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  kgdblu said:
I just read on facebook that Barry Patascher's wife Robin has been diagnosed with MS.

For those of you don't know, Barry is the organizer of MOTD. He's been doing it for several years now and does a really fabulous job. Robin is a total sweetheart.

I don't know how this will impact the organization of MOTD13 as Barry has already begun to work on it.

Sad news, indeed.


Thanks for kind words Katie. Robin and I are determined not to let this slow us down and we hope to continue to host the MOTD for many years to come.

  TGGRRR said:
I'm not familiar, must have been before my time


I think it just petered out when we could get enough folks to volunteer to play and sing.

  snooter said:
Thanks for kind words Katie. Robin and I are determined not to let this slow us down and we hope to continue to host the MOTD for many years to come.


I have a friend with MS that has treated it through diet and major lifestyle changes. She is symptom free and not taking any drugs. It can be managed, I would be happy to send you her information offline if you would like it Barry. She's now a health coach helping people to manage illness through lifestyle changes

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman



If anyone is interested in Glamour shots again this year we have 3 sessions


Wed morning 7:00 - 9:00 at the parking lot at the start of Hellbender where the boat ramp is. The lighting will be really pretty in the morning there


Friday morning 7:00 - 9:00 at the parking lot at the start of Hellbender where the boat ramp is.


Friday afternoon 2:00 - 5:00 Tapoca Lodge at the vintage pumps


We're charging $15 a MINI and once you sign up we'll work on getting appointment times. We'll supply jpegs licensed for online use and will offer professional quality prints through the online gallery. You'll be available to buy prints or canvas prints and also specialty items with your MINIs picture like mugs, buttons, tote bags and T-shirts.


Here's a link if you want to see the pricing for stuff




Click the link view all products in the bottom right to see what we have available.



Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman


  IndiCooper said:
I didnt even see the wed morning session! i want in on that!


Go sign up!!! I guess you have to wait for Wed for that. I figure that since our shoot times are spaced out I'm letting people know the full schedule on message boards like this

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman


  IndiCooper said:
how early do i have to get up to get one of those cool fog pictures?


If the fog cooperates, you have to be there early, like no later then 7:30. It burns off as the sun fully rises. You get a little bit of time in that location because the mountains block the sun. I was lucky to get my picture of Tigger and Max at sunset one day as we drove back from the Dragon.

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman


  IndiCooper said:
so basically the first appointment of the day, eewww im gonna have to get up early :frown:


Well Barry took Wed morning at 7:00, but you could get right after him. It will be worth it if the fog decides to cooperate.

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman


  SbNimble said:
Ali, can I do 7:00 on Friday a.m. session? (Yes, I'm signed up). Trying to make the Dragon Parade @ 8:00.


Thanks, Sherm

  TGGRRR said:
Which day?
Skimming again? :tongue:

"Mr. OEM" - 05 JCW (TK, GPIC, SS, GPTA, R56 RSB, StBr, R56 BBK, GPWhls, SV, RS, R56 GSI, IES, StrWhl, GK, HG, LBIT) MCS, HB/HB, Packs: 1, 2, 3 & 4. LSD, Rear FL, LB/PB upholstery (inc. LB SB & HB), HB Int, Anth. HL, PDC, Nav. OEM: DPSM+Aux, SIRIUS, BT, RV Cam, Aux gauges, ILK, Alarm, AK, PFM, DL, SpLnk, CFD, CSL, BIW, R52 diag rods, EuroTL, EuroWT, EPS, EASM. AM: IanCullAUC, Intravee+KCA420i, SchrothR4, MM-STR.

License Plate: SUV2BIG MotoringID: CARVE129

  SbNimble said:
Ali, can I do 7:00 on Friday a.m. session? (Yes, I'm signed up). Trying to make the Dragon Parade @ 8:00.


Thanks, Sherm


I'll put you in for it, you'll be at the same time as Celia who wants a cool fog picture :biggrin:

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman



It's too early to put in for mine, but on a side note.. Is there usually a thread that let's everyone post their departure times from the area so people can organize caravans? Or does that happen within this thread?


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