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About CarlB

  • Rank
    Third Gear
    Third Gear

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  • Title
    Third Gear

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  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Factory JCW (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Astro Black
  • My MINIs Roof Color

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  1. I love my R-53 JCW and have finally put it back on the road after 4 or 5 years. I had it set up for autocrossing but I got a Caterham and stopped playing with it. I want to tone it down a bit and make it into a fun street car.
  2. As long as the battery charger has a float mode you can leave the battery hooked up. You do not want to overcharge the battery.
  3. I would recommend KW if you want coilovers. 1975 mini has good advice. I would include Bilstein along with the Koni yellows. Don't get too concerned about the adjustments. Unless you get very expensive ones the adjustment is not progressive and the good manufacturers give you good damping to go with the springs.
  4. Those tires are not very sensitive to tire pressure although I ran higher pressures on my R-53. I found you could adjust the tire pressures on the front to suit the way you liked it to feel and the times didn't change. I ran anywhere from 38 to 32 and had the same results. The tire in the picture shows they are working. Competition tires need to come up to temperature and the grip on all tires comes from tearing the rubber off the tire. If the car is slowing between runs you want to cool them. In cooler temperatures you might not want to cool them down. RE-71s definitely need to be cooled on a hot day.
  5. Thank you for all the good Classic info. The overdrive gear box might be very expensive but it is still a nice thing to have. I really look forward to seeing your car. It is one of the nicest ones I have seen. I wouldn't give up on my first gen for one yet. I love my 06 JCW. I am still curious about where the picture was taken. The big Caterham sign got my attention. I have a Caterham and did not know any shops around here had a connection.
  6. Ali - Tggrrr looks great. I look forward to seeing it in person. That guy in Norfolk does a great job. However my primary questions are about that really cool Classic. I want to know if the latter Classics had 5 speeds so highway driving is easier? I would also like to know where the picture was taken? I have a Caterham and I was not aware there was anyone around here who worked on them.
  7. CarlB

    R-56 wheels

    I have two sets of stock 16 inch R-56 wheels. One set is free and the other set is $100.00. The one marked R-56 wheels is in good condition with some road rash. The other wheels were given to me but I haven't used them and have lots of wheels for my R-53. Faith got a new 4 door with five lugs.
  8. Very timely post. Faith has a new 4 door and we are not big fans of sun roofs. As part of the deal with Passport they were going to tent the sun roof. Then they got back to us and said they lost their guy. They would pay to have someone else do it. Is this a good guy? Who has recommendations?
  9. The typical repair is to use compound or polish. The same stuff used on car paint. A longer lasting repair is to sand with 2000 grit paper and paint with clear coat.
  10. Looking forward to the new season and great company. That is without mentioning the great bar. Wikens is going to be there. First time in public sense he was injured.
  11. I am sorry to post this but Faith is very allergic. We love dogs but because of Faith's allergies we can't have any dogs in our house.
  12. If it is raining I am not going to direct traffic as I have in the past. I have a long skinny driveway. Beyond the house there is parking. Park in front of the garage and in the area to the left of the garage. Leave one place to the left of the garage so people can turn around. If both of these places fill up park down the sides of the drive way, but leave room for people to get past.
  13. We are kid friendly and have a pack and play and are looking forward to seeing your family Edge.
  14. It looks like I am not the only one but I need to ask if I can bring someone. I am only signed up for one and Faith and I would like to come.
  15. The one that will leave you on the side of the road is the belt. I would do that first.
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