decided yet what we will bring. Probably a Costco party platter. Shrimp perhaps? Open to suggestions.
  11. Winter tires? Why? It never snows anymore. LOL.
  12. 4 lug.
  13. Bump. One set free to a good home. Minimal curb rash.
  14. I have eight (8) naked OE 17" s-lite wheels taking up space in my garage. Some, but not much, curb rash. Make me an offer and they're all yours.
  15. Thanks. I got one off eBay. Arrived today. Looks like from a very low mileage car.
  16. I need a driver's side steering knuckle. Thanks!
  17. How many miles on Tigger? In any event, those prices are obscene. The low speed fan resistor can be bought for $50 and replaced in less than 2 hours max of labor.
  18. Ever sell that Kiwi?
  19. How much you want for it?
  20. How soon do you need them?
  21. Argh! Was there a recent reminder about this event? I wanted to go but forgot about it.
  22. Carl: Sorry but I will be in NYC next weekend. I could help anytime this week Tues-Thurs, or the following week Wed-Fri and perhaps that weekend.
  23. Carl: I might be able to help; let me know what you have in mind.
  24. Laura: I have something that matches your description. I will bring it tomorrow morning; however, I will be there promptly at 9:00 and leave as soon as I finish using the spring compressor, as I have other commitments that morning. If I don't see you I'll leave it with someone.
  25. I assembled my rear struts today and came to realize that the '16 mm strut nut socket' is not necessary, which probably explains why nobody makes one! The front requires one because of the deep recess in the mount, but the rear is not recessed and so a simple box wrench (plus Allen wrench) is sufficient.
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